Taxing trend Poor carry bigger burden than rich 2007




Nov 08, 2007 04:30 AM

Les Whittington

Ottawa bureau


OTTAWA–The tax burden for the richest Canadians is falling while the poorest are paying more, according to a new study.


After years of tax cuts, the top 1 per cent of families was by 2005 paying a lower percentage of their income to governments than those at the bottom of the income scale, according to analysis of the tax system published today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.


"Canada's tax system now fails a basic test of fairness," said Marc Lee, a senior economist with the Ottawa-based think tank.


"Canada's upper income earners are not paying their fair share in taxes compared to 15 years ago."


The policy centre said the trend is eating away at the concept that underpins the tax system – the notion of progressiveness that says those with a greater ability to pay should contribute more than others.


Lee's analysis tracks the percentage of all earnings Canadians in different income brackets send to federal, provincial and local governments in the form of income, payroll and property taxes and in fees.


It finds that the rich, with annual incomes of more than $265,000, saw their tax rate decline dramatically between 1990 and 2005 by nearly 4 percentage points to 30.5 per cent.


In contrast, those in the bottom 10 per cent of income earners – with earnings of $13,500 or less – watched their rate rise by 5 percentage points to 30.7 per cent.


The study, Eroding Tax Fairness: Tax Incidence in Canada 1990 to 2005, says that over the same period most Canadians saw their tax rate fall by about 2 percentage points.


But middle-income families still pay about 6 percentage points more in total taxes than a family in the top 1 per cent.


"We've lost progressivity, particularly at the very top of the earnings distribution, and we should be aiming to have a tax system where the most able, the most affluent in our society, are paying a greater share of their income in taxes," Lee said in an interview.


He said this development over 15 years owes much to provincial income tax cuts such as those brought in by the governments of Mike Harris when he was Ontario premier from 1995 until 2002.


But the trend toward a regressive tax system, where the share of income paid in tax drops as income rises, has been accelerated since 2000 by billions of dollars in tax reductions by the federal government, according to his analysis.


Lee said this shift can only pick up steam as a result of the six-year, $14 billion cut in corporate taxes decreed in the Harper government's Oct. 30 mini-budget because those who benefit from corporate earnings tend to be at the upper end of the earnings scale.


"Essentially, it's a fairly large upper-income tax cut," he said, adding that it means the whole system will likely become more unfair.


"This is going to make that trend of the regressive pattern at the very top all the worse."


The study notes that after the mid-1990s, policymakers in Ottawa and Ontario began a move toward personal and corporate tax reductions.


By the early 2000s, most provincial governments had joined in with tax cuts and it is these provincial measures that have driven the reduction in total taxes more than federal tax changes, the study concludes.


Upper-income earners benefited from a 2001 federal decision to eliminate the 5 per cent "high-income surtax" and from preferential treatment of capital gains from the sale of stock market shares and real estate.


The affluent were also better able to take advantage of increased allowable tax deductions for RRSPs, Lee said.


At the other end of the scale, low-income earners saw their tax rates accelerate as a result of increases in payroll, consumption and property taxes, as well as user fees.


The analysis concludes that there is scope for raising income taxes at the top of the income ladder to make the system fairer.


"Such changes would help to ensure those who can afford to contribute more for public goods and services valued by all Canadians can do so," the study says.