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TORONTO, March 31, 1998 -- York University's Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES) has launched a CD-ROM pilot project, targeting 100 high schools in the Greater Toronto Area whose students are trying to decide where and how and what to study after graduation.

The CD-ROM, which features faculty and student profiles as well as information on programs and admissions, grew out of a project by FES Masters student Gustavo Moran. It shows OAC students what awaits them at the Faculty of Environmental Studies: a unique, interdisciplinary undergraduate degree from one of the oldest and best-established programs in environmental studies in North America.

This multi-media presentation, which has been sent to 100 high schools in the GTA, will be tested for usability and recruitment effectiveness, then re-tooled and sent out nationally and internationally in September, 1998.

"This CD-ROM gives high school students an insight into what the Faculty stands for and what they can expect if they enrol in our undergraduate program," said FES Dean Dr. Peter Victor.

York University President Dr. Lorna Marsden agreed. "We are working diligently to ensure that students are fully and easily informed about programs such as Environmental Studies that interest and challenge them. Furthermore, this initiative is a testament to the creativity and talent of the students coming out of the Faculty of Environmental Studies," she said.

As his graduate research project, Moran developed a CD ROM that explained the unique teaching and learning model used by FES. Having developed this expertise, and a good working relationship with the Instructional Technology Centre at York, Gustavo was a natural choice to work on the CD ROM.

The Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University was established in 1968 with an internationally renowned masters-only program. In 1991, Bachelors and Doctoral programs were added to the degrees offered by FES. Since 1994, more than 400 students have graduated with Bachelor of Environmental Studies degrees, and have gone on to careers in the private, not-for-profit and public sectors.

Dr. Peter Victor, Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES)
Dr. Lorna Marsden, President, York University
Gustavo Moran, FES grad who developed the CD-ROM
Ian Wright, head of the Geography department and teacher of Environmental Studies, Silverthorne Collegiate Institute

Launch/Demonstration of York's Environmental Studies CD-ROM

Wednesday, April 1, 1998
12:00 noon to 12:45 p.m.

Room 354
Lumbers Building
York University
4700 Keele Street


For more information, please contact:

Sine MacKinnon
Senior Advisor, Media Relations
(416) 736-2100, ext 22087

Jane Hargraft
External Relations, FES
(416) 736-2100, ext. 33281

Joanne Nonnekes
External Relations, FES
(416) 736-5252


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