MacKenzie, I. S., & Riddersma, S. (1994). Effects of output display and control-display gain on human performance in interactive systems. Behaviour & Information Technology, 13, 328-337. doi:10.1080/01449299408914613. [PDF]
Human performance comparisons on interactive systems were drawn between output displays (CRT and LCD) across settings of control-display gain. Empirical evidence was sought in light of the common feeling in the user community that motor-sensory tasks are more difficult on a system equipped with an LCD display vs. a CRT display. In a routine target acquisition task using a mouse, movement times were 34% longer and motor-sensory bandwidth was 25% less when the output display was an LCD vs. a CRT. No significant difference in error rates was found. Control-display (C-D) gain was tested as a possible confounding factor; however, no interaction effect was found. There was a significant, opposing main effect for C-D gain on movement time and error rates, illustrating the difficulty in optimizing C-D gain on the basis of movement time alone.