Dube, T. J., Ren, Y., Limerick, H., MacKenzie, I. S., & Arif, A. S. (2022). Push, tap, dwell, and pinch: Evaluation of four mid-air selection methods augmented with ultrasonic haptic feedback. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6, ISS, Article No. 565, pp. 207-225. New York: ACM. doi:10.1145/3567718. [PDF]
Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch: Evaluation of Four Mid-air Selection Methods Augmented with Ultrasonic Haptic Feedback
1University of California, Merced, United States
tdube@ucmerced.edu, yren5@ucmerced.edu, asarif@ucmerced.edu2Ultraleap Ltd., United Kingdom
hannah.limerick@gmail.com3 York University, Canada
Fig. 1. The four mid-air selection methods explored in this work, with two types of ultrasonic haptic feedback. From left, Push, users move the index finger forward like pushing an elevator key, Tap, users flick the index finger downwards like tapping on a touchscreen, Dwell, users hold the current position of the index finger for 800 ms, and Pinch, users pinch using the thumb and index finger.
This work compares four mid-air target selection methods (Push, Tap, Dwell, Pinch) with two types of ultrasonic haptic feedback (Select, Hover & Select) in a Fitts' law experiment. Results revealed that Tap is the fastest, the most accurate, and one of the least physically and cognitively demanding selection methods. Pinch is relatively fast but error prone and physically and cognitively demanding. Dwell is slowest by design, yet the most accurate and the least physically and cognitively demanding. Both haptic feedback methods improve selection performance by increasing users' spatial awareness. Particularly, Push augmented with Hover & Select feedback is comparable to Tap. Besides, participants perceive the selection methods as faster, more accurate, and more physically and cognitively comfortable with the haptic feedback methods.CCS CONCEPTS
• Human-centered computing → Gestural input; Pointing; Haptic devices.Additional Key Words and Phrases:
Fitts' law, gestural input and interaction, mid-air, in-air, selecting, pointing
Mid-air gestural interaction is more natural and intuitive than traditional interaction methods since it enables direct control of virtual objects using analogies from the real-world [8, 18, 23, 32, 67]. Due to the unreliability of early tracking systems and gesture recognition methods, early work in the area focused on improving gesture detection and recognition. There is also considerable work on eliciting mid-air gestures from users to increase their guessability [61]. Recently, the growing availability, affordability, and reliability of commercial gesture recognition products (e.g., Leap Motion Controller and Microsoft Kinect) there is increased use of three-dimensional (3D) mid-air gestures to interact with two-dimensional (2D) displays (e.g., interactive tabletops and walls, smart televisions, and desktop monitors) and content (e.g., menus and keyboards).A survey of 80 recently published papers on mid-air gestures [33] revealed that 50% of the surveyed prototypes contained 2D displays and content, 29% contained 3D content, and the remaining 21% of the prototypes did not develop any digital content, but instead asked participants to point at an analog target. This growing interest in interacting with 2D displays and content with 3D gestures is presumably because 3D gestures are more natural [8, 23, 67] and do not necessarily require holding or wearing an extramural device for interaction, like a mouse or a controller. The spread of COVID-19 has also inspired interest in investigating mid-air gestures to enable contactless interaction with public devices, including ATMs and kiosks [17, 28]. However, little work has focused on comparing different mid-air selection methods for desktop and situated displays to identify the best performed gestures in terms of speed, accuracy, and user preference.
Mid-air gestures are difficult to perform due to the lack of spatial feedback. We experience real-world 3D reality by exploring spatial relationships between real-world objects, and performing gestures relative to these objects [23, 51]. The absence of a spatial reference makes mid-air gestures a consciously calculated activity rather a simple and effortless process [5], and this affects speed, accuracy, and ergonomics. To address this, various haptic feedback mechanisms have been proposed, including vibrotactile feedback through wearables, ultrasound, magnetic field repulsion, and air vortex. Most of this work, however, compares novel haptic feedback methods with traditional feedback methods (visual and auditory) rather than comparing the effects of different types of haptic feedback produced by the method (e.g., proximity and actions-based) on mid-air gestures.
In this work, we compare the four most commonly used mid-air selection methods (Push, Tap, Dwell, Pinch) [8] with two types of ultrasonic haptic feedback (Select, Hover & Select). We used a Fitts' law experiment to identify the best performed and most preferred mid-air gestures and haptic feedback methods for target selection. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We begin with a review of the relevant literature, then describe the standard Fitts' law experimental protocol. We then discuss the design and development of the investigated mid-air gestures and feedback methods. This is followed with the methodology of the Fitts' law experiment, then the results and design recommendations based on the findings. Finally, we conclude with reflection on potential future extensions of the work.
2.1 Mid-air Gestures
Performing mid-air gestures is considered a more natural and intuitive mode of interaction than traditional interaction methods as it enables direct control of virtual objects using analogies from the real-world [8, 18, 23, 32, 67]. Yet, the most commonly used mid-air gestures are not well investigated for desktop and situated displays. There is a large body of work on eliciting and gathering intuitive mid-air gestures for desktop, situated, and large displays [63, 66, 68] and virtual and augmented reality [3]. Researchers have also investigated mid-air hand and whole-body gestures on various platforms, including desktop and situated displays [4, 10, 15, 29-31, 50], large public displays and spaces [1, 42, 45, 64], and augmented and virtual reality [6, 8, 14, 43, 64]. Some have also combined mid-air gestures with other interaction modalities, particularly touch [42], physical buttons [7], eye-gaze [10, 41, 46], and speech [21] to enable multi-modal interaction. Most of this work, however, focuses on comparing mid-air gestures with traditional interaction methods rather than comparing the most commonly used mid-air gestures with each other in terms of performance, user preference, and comfort [32].
Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch are the most commonly used mid-air gestures for target selection [4, 29, 30, 58]. Bachmann et al. [4] compared Tap with a mouse in a one-dimensional (1D) Fitts' law experiment, where the gesture yielded a 36% lower throughput (2.7 bps) than the mouse (4.2 bps). Foehrenbach et al. [15] conducted a 1D Fitts' experiment to compare the Pinch gesture with and without vibratory haptic feedback provided via a digital glove. The study failed to identify any significant difference between the two methods (both yielded about 2.5-3 bps throughputs). Jude et al. [30] compared Dwell (500 ms) with a mouse and a touchpad in a two-dimensional (2D) Fitts' law experiment. In the study, the gesture yielded 45% and 28% lower throughputs (2.6 bps) than the mouse (4.8 bps) and the touchpad (3.7 bps), respectively, with the dominant hand. In a similar study, Jones et al. [29] compared Forward-Backward Push with a mouse in a 2D Fitts' law experiment, where the gesture yielded a 71% lower throughput (1.2 bps) than the mouse (4.0 bps). The gesture investigated by Jones et al. is different than the one studied in this work. Jones et al. required users to make a forward then a backward push, while in our work users only had to make a forward push to select a target. Seixas et al. [50], in contrast, compared Tap with a mouse and a bimanual "grab" gesture. In the study, Tap yielded 54% and 15% lower throughputs (∼2.3 bps) compared to the mouse (∼5.0 bps) and the bimanual gesture (∼2.7 bps), respectively. In a different line of research, Cabreira and Hwang [8] showed that users find pointing with the index finger the most natural compared to other pointing approaches. Table 1 summarizes the findings of these works.
Table 1. Performance of mid-air selection methods from the literature. Only the highest reported means are listed. The table does not include findings from studies involving virtual and augmented reality and whole-body or multi-modal interaction methods since they are unlikely to be applicable to this work. "Pro." signifies Fitts' law experimental protocol, "Leap" indicates Leap Motion Controller, "IR" signifies infrared cameras, "Bps" indicates throughput in bits/second, and "Bi." signifies bimanual.
Reference Gesture Pro. Baseline Tracker Haptics Bps Bachmann et al. [4] Tap 1D Mouse Leap None 2.7 Foehrenbach et al. [15] Pinch + Vibration 1D Pinch IR Vibratory 3.0 Jones et al. [29] For-Back Push 2D Mouse Leap None 1.2 Jude et al. [30] Dwell (500 ms) 2D Mouse, Touchpad Leap None 2.6 Seixas et al. [50] Tap 2D Mouse, Bi. Gesture Leap None 2.3
2.2 Mid-air Haptic Feedback
In the real-world, we experience 3D reality by experimenting with spatial relationships between tangible objects, and tend to perform gestures relative to these objects [23, 51]. Mid-air gestures are difficult to perform in 3D user interfaces due to the lack of this spatial reference. This increases the physical and cognitive efforts needed to perform these gestures and compromises their performance by affecting both speed and accuracy. Many novel mid-air haptic feedback methods have been proposed to address these, including vibrotactile feedback [34, 35, 40, 49, 55, 69], magnetic field repulsion [65], and air vortex [19, 52, 53]. Augmenting mid-air gestures with a mid-air haptic feedback method has shown to improve user performance and the overall interaction experience [17, 26, 36, 48, 59]. Badler et al. [5] reported that providing users with spatial reference in 3D selection tasks reduces the effort needed to perform the tasks. Cornelio Martinez et al. [12] demonstrated that mid-air interaction accompanied by mid-air haptic feedback increases users' intentional binding. Yet, most of these methods require users to wear digital bands, rings, or gloves, or use extramural devices that are bulky, intrusive, and often impractical.
Ultrasonic haptic feedback, proposed in early 2000s [24, 25], is a non-intrusive solution that provides touch sensation by sending ultrasonic waves to a target (e.g., fingertip) at different wavelengths [9, 60]. The shear wave induced in the skin tissue triggers the mechanoreceptors within the skin to generate a haptic sensation that is somewhat comparable to a vibratory sensation. The mechanoreceptors response to vibrations between 0.4 to 500 Hz. For a comprehensive review of ultrasonic haptic feedback and its applications see a recent survey [47]. While this method has been compared in empirical studies with traditional feedback methods like auditory and visual [9, 36, 60], to the best of our knowledge, no prior work has investigated the effects of different types of ultrasonic haptic feedback on the performance of the most commonly used mid-air gestures for target selection.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) The 2D Fitts' law task in ISO 9241-9. The target to select is highlighted in red. The arrows and numbers demonstrate the selection sequence. (b) Example sequence of trials from the custom Unity application. The black dot is the cursor.3 FITTS' LAW PROTOCOL
Fitts' law is a well-established method for evaluating target selection on computing systems [38]. In the 1990s, it was included in the ISO 9241-9 (revised: ISO 9241-411) standard for evaluating non-keyboard input devices by using Fitts' throughput as a dependent variable [54]. The most common multi-directional protocol evaluates target selection movements in different directions. The task is 2D with targets of width W equally spaced around the circumference of a circle (Fig. 2a). Participants select the targets in a sequence moving across and around the circle, starting and finishing at the top target. Each movement covers an amplitude A, which is the diameter of the layout circle. A trial is defined as one target selection task, whereas completing all tasks with a given amplitude is defined as a sequence. Throughput cannot be calculated on a single trial because a sequence of trials is the smallest unit of action in ISO 9241-9. Traditionally, the difficulty of each trial is measured in bits using an index of difficulty (ID), calculated as follows:
(1) The movement time (MT) is measured in seconds for each trial, then averaged over the sequence of trials. It is then used to calculate the performance throughput (TP) in bits/second (bps) using the following equation:
(2) The revised ISO 9241-9 (9241-411) used in this work [27] measures throughput using an effective index of difficult IDe, which is calculated from the effective amplitude Ae and the effective width We to make sure that the real distance traveled form one target to the next is measured. It also takes into account the spread of selections about the target center.
(4) The effective amplitude is the real distance travelled by the participants, while the effective width is calculated as follows, where SDx is the standard deviation of the selection coordinates projected on the x-axis for all trials in a sequence. This accounts for any targeting errors by the participants, assuming that participants were aiming at the center of the targets.
We developed the experimental system with Unity3D 2019.4.8f1, Leap Motion Orion 4.0.0 SDK, Leap Motion Unity Core Assets 4.4.0, and Ultraleap Unity Core Assets 1.0.0 Beta 9. The system enables users to control a cursor on a computer display by moving the hand. A Leap Motion Controller [56] tracks hand movements 200 mm above the surface, which is the ideal distance recommended by the manufacturer [37], and translates its position into x-y coordinates of the cursor on a vertical display. The system uses the following four most commonly used mid-air gestures for target selection (Fig. 1) [4, 29, 30, 58].
- Push. With this method, users point at a target with the index finger then make a forward push to select it. Due to human physiology, this also moves the hand forward, which we exploited to detect Push gestures. Based on multiple trials, we used a threshold of 100 mm/s – when the forward velocity (i.e., along the z-axis) of the palm is over this threshold, a push is detected, otherwise, the system interprets it as movements to position the cursor.
- Tap. With this method, users point at a target with the index finger then flick the finger downwards to select it. The system detects a tap based on the angle of the index finger. When users point at a target, the finger is usually extended, where the angle between the joints is almost 0° (Fig. 1). When they tap, the angle between the joints changes (the finger becomes non-extended). The system uses the default Leap Motion SDK function to detect this change in the index finger to interpret it as a tap. Users naturally extend the finger after performing a tap, which makes this method reliable and easy to detect. We also considered using the downward velocity of the index finger to detect a tap. But in lab trials, this method was unreliable, resulting in many false positives due to the continuous movement of the hand when positioning the cursor.
- Dwell. With this method, users point at a target with the index finger then hold the current position for 800 ms to select the target. We picked the dwell time in a pilot study where 4 participants (2 female, 2 male, 30.3 years, SD = 3.1) selected six circular targets of 40 pixels in diameter, arranged in a circle of 200 pixels in diameter, using 4 dwell times (400, 600, 800, and 1000 ms) in a random order. In the pilot, 800 ms performed the best in terms of accuracy and user preference. This threshold falls within usable dwell times reported in the literature [44].
- Pinch. With this method, users point at a target with the index finger then pinch using the thumb and the index finger to select the target. It is detected based on the distance between the index finger and the thumb. When the distance is less than 0.05 mm, a pinch gesture is recognized. The 0.05 mm threshold was selected in lab trials, which revealed that the Leap Motion Controller usually returns values between 0.01 and 0.05 in pinching actions. Like Tap, users have to pinch and un-pinch to select a target. Continuous pinching actions are ignored by the system to reduce accidental selections.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Ultraleap Stratos Explore – the haptics device with the metal cover used in the study, (b) The complete experimental setup. Participants sat about 700 mm away front of a display. The Ultraleap device was placed on a small table closer to the users for comfortable gesturing actions.
4.1 Ultrasonic Haptic Feedback
The system uses an Ultraleap Stratos Explore [57] haptics board (242 × 207 × 34 mm, 0.7 kg) to provide mid-air haptic feedback (Fig. 3a). The device is a phased array composed of 16 × 16 transducers that operate at a frequency of 40 kHz. The ultrasound waves produced by the transducers focus on a point within 600 mm above the device. When focused on the hand or a finger, the mechanoreceptors in human skin sense the waves as pressure or vibration [9]. The experimental system tracks the hand and the fingers using a Leap Motion Controller, then aims ultrasound waves at the tip of the index finger. Due to the tracking limitation of the controller, discussed earlier, it limits interactions between 200 to 600 mm above the haptics device. Its 700 × 700 mm haptic interaction zone [57] was mapped to a 812.8 mm display using the SDKs default linear function. The haptics board comes with two metal and three acoustic fabric frame-mounted cover materials. The system uses a metal cover (Fig. 3a), however, we were unable to identify any effect of the covers on user performance or preference in lab trials. The default Ultraleap SDK includes several ultrasonic sensations and enables developers to create new ones. We designed two different types of sensations to provide mid-air feedback, described below.
- Select. This method provides feedback on selection tasks by applying 30 × 15 mm sensation on the fingertip for 400 ms. It simulates a Lissajous curve with the default parameters (a = 3, b = 2) in the Ultraleap SDK. The sensation was drawn at a frequency of 40 Hz. The dimension of the sensation was picked based on the average human fingertip [13], while the duration was picked in lab trials (50-800 ms) as it provided the most comfortable and noticeable mid-air haptics feedback.
- Hover & Select. This method provides feedback on both hover (when the cursor is over a target) and selection tasks. It uses the same mechanism as the Select feedback (30 × 15 mm sensation via a Lissajous curve on the fingertip for 400 ms), but the hover sensation at 80% intensity and the select at 100% intensity (Fig. 4b).
We conducted a Fitts' law experiment to investigate the performance of mid-air selection methods with and without ultrasonic haptic feedback.
5.1 Participants
Twelve participants took part in the experiment (M = 30.5 years, SD = 4.7). None participated in the pilot study or the lab trials described earlier. Four identified as female, eight as male. All had university-level education. None were experienced with ultrasonic or other mid-air haptic devices. However, two had used mid-air selection methods at least once in virtual reality. Ten self-identified as right-handed, one left-handed, and one ambidextrous. They received US $30 for participating in the study.
5.2 Apparatus
The system described in Section 4 was launched on an ASUS ROG GU501GM Gaming Laptop with Intel core i7 processor, 16 GB ram, NVDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card, running on Windows 10 operating system. It was connected to an external display, HP Omen 32" gaming monitor at 2569 × 1440 pixels, where 1 pixel equals to 0.3 mm. The Fitts' law experimental protocol described in Section 3 was developed with Unity3D 2019.4.8f1.
5.3 Operation Area
The operation area was a 400 × 400 × 400 mm cubic area 200 mm above the haptic board (Fig. 4a). The system mapped finger movements in the x- and y-axes inside the area to x-y coordinates of the cursor on the computer display. Hence, the vertical operation plane was parallel to the display. When the cursor was over a target, the haptic board provided 30 × 15 mm sensation using a Lissajous curve on the fingertip for 400 ms. This fixed feedback area was selected based on multiple trials to provide comfortable feedback on the fingertip. The feedback area did not change based on the size of a target, instead the system dynamically changed feedback position based on movements in the x- or y-axis, as appropriate. For example, when the user moved the finger along the the x- or y-axis but the cursor remained inside the target, the system adjusted feedback position to provide seamless feedback on the fingertip. Movements along the z-axis were ignored; that is, the cursor did not change position based on movements in the z-axis. However, when the velocity of the movement exceeded 100 mm/s, a Push gesture was registered. Movements in the z-axis were also used to adjust the feedback position. For example, when the user moved the finger along the z-axis as the cursor remained on a target, the system dynamically changed feedback position along the z-axis to provide seamless feedback on the fingertip.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) Operation area in the experiment setup (the red shaded area) and (b) Lissajous curve with parameters a = 3, b = 2.
5.4 Procedure
The study started with a researcher explaining the research and demonstrating the system to the participants. They then signed an informed consent form and completed a short demographics questionnaire. They sat about 700 mm from the display with the haptics board placed on a small table (Fig. 3b) to provide a comfortable and reliable gesturing position (i.e., 200 mm above the haptic board). At this distance, a target of 100 pixels presents a visual angle of 2.46°.
Participants were instructed to adjust the chair to a comfortable position, if needed. They then took part in a 10-minute training block, where they selected 11 circular targets of 40 pixels in diameter, arranged in a circle of 200 pixels in diameter, with the four mid-air gestures in a random order. The main study started after that, where participants selected targets using the four selection methods augmented with the three feedback methods in a counterbalanced order using a Latin square. They were instructed to select the targets as quickly and accurately as possible without compromising comfort. We enforced a 2-minute break after each three sequences and a 5-minute break after each condition, to avoid fatigue. Participants could also request breaks at any point or extend the duration of the mandatory breaks, when needed. After the completion of all conditions, participants completed the NASA-TLX questionnaire [20] to rate the perceived workload of only the four selection methods. The questionnaire was not used to rate all conditions to keep the duration of the study within 60-90 minutes (Section 6.5). Participants also completed a custom questionnaire to rate the examine haptic feedback methods' effects on their performance and preference.
5.4.1 Safety Measures for COVID-19.
All researchers involved in this study were fully vaccinated for COVID-19. All participants were pre-screened for COVID-19 symptoms during the recruitment process by a researcher, and on the day of the experiment by the host institute. Both the researcher and the participants wore face coverings and sanitized their hands before a study session. The researcher also maintained a three-foot distance from the participants at all times. All study devices and furniture were disinfected before and after each study session. This protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
5.5 Design
The experiment was a 4 × 3 × 3 × 3 within-subjects design. The independent variables and levels were as follows:
- Selection method (Push, Tap, Dwell, Pinch) counterbalanced
- Haptic feedback (None, Select, Hover & Select) counterbalanced
- Amplitude (80, 360, 640 pixels)
- Width (25, 50, 75 pixels)
There were 11 trials per sequence. The three amplitudes were selected based on the capability of the haptic board and the motion sensor since they are not reliable with amplitudes outside the 80-640 pixels range. Likewise, the three widths were selected based on the smallest width recommended by the manufacturer (25 pixels) [37], while targets with widths over 75 pixels are unrealistic.
5.5.1 Performance Metrics.
The dependent variables in the experiment were throughput (TP) and movement time (MT), as described in Section 3, as well as target re-entries (TRE) and error rate (ER). Target re-entries represent the total number of times the cursor re-entered the targets in a trial after having entered them once (count/trial). Error rate signifies the average percentage of incorrect target selections per trial (%), where users performed a selection gesture outside the target.
5.5.2 Graphical Feedback.
The experimental software provided graphical feedback when the cursor was over a target by changing the color from red to blue. This feedback was included based on a pilot study, where some participants had difficulty selecting small targets in the no-haptic-feedback conditions as they could not always tell if the cursor is over the target or at the edge. Because this feedback was provided in all conditions, it is not a confounding variable in the study design. Instead, since "changes in object coloring" is the the most common type of feedback provided for target selection with mid-air gestures [33, 62], we argue that this decision increased the external validity of the work.
A complete study session took about two hours to complete, including demonstration, questionnaires, and breaks. A Shapiro-Wilk test revealed that the response variable residuals were normally distributed. A Mauchly's test indicated that the variances of populations were equal. Hence, we used a repeated-measures ANOVA for all quantitative within-subjects factors (Section 5.5). We report effect size for all statistically significant results. Eta-squared uses the Cohen's [11] interpretation where η2 = 0.001 constitutes a small, 0.05 constitutes a medium, and 0.1 constitutes a large effect. There were in total 1,296 observations, none were excluded from the analysis as outliers.
6.1 Throughput
The grand mean for throughput was 2.04 bps. The breakdown by selection method and haptic feedback is presented in Fig. 5a. By selection method, the highest throughput was 2.29 bps for Tap, followed by 2.21 bps (Pinch), 1.92 bps (Push), and 1.75 bps (Dwell). The differences were statistically significant (F3,33 = 21.08, p < .0001, η2 = .21). By haptic feedback, the highest throughput was 2.09 bps for the Select and Hover & Select, followed by 1.96 bps for the None. The differences were statistically significant (F2,22 = 5.80, p < .01, η2 = .02). Pinch with Select yielded the highest throughput (2.34 bps). However, the selection method × haptic feedback interaction effect was not statistically significant (F6,66 = 1.64, p > .05).
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Result by selection method and haptic feedback for (a) throughput (bps) and (b) movement time (ms). Error bars represent ±1 standard error. Significant main effects are highlighted with red asterisksThe breakdown by amplitude and width is presented in Fig. 6. By amplitude, the highest throughput was 2.30 bps for 360 pixels, followed by 2.13 bps (640 pixels) and 1.71 bps (80 pixels). The differences were statistically significant (F2,22 = 67.17, p < .0001, η2 = .24). By width, the highest throughput was 2.10 bps for 50 pixels, followed by 2.07 bps (75 pixels) and 1.96 bps (25 pixels). The differences were also statistically significant (F2,22 = 5.31, p < .05, η2 = .01). There was also an Amplitude × Width interaction effect (F4,44 = 6.09, p < .001). 360 × 75 pixels yielded the highest throughput (2.38 bps).
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Average throughput (bps) for the four examined mid-air gestures by Amplitude × Width and haptic feedback. (a) Push (b) Tap (c) Dwell (d) Pinch.
6.2 Movement Time
The grand mean for movement time was 1747 ms. The breakdown by selection method and haptic feedback is presented in Fig. 5b. Tap was the fastest of all selection methods (1490 ms), followed by Push (1749 ms), Pinch (1810 ms), and Dwell (19396 ms). The differences were statistically significant (F3,33 = 8.43, p < .0005, η2 = .06). By haptic feedback, Hover & Select was the fastest (1698 ms), followed by Select (1707 ms) and None (1837 ms). The differences were statistically significant (F2,22 = 5.54, p < .05, η2 = .01). However, the Selection Method × Haptic Feedback interaction effect was not statistically significant (F6,66 = 1.34, p > .05). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparisons test revealed that Push and Tap + Hover & Select were significantly faster than the other methods (∼20% faster).
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Average target re-entry and error rate by selection method and haptic feedback. (a) Target re-entries (count/trial). (b) Error rate (%). Error bars represent ±1 standard error. Significant main effects are highlighted with red asterisks.
6.3 Target Re-entries
The grand mean for target re-entries was 0.59 count/trial. The breakdown by selection method and haptic feedback is presented in Fig. 7a. By selection method, Dwell required the least number of target re-entries (0.39 count/trial), followed by Tap (0.43 count/trial), Pinch (0.65 count/trial), and Push (0.88 count/trial). The differences were statistically significant (F3,33 = 16.46, p < .0001, η2 = .05). By haptic feedback, Hover & Select required the least number of target re-entries (0.56 count/trial), followed by Select (0.59 count/trial) and None (0.60 count/trial). The differences were not statistically significant (F2,22 = 0.30, ns). There was also no significant effect of selection method × haptic feedback (F6,66 = 1.18, p > .05). However, a Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test revealed that Tap and Dwell caused significantly lower target re-entries that Push and Pinch (∼50% lower).
6.4 Error Rate
The grand mean for error rate was 2.06%. The breakdown by selection method and haptic feedback is presented in Fig. 7b. By selection method, Dwell was the most accurate with a 0% error rate, followed by Tap (1.77%), Pinch (1.99%), and Push (2.32%). The differences were statistically significant (F3,33 = 25.33, p < .0001, η2 = .05). By haptic feedback, Hover & Select was the most accurate (1.32%), followed by Select (1.56%) and None (1.57%). The differences were not statistically significant (F2,22 = 1.28, p > .05). There was also no significant effect of Selection Method × Haptic Feedback (F6,66 = 1.11, p > .05). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test identified Push to be significantly more error prone and Dwell to be significantly more accurate than the other methods. The performance of Tap and Pinch were comparable (1.8-1.9% error rate).
6.5 User Feedback
Participants completed two questionnaires upon the completion of conditions. A NASA-TLX questionnaire [20] to rate the perceived workload of the selection methods and a custom questionnaire to rate the perceived effects of the feedback methods on their performance (speed and accuracy) and physical and mental comfort on a 5-point Likert scale. We did not use the NASA-TLX questionnaire for all (4 × 3 = 12) conditions to limit the duration of the study. Besides, we argue that the overall mental and physical workload of the selection methods and the perceived effects of the feedback methods on user performance is more relevant to this work than the perceived workload of the feedback methods. We used a Friedman test to compare user ratings of the examined selection and haptic feedback methods.
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Median perceived workload of the examined selection methods and perceived effects of the examined feedback methods on user performance and overall comfort (physical and cognitive). (a) NASA-TLX questionnaire. (b) Usability questionnaire. Error bars represent ±1 standard error.
6.5.1 Perceived Workload of the Selection Methods.
A Friedman test identified a significant effect of selection method on mental demand (χ2 = 10.32, df = 3, p < .05), physical demand (χ2 = 16.18, df = 3, p < .05), performance (χ2 = 11.24, df = 3, p < .05), effort (χ2 = 11.25, df = 3, p < .05), and frustration (χ2 = 15.32, df = 3, p < .005). However, no significant effect was identified on temporal demand (χ2 = 5.64, df = 3, p = .13). Fig. 8a presents median user ratings of the four selection methods.
6.5.2 Perceived Effects of the Feedback Methods.
A Friedman test identified a significant effect of feedback method on speed (χ2 = 11.42, df = 2, p < .005), accuracy (χ2 = 19.46, df = 2, p < .0001), and overall comfort (χ2 = 8.67, df = 2, p < .05). Fig. 8b presents median user ratings of the three feedback methods.
Tap and Pinch outperformed Push and Dwell in terms of throughput (?20% higher throughput, large effect size). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test identified these two groups to be significantly different. Tap was also significantly faster than the other methods (Fig. 5b). Dwell was the slowest of all methods, as expected, since users had to wait for an 800 ms timeout period to select a target. Target amplitude and width influenced the selection methods in accordance to the Fitts' law (large and small effect sizes, respectively, see Fig. 6).
Haptic feedback improved performance of all methods (small effect size). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test identified the methods with haptic feedback to be significantly faster and more effective than without feedback. In particular, the performance of Push + Hover & Select and Pinch + Select elevated closer to Tap (Fig. 5a). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test identified this improvement to be statistically significant. It is important to note that haptic feedback improved performance of all methods despite all providing graphical feedback on collision to aid target selection (Section 5.5.2). This suggests that graphical feedback alone is not effective enough to facilitate mid-air gestural interaction.
We speculate, two factors contributed towards Tap's superior performance. First, based on user responses, performing the gesture did not demand as much physical and cognitive effort as most other methods (Fig. 8a). Second, it did not require a high level of spatial awareness since there was no restriction on how much they could bend the finger, which reduced the total number of re-entries (Fig. 7a), improving its overall performance. A case in point, Push without feedback was significantly slower than Tap despite being a visually similar gesture (Fig. 5b). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test revealed that it resulted in significantly more target re-entries than Tap, which increased the physical and cognitive effort (Fig. 8a) and affected the overall performance (Fig. 5). Its 1.01 target re-entry rate suggests that participants frequently overshot the targets (Fig. 7a), presumably due to the lack of special reference. With Push, participants moved the index finger forward, like pressing a virtual button in the 3D space. Due to the human physiology, this also moved the hand. Without spatial references, it was difficult for the participants to estimate how far they should move the finger to select a target, often moving it too much, which the system interpreted as a pointing action rather than a selection action. This phenomenon has been observed in other 3D interfaces. Hinckley et al. [23] argued that "to perform a [3D] task, the user's perceptual system needs something to refer to, something to experience" and "using a spatial reference [...] is one way to provide this perceptual experience". Consequently, target re-entries reduced by 18% and 21%, and throughput increased by 11% and 18%, when Push was augmented with Select and Hover & Select feedback methods, respectively, because the feedback provided the participants with a reference to which they can adjust the finger. Fig. 9 illustrates cursor traces from a random participant for Push with the three feedback conditions, where one can see that Push without haptic feedback caused multiple target re-entries but none when augmented with a haptic feedback method.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Cursor trace examples for Push (A = 360, W = 50 pixels) with the three feedback conditions. (a) Push with no feedback. (b) Push with Select. (c) Push with Hover & Select.Prior work reported that the performance of 3D interaction methods can improve substantially with practice when spatial references are provided. In an early work, Badler et al. [5] reported that providing users with spatial reference in 3D selection task can make a "consciously calculated activity" to a "simple and effortless process". Hence, the performance of Push with a haptic feedback can improve further over time. Relevantly, target re-entries for Tap and Dwell, which do not rely heavily on spatial awareness, are much lower than the other methods (Fig. 7a). A Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test revealed that Dwell was significantly more accurate (0% error rate) than the other methods, while Push was significantly less accurate than Tap and Pinch. This is not surprising since with Dwell the users did not have to perform any additional action but holding the current finger position for 800 ms. Tap was the second most accurate, presumably due to the reasons discussed earlier.
Participants found Dwell the least physically and cognitively demanding (Fig. 8a), regardless of it being significantly slower than the other methods. We speculate this is because Dwell did not require users to rely on their spatial awareness or perform a gesture that is different than the one used for moving the cursor. As a result, its performance did not improve much with haptic feedback (Fig. 5). Tap was the second least physically and cognitively demanding. Interestingly, participants found Pinch to be more physically demanding, effortful, and frustrating than the other gestures despite it being more effective than Push and Dwell in target selection. This could be either because Pinch was the only gesture that required the use of two fingers or since it was misrecognized a number of times during the study (about 1.5% of all instances). We discuss this further in Section 7.1.
All participants (N = 12) felt that haptic feedback improved their selection accuracy and the overall physical and cognitive comfort (Fig. 8b). Likewise, most participants (N = 10) felt that haptic feedback improved their selection speed, while the remaining participants (N = 2) were neutral about it.
7.1 Technical Issues
A few technical issues were recorded during the study. First, the Leap Motion Controller seldom stopped tracking the hand (0.01% of all cases). In such cases, we restarted the affected sequence. Second, in general, the system was able to recognize the mid-air gestures with about 100% accuracy, however, in a few occasions (about 1.5% of all cases), it was unable to recognize Pinch, in which case, participants performed the gesture again. Finally, the haptic feedback methods were not as effective when the hand was moving fast. However, our observation suggests that it did not affect performance since participants usually slowed down when the finger was closer to the target.
7.2 Generalizability in Different Postures
In the study, participants were in a seated position and selected targets at shoulder level with a bent or extended arm (Fig. 3b). One limitation of the work is it did not explore other possible positions (i.e., standing) and postures (i.e., interaction plane between the shoulder and the waist, at or below the waist, and with an bent arm). We speculate that the performance differences between the gestures will be comparable in different positions and postures in limited use. However, it is possible that the performance of some gestures will be affected more than the others in extended use due to increased "endurance", which is defined as "the amount of time a muscle can maintain a given contraction level before needing rest" [22]. Research showed that selecting targets at shoulder level with an extended arm consumes more endurance than targets between the shoulder and the waist [22]. The biomechanics of the upper limbs also suggest that selecting targets below the waist (like on a kiosk) is likely to consume the least endurance as it does not require extending the arm up, thus the arm remains closer to its resting position [16, 39]. Performing the gestures standing up, in contrast, can consume more endurance since users cannot rest their arms on the lap between the tasks. Further investigation is needed in this direction to fully understand the effects of different positions, postures, and gestures on endurance, and to find a definite answer to whether the findings of this work are generalizable to all positions or postures.
Drawing on the findings of this work, we made recommendations for picking the most appropriate mid-air selection method based on the type of tasks, performance priorities, and technological limitations, summarized in Table 2. Although aiming for the top speed and accuracy in all interactive systems may appear desirable, it is neither necessary nor possible or cost effective in all scenarios. For instance, in a game where players score points by selecting big incoming targets as fast as they can (e.g., fruit slice or slashing games), aiming for a comfortable and fast gesture that supports repetitive performance is sufficient considering the target size and task frequency. Likewise, in scenarios where accuracy is most preferred than speed and the task is not repetitive (e.g., entering PIN on an ATM machine), a more accurate gesture is sufficient (since speed and comfort in non repetitive tasks are not vital). Repetitive tasks are performed repeatedly for a longer period, like the fruit slice game or in text entry. Non-repetitive tasks are performed occasionally, such as pressing a virtual button to exit a window, open a file, or to enter a few characters (e.g., PIN). Hence, the methods appropriate for repetitive actions could be used for non-repetitive actions as well, but not vice versa. We recommend using methods with high accuracy rates, especially for repetitive tasks, since users tend to get impatient and frustrated with error prone gesture-based methods and deem them unusable when error rate is over 3% [2]. However, all methods examined here yielded high accuracy (below 2.5% error rates). Note that the table reports comfort in limited use (within an hour) and does not account for fatigue in extended use.
Table 2. Recommendations for picking the most appropriate mid-air selection method based on the type of tasks (repetitive or not repetitive actions), performance priorities (top, moderate, low), and technological limitations (availability of haptic feedback). Comfort signifies perceived workload. "Bps" indicates throughput in bits/second (only throughputs of the best performed haptic feedback are reported). The highlighted fields signify the best performed methods.
Haptic Feedback
(Recommended)Priority Method Bps Repetitions Accuracy Speed Comfort Not Available Low Moderate Top Low Pinch 2.09 Low Top Low Top Dwell 1.73 Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Push 1.75 Top Top Top Top Tap 2.27 Available Low Moderate Top Low Pinch 2.34 Low Top Low Top Dwell 1.77 Top Moderate Top Top Push 2.07 Top Top Top Top Tap 2.31
We conducted a Fitts' law experiment to compare the performance of four mid-air selection methods: Push, Tap, Dwell, and Pinch, with and without two different types of ultrasonic haptic feedback: Select, Hover & Select. Results identified Tap as the fastest, the most accurate, and one of the least physically and cognitively demanding selection methods. Pinch performed well in terms of speed, but yielded a much higher error rate and perceived workload. Dwell was the slowest of all methods by design, but interestingly, the most accurate and the least physically and cognitively demanding. Both haptic feedback methods improved performance of the selection methods, presumably by increasing users' spatial awareness. Particularly, the performance of Push, which relies on users' spatial awareness, improved substantially with haptic feedback, making it comparable to Tap. Besides, participants perceived the selection methods as faster, more accurate, and more physically and cognitively comfortable with the haptic feedback methods.
In the future, we will compare the effects of graphical, auditory, ultrasonic, and hybrid feedback (combinations of graphical, auditory, ultrasonic feedback) on target selection performance. We will also replicate the work in virtual and augmented reality to investigate whether the findings of this work are pertinent to these settings. Further, we will explore the effects of ultrasonic haptic feedback on additional mid-air gestures.
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