Welcome to the Archaeology of Zoos Network


This website will be eternally under construction, but is particularly so at the moment.

 Launched: Sept. 8, 2002. Relocated to York server: September 1, 2003.



UPDATE on our activities: In June 2003, members of the Archaeology of Zoos Network and guests presented a session at the World Archaeological Congress in Washington D.C.  Please visit our conference website here: www.logomancer.com/aoz/



What is the Archaeology of Zoos? Overview of our project

Network publications

Our conference sessions to date

Our guests

Photo gallery

Work in progress


Favourite links

Warm Acknowledgements: The Network is very grateful to the British Academy for the Network Funding that has made this project possible. Also significant have been the contributions of our home institutions to individuals members' travel funds for presenting papers at joint conference sessions. The Network members are also grateful to generous hosts who have helped with accommodation, to zoo personnel, and to patient partners, children, and dogs for permitting their travel.

The Fine Print: Except where text is indicated as the work of a sole author, authorship of this website is shared by project members; however, it should not be assumed that all members of the network share all of the opinions herein.

She Who Runs the Website: Kathryn Denning, email: kdenning@yorku.ca