
Errata for Human-Computer Interaction: An Empirical Research Perspective are posted here. If you spot any errors in the book, please let me know. I'll post a correction here.


Scott MacKenzie (mack "at"

Page Location Error and Correction
74 First full paragraph The Buxton reference is to the wrong paper. The sentence should read, "The hard-control / soft-control distinction is similar to the idea of space multiplexing versus time multiplexing (Buxton, 1986)".

162 Figure 5.2 This figure contains some errors. Given k independent variables, the number of effects is 2k - 1, consisting of k main effects and 2k - k - 1 interaction effects.

Here's a corrected version of Figure 5.2:

197 Second full paragraph The 2nd last sentence should read, "In the example, the effect size is given as a relative difference: the task completion time for Method A was 18.2 percent less than that for Method B.

Thanks to Tovi Grossman for pointing out this error.

296 Second paragraph Oops! The correct title of Pirolli et al.'s paper is "Silk from a Sow's Ear: Extracting Usable Structures From the Web".

Thanks to Steven Castellucci for pointing out this error.

326 Near bottom of page Wrong year for Hannagan & Regenbrecht reference. Should read, "Hannagan, J., & Regenbrecht (2007)".

336 Near bottom of page Wrong year for Rümelin reference. Should read, "Rümelin, S., Rukzio, E., & Hardy, R. (2011)".

Thanks to Francisco Ortega for pointing out this error.