- Quanta Magazine article on simulating bubble collisions.
- Perimeter Institute video on simulating bubble collisions.
- Perimeter Institute article on simulating bubble collisions.
- York University faculty of science faculty profile video.
- York University physics department faculty profile video.
- TEDx talk on eternal inflation.
- FQXi blog post on searching for cosmic textures in the CMB.
- Cosmic Variance blog post on searching for cosmic bubble collisions in the CMB.
- Cosmic Variance blog post on dimension-changing cosmologies.
- Cosmic Variance blog post on a universe out of chaos.
- Cosmic Variance blog post on entropy and black holes.
- Big Science FM podcast on eternal inflation and bubble collisions.
- FQXi podcast on detecting cosmic textures with H. Peiris and S. Feeney.
- National Geographic article on detecting cosmic bubble collisions.
- BBC article on detecting cosmic bubble collisions.
- BBC Horizons: ``How big is the Universe?".
- Scientific American article on the Multiverse by A. Vilenkin and M. Tegmark.