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York U. Convenes Canada-Korea Forum with Korean Ambassador Kim Hang Kyung as Countries Prepare for First Official Visit of Korean President Kim Dae Jung

TORONTO, June 7, 1999 -- Korea's ambassador to Canada, His Excellency, Hang Kyung Kim, will open the third meeting of the Canada-Korea Forum in Toronto today, Monday, June 7 at the Park Hyatt Hotel.

Distinguished participants include: the Rt.-Hon. Joe Clark, former Prime Minister, former Forum co-chair and Leader of the federal Progressive Conservatives; Derek Burney, Chairman and CEO of Bell Canada International and former Secretary of State for External Affairs; the Hon. Barbara McDougall, former Minister of External Affairs and President of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs; Dr. Kim Kyung-won, former York University professor and former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Dr. Sakong Il, former Finance Minister; Lee Kyung-hoon, President and CEO of Daewoo Corporation; and Dr. Han Sung-joo, professor of political science at Korea University and former Foreign Affairs Minister. The Forum's convenors are York University Political Science Professor Paul Evans and Mr. Kim Kyung-won.

The Forum will look at ways to enhance Canada-Korea relations in advance of the first official visit to Canada in early July of Korean President Kim Dae Jung. Discussion will focus on the current state of the Korean economy and the prospects for trans-Pacific free trade arrangements. Korea is Canada's third largest export market in the Asia-Pacific region and Canada's seventh largest trading partner world wide.

The meeting will also examine political security issues and the possibility of new types of regional co-operation in the North Pacific. President Kim Dae Jung was a staunch human rights activist and political dissident in South Korea for three decades prior to his election as president. Under his leadership, South Korea has initiated the so-called "sunshine policy," a bold, creative and controversial effort to move from conflict to cooperation with communist North Korea.

The Canada-Korea Forum was created in 1996 as a venue for public leaders in the two countries as well as senior academics, business people, and officials in their private capacities to hold informal discussions on global, regional and bilateral affairs. The first meeting took place in Seoul in November, 1996; the second in Banff in September, 1997. The reports of those meetings were submitted to then President Kim Young Sam and Prime Minister Chretien.

The Forum begins Monday, June 7, 7 p.m. with a reception and dinner, hosted by His Excellency, Ambassador Kim, in the Prince Arthur Room, Park Hyatt Hotel, 4 Avenue Rd. Ambassador Kim and the Forum participants (see attached) will be available to the media for a photo opportunity and a few brief questions at 7:30 p.m. Discussions will convene the following day, Tuesday, June 8, at 9 a.m. at the University Club of Toronto, Main Dining Room, 380 University Avenue, and will be in-camera. A second photo-op and briefing will be held at the end of the meeting at 4:30 p.m.


For further information, please contact:

Shirley Yue, Projects Co-ordinator
York University
(416) 736-5786

Prof. Paul Evans
Dept. of Political Science
York University
(416) 922-9301

Susan Bigelow
Media Relations, York University
(416) 736-2100, ext. 22091


Canada-Korea Forum

June 8, 1999
Toronto, Ontario

List of Participants


Mr. Derek Burney
Chairman and CEO
Bell Canada International

Mr. Joseph Caron
Assistant Deputy Minister
Asia Pacific and Africa
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Professor David Dewitt
Centre for International and Security Studies
York University

Professor Wendy Dobson
Professor and Director
Institute for International Business
University of Toronto

Professor Paul Evans
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of British Columbia
(effective July 1, 1999)

The Very Reverend Dr. Sang Chul Lee
Former Moderator of United Church of Canada
Former Chancellor of Victoria University at the University of Toronto

Mr. Donald Rickerd
Zavikon Foundation

Mr. Ronald Robertson, Q.C.
Senior Partner
Fasken Campbell Godfrey, Toronto

Mr. Glenn Sheppy
Deputy Director
Korea & Oceania Division
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Mr. Cho Whan-bok
Minister Korean Embassy, Ottawa

Dr. Choo Myung-gun
Chairman of the Board
Sejong University

Dr. Chung Chong-wook
College of Social Sciences
Ajou University
Former National Security Advisor to the President

Dr. Han Sung-joo
Professor of Political Sciences
Korea University
Former Foreign Minister

Mr. Kim Dae-joong
The Chosun-Ilbo

Dr. Kim Kyung-won
Institute of Social Sciences
Former Ambassador to the US

Mr. Lee Kyung-hoon
President and CEO
Daewoo Corporation

Dr. Sakong Il
Chairman and CEO
Institute for Global Economics
Former Finance Minister

Administrative Staff

Ms. Shirley Yue
Projects Coordinator
Program for Canada-Asia Policy Studies
University of British Columbia
(effective August 1, 1999)

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