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Design Exchange Exhibition to Showcase Winning Design, Competing Models for York University Honour Court and Information Centre Pavilion

TORONTO, January 24, 2000 -- As construction on York University's new honour court and information centre nears the mid way point, The Design Exchange will hold an exhibition of the architectural models and renderings submitted by the five architectural firms in the design competition, including the winning design by Stephen Teeple and Associates, Mon., Jan. 24 - Sun., Feb. 6.

A reception hosted by York University Vice-President (University Advancement) Gary J. Smith will mark the official opening of the exhibition Tues., Jan. 25, 6:30 p.m. at The Design Exchange, 234 Bay St., Toronto. Representative from each of the five architectural firms -- Baird/Sampson, Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg, MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller, Stephen Teeple, Taylor Hariri Pontarini -- will be on hand to discuss their innovative designs.

The honour court, which replaces the existing information kiosk, is being built by Kenaidan Construction. Construction of the 500 sq. ft. building began last October, and is due to be completed this May. It will provide York community members and visitors with a central welcoming point while giving proper recognition to the donors who have contributed to the University's remarkable success in its first 40 years.

The names of the University's major benefactors and donors will be commemorated one brick at a time. Stones containing the names of donors will be placed in the slots of the stone and concrete walls of the honour court. As donors contribute to building the university, they also build the honour court. The honour court and greeting centre was made possible by the generosity of York University's leading benefactor Seymour Schulich.

"York University has a demonstrated commitment to innovative design," said Smith. "Vari Hall and the Student Centre are but two examples; the Chemistry building, which received an architectural award, is another. The new honour court and information centre will certainly be unique, and provide an aesthetically alluring welcome and focal point to the Keele Campus."

York University Vice-President (University Advancement) Gary J. Smith

Representatives from architectural firms: Baird/Sampson; Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg; MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller; Stephen Teeple; Taylor Hariri Pontarini

A reception to mark the official opening of an exhibition of architectural models and renderings in the competition for the York University Honour Court and Information Centre pavilion (including the winning design by Stephen Teeple and Associates)

Tues., Jan. 25, 2000, 6:30 p.m.

The Design Exchange, 234 Bay St., Toronto


For more information, please contact:

Ken Turriff
Media Relations Officer
York University
(416) 736-2100, ext. 22086
email: kturriff@yorku.ca


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