Sigrid Schade, since 1994 Professor of Art History and Aesthetic Theory at the University Bremen, Head of the Study Centre for artist's publications (in cooperation with the Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen). Now on leave. Since March 2002 Director of the Department Cultural Studies in Art, Media and Design at the Unversity of Art and Design Zurich, which includes the Museum for Design, the Institute and branch of study on Theory of Design and Art and a postgrad branch Gender studies in Art, Media and Design, teaching also at the University Zurich. Visiting professor at the Humboldt University Berlin. Assistant at the Arts and Crafts Department of the State Collections Kassel (1982-84), assistant at the Technical University Berlin (1986-1990). Freelance Curator of the exhibition Andere Körper - Different Bodies, Centre of Contemporary Art, Linz (1994). Studies at University Bremen and the Warburg Institute London.
Research interests: Visual Culture, Cultural Institutions, Body Concepts in Art and Media, Theories of Memory and perception, Interrelations between old and new Media.
Recent Publications: Ed. with Insa Härtel: The Body and Representation. Contributions to the International Women's University Hannover 2000, Opladen, Leske +Budrich 2002 (forthcoming); Ed. with G. Fliedl, M. Sturm: Kunst als Beute. Zur symbolischen Zirkulation von Kulturobjekten (Art as Plunder. On the Symbolic Circulation of art objects), Vienna, Turia u. Kant, 2000; Ed. with Christoph Tholen: Konfigurationen zwischen Kunst und Medien (Configurations between Art and Media), Munich, Schöning 1999; Ed. Catalogue of the Exhibition Andere Körper - Different Bodies (German-English) Vienna, Linz 1996.
Articles: Vom Wunsch der Kunstgeschichte, Leitwissenschaft zu sein. Pirouetten im sogenannten pictorial turn, in: Horizonte. Ed. Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Zürich 2001; Jenny Holzer und Barbara Kruger. Kunst, Politik und Öffentlichkeit in den USA der 80er Jahre, reprinted in: Verlorene Inhalte, verordnetes Denkmal, ed. by Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin 2000; Zu-Sehen-Geben. Reflexionen kuratorischer Praxis. In: Dorothee Richter (Ed.): Curating Degree Zero, Bremen 1999 (German-English)