Canada 1 February 1 I 26 March 1 Mary 1 OK 1 Roman 1 Sam 1 Saturday 1 Saturn 1 Sunday 1 Valium 1 a 108 abandoned 1 aboard 1 about 6 accept 1 acceptance 1 accident 2 accompanied 1 according 1 account 1 acutely 1 addition 1 adult 1 advance 1 afraid 1 after 1 again 1 ages 1 agree 2 agreement 1 ahead 1 airport 1 algorithm 1 all 12 allergic 1 alligator 1 allotted 1 almost 1 always 4 am 3 amazing 1 amount 1 an 14 and 20 animal 1 anniversary 1 announce 1 answered 1 any 1 anymore 1 anything 1 apartments 1 appears 1 apple 1 appointment 1 are 36 arguing 1 around 1 as 2 ask 2 asked 2 aspirations 1 assault 1 assignment 1 astonishment 1 at 9 ate 1 athletes 1 avoided 1 aware 1 away 2 back 1 bad 5 baking 1 balance 1 ball 1 baloney 1 bank 2 bare 1 baroque 1 barracks 1 bases 1 bath 1 bathroom 1 batman 1 battles 1 be 19 bears 1 beautiful 2 been 1 beer 1 bees 1 before 3 beginning 1 behind 1 believe 1 benign 1 best 2 better 4 between 1 beware 1 big 5 biggest 1 bike 1 bill 1 bills 1 bird 1 birth 1 birthday 1 bite 1 bites 1 blast 1 blazed 1 blazing 1 blocked 1 bloodshed 1 blow 1 blues 1 bone 3 books 2 boring 2 borrower 1 boss 1 boys 1 break 1 breaks 1 breathing 1 bring 2 broke 1 broken 2 brown 1 browser 1 buckle 1 bullet 1 burglars 1 buried 1 bus 2 business 1 busy 2 but 3 by 6 bypass 1 cake 1 call 1 called 1 camera 2 camping 1 can 9 cancer 1 cannot 3 cape 1 capital 1 capitalist 1 car 2 card 1 cards 2 care 2 careless 1 cares 1 carpet 2 cars 2 cat 1 cells 1 century 1 challenged 1 chamber 1 chancellor 1 changed 1 checks 1 cheese 1 chemical 1 chemistry 1 chevy 1 child 1 children 1 chills 1 chlorine 1 chocolate 2 circumstances 1 city 1 classical 1 claus 1 close 1 closed 1 coalition 1 coffee 5 cold 1 collapse 1 come 6 coming 2 comment 1 committed 1 communicate 2 companies 1 complaints 1 complete 1 completely 1 complicated 3 concentrate 1 conferences 1 confidential 1 connected 2 conscience 1 consequences 1 consideration 1 construction 1 contest 1 contrast 1 cookies 2 cooled 1 coronation 1 correct 1 correction 1 cottage 1 cotton 1 country 2 coupon 1 course 1 court 2 courts 1 cover 1 cream 2 crime 2 crowded 1 crown 1 cups 1 curve 1 custody 1 cut 1 daily 1 daring 1 dashing 1 date 1 daughters 1 day 3 decision 1 decisions 1 deed 1 delivery 1 denial 1 department 1 depot 1 deserve 3 deserves 2 desired 1 destruction 1 details 1 detector 1 dewdrop 1 diction 1 did 5 difficult 3 dine 1 dinosaurs 1 diplomacy 1 dipped 1 direction 1 disaster 1 discharged 1 discouraging 1 discovering 1 discreet 1 disgusting 1 disturbance 1 do 20 doctor 2 does 3 dog 5 dolphins 1 door 1 doors 2 dormitory 1 double 2 dow 1 down 1 dream 1 dreamers 1 dreams 1 dress 1 drink 2 drive 2 drivers 1 driveways 1 driving 1 drove 1 drugs 3 dry 2 duck 1 due 1 each 1 early 1 earth 1 east 2 easy 1 eat 1 economy 1 edition 1 education 1 effort 3 efforts 1 ego 1 eight 1 elections 1 electric 1 electrical 1 elephants 1 elevator 1 else 2 email 1 empire 1 employee 1 encouragement 1 end 1 engine 1 enjoy 2 enlarged 1 enough 2 enter 1 entire 2 environment 2 equation 1 etiquette 1 evening 1 eventually 1 ever 1 every 4 everybody 1 everyday 1 everyone 2 everywhere 1 exam 1 example 1 exasperation 1 exceed 1 excellent 1 exchange 2 excited 1 exciting 1 exercise 2 expectancy 1 expenses 1 expensive 5 experience 2 explosion 1 express 1 extinct 1 extra 1 face 1 facts 2 failure 1 fall 1 falling 1 fans 1 fast 1 faster 3 favorite 4 favourite 1 fax 2 feel 2 feeling 1 fell 1 few 1 field 1 figure 1 file 1 find 2 fine 3 finer 1 fingers 1 fire 2 first 4 fish 1 fit 2 five 2 flashing 1 flat 1 flavored 1 flying 1 fog 1 folds 1 follow 1 food 3 football 1 for 27 force 3 forest 1 forever 1 forward 1 found 2 four 2 fourth 1 fox 2 free 1 frequently 1 freud 1 friend 1 friendly 1 from 5 front 1 fudge 1 fuel 2 full 1 fully 1 fun 1 futile 1 gallery 1 gamblers 1 game 1 gap 1 garbage 1 gas 2 gel 1 generation 1 get 9 gets 2 getting 2 give 1 gives 1 glance 1 glasses 2 go 6 goes 1 going 1 goldilocks 1 golfers 1 good 18 gospel 1 got 1 government 1 governments 1 granite 1 greasy 1 great 1 grocery 1 grow 1 growing 1 guidelines 1 gun 2 had 2 hair 2 hamburger 1 hand 1 handicapped 1 handle 1 handled 1 hands 1 hard 4 hardest 2 has 8 hate 1 have 7 having 1 he 11 head 2 healthy 1 hear 1 heat 1 heck 1 help 3 helps 1 her 4 here 1 heroic 1 high 5 higher 1 highway 1 him 1 his 2 historic 1 hold 1 hole 1 home 4 honest 1 horn 1 hour 1 hours 1 house 5 housekeeper 1 how 1 ice 1 idea 3 ides 1 idiot 1 if 6 imagination 1 immediately 2 important 4 in 34 increased 1 index 1 indication 1 inefficient 1 information 2 injustice 1 inspiring 1 insulation 1 insurance 1 interactions 1 interesting 1 interface 1 investigate 1 irregular 1 is 85 it 11 jacket 3 jammed 1 jedi 1 jewels 1 job 2 jobs 1 join 2 joke 1 jones 1 judges 1 jumped 1 jumping 2 just 6 justice 1 keep 4 keeps 1 kids 1 killer 1 king 1 kissing 1 knee 1 knees 1 knocking 1 know 2 labour 1 lagoon 1 lamb 1 land 1 largest 2 laser 1 last 1 late 4 later 1 laugh 1 laundry 1 lavatory 1 leap 1 learn 2 learning 1 leather 1 leave 3 leaving 1 left 1 lender 1 lens 1 lesson 1 letters 1 levee 2 liar 1 library 3 lie 4 life 2 light 2 like 8 limit 1 limited 1 line 1 listen 2 little 3 living 1 location 1 locked 2 long 1 longer 1 look 2 looks 2 loose 2 looses 1 losers 1 lost 1 lot 5 lottery 1 loudly 1 love 3 lovely 1 low 1 luckily 1 lunch 1 lydia 1 machine 1 machinery 1 made 2 mail 1 majesty 1 make 6 makes 3 makeup 1 man 2 many 5 mask 1 maternity 1 maximum 1 me 4 means 2 medieval 1 meet 2 meeting 2 men 1 merger 1 met 1 meter 1 mice 1 microscopes 1 midnight 3 might 1 mightier 1 mind 2 mine 1 minimum 1 minute 1 missed 1 mission 1 mix 1 moderation 1 mom 1 monitored 1 monkey 2 month 3 monthly 2 months 1 more 5 mortgage 1 most 3 mother 1 motivational 1 movie 3 much 6 murder 1 music 3 must 11 my 23 mystery 1 nasty 1 nation 4 nations 1 near 1 nearby 1 need 2 needed 1 needs 2 neither 1 nervous 1 never 9 new 3 news 2 nice 1 night 1 no 5 nobody 1 non 1 noon 1 nor 1 nose 2 not 18 note 1 nothing 3 now 1 number 1 nutty 1 obey 1 objective 1 objects 2 obligations 1 observation 1 occasional 1 occur 1 oceans 1 odd 1 of 54 off 3 offenders 1 offends 1 offensive 1 offer 1 oil 1 old 1 olympic 1 on 17 one 9 only 3 opera 1 opposing 1 or 2 order 1 ordered 1 organization 2 organize 1 our 10 out 11 over 2 overdrawn 1 owned 1 paid 1 paintings 1 panel 1 park 1 parking 3 parkways 1 parties 1 parts 1 party 1 patio 1 pay 1 peanuts 1 peek 1 peering 1 pen 1 penalty 1 people 2 period 1 persistent 1 person 1 personal 1 persons 1 phenomenon 1 photographs 1 phrases 1 physics 1 picket 1 picture 1 pies 1 pig 1 pile 1 pimp 1 pizza 1 place 2 play 6 played 1 players 1 playing 1 pleasant 1 please 5 plug 1 poisonous 1 political 1 politics 1 poorest 1 popularity 1 population 1 postal 1 powder 1 power 1 prayer 1 precautions 1 predictable 1 prefer 1 preferred 1 prepare 1 prescription 1 presence 1 presentation 1 presidential 1 presidents 1 prevailing 1 price 1 printer 1 priorities 1 priority 1 prison 1 prize 1 problem 1 problems 1 professor 1 profit 1 proposal 1 proprietor 1 protect 1 protesters 1 provide 1 provided 1 provinces 1 psychiatrist 1 psychology 1 public 1 published 1 pumping 1 punishment 1 put 2 quacks 1 quakes 1 quarter 1 question 5 questioning 1 questions 3 quick 2 quickly 1 quit 1 quite 1 quota 1 race 1 racketball 1 raged 1 rain 3 raindrops 1 raise 1 rapidly 1 rationale 1 rattle 1 reach 1 reading 2 really 1 receipts 1 recruitment 1 rectangular 1 recycling 1 red 2 redouble 1 redress 1 referendum 1 refuse 1 registered 2 registration 1 rejection 1 relations 1 religion 1 reluctant 1 rent 1 require 1 requires 1 response 2 restaurant 1 result 1 results 1 return 1 rich 1 rid 1 ridiculous 1 riding 1 rife 1 right 2 rings 1 risen 1 rises 2 risk 2 roads 1 robin 1 rocks 1 ropes 1 round 2 rover 1 rules 1 run 2 running 1 runs 1 sad 1 saddles 1 safe 1 safety 1 salesmen 1 sample 1 santa 1 saving 1 say 2 says 1 scene 1 scheduling 1 schools 1 scratch 1 season 1 seasoned 1 seasons 1 seat 1 second 1 security 1 see 5 seems 1 seen 1 sees 1 seminars 1 sends 1 sent 2 sentence 1 service 1 services 1 seven 2 shack 1 shall 1 sharp 3 she 2 sheds 1 ship 1 shirts 1 shivering 1 shop 2 shopping 2 short 1 should 4 shoulders 1 shouting 1 shrine 1 sick 1 sides 1 sign 1 silly 3 silver 1 sing 1 sister 1 sit 1 six 2 size 1 skate 1 skimmed 1 slip 1 slippery 1 slow 1 small 2 smart 3 snake 1 snow 1 so 4 socket 1 sold 1 some 4 someone 2 sons 1 soon 1 sound 1 sounds 1 space 1 spaghetti 1 speak 1 spectacular 1 speech 1 speed 2 speeding 1 spill 2 spilled 1 spoonful 1 sport 1 spot 1 sprawling 2 squander 1 stability 1 stage 1 starlight 1 statement 1 stay 1 staying 2 steep 1 step 1 sticker 1 stiff 1 still 2 stimulus 1 stock 1 stop 1 store 1 strained 1 strangers 1 streets 1 strike 2 stuck 2 stupid 1 style 1 subdivisions 1 subject 2 subjects 1 subtraction 1 suburbs 1 succeed 1 such 1 sucker 1 suggests 1 suite 1 sum 1 summit 1 sun 1 sunny 1 sunset 1 super 1 superman 1 sure 1 surgery 1 swamp 1 sweatshirt 1 swim 1 sword 1 syllabus 1 sympathy 1 system 2 tabletop 1 take 4 takes 3 taking 1 talking 1 tape 1 taste 1 taxation 1 teaching 1 team 2 tell 1 temperament 1 ten 2 tennis 1 tests 1 than 5 thank 1 that 16 the 189 their 4 there 5 these 2 they 3 thigh 1 thin 1 thing 3 things 2 think 2 thinking 1 this 21 thorough 1 thoroughly 1 those 1 thousand 1 three 3 through 4 tickets 2 tie 2 time 6 times 2 tire 1 to 57 today 4 toes 1 together 1 toil 1 tomorrow 2 tonight 2 too 15 took 3 top 1 toss 1 touchdown 1 tower 1 traditional 1 traffic 1 train 1 trains 1 transaction 1 transit 1 travel 1 traveling 3 treasure 1 treasurer 1 treasury 1 treat 1 tree 1 tried 1 triple 1 trouble 1 trucks 1 try 2 tumor 1 turfed 1 turn 1 turtleneck 1 two 3 unacceptable 1 unavailable 1 understood 1 underwent 1 unfortunate 1 unicycle 1 union 1 unions 1 universally 1 universities 1 until 1 up 6 us 3 use 1 user 1 usually 1 valid 1 validated 1 vanilla 1 ventilation 1 verbs 1 very 24 victims 1 video 1 visit 2 visited 1 voice 1 vote 1 voters 1 walk 3 wallet 1 want 4 wants 2 war 1 warm 2 warranty 1 was 14 watch 3 watched 3 water 7 waves 1 way 6 we 15 wear 1 wearing 2 wears 2 web 1 week 1 weekend 2 weekends 1 weeping 1 well 1 went 1 were 2 what 8 when 2 where 4 while 1 whole 1 why 1 wider 1 will 16 willows 1 win 3 wind 2 window 2 windy 1 winner 1 winners 1 winter 1 wisdom 1 wishful 1 with 17 withdrawal 1 without 2 witnesses 1 women 1 wonderful 1 words 3 wore 1 work 6 working 1 world 2 worm 1 worry 1 worth 1 would 2 writing 1 wrong 3 wrote 1 yap 1 yard 2 year 1 years 1 yes 1 yet 1 you 49 young 1 your 22 zero 2 zoom 1