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York University United Way Campaign Goes 20% Over Goal, Raising More Than $139,000 For Needy Families; Community To Celebrate Most Successful Yield Yet

TORONTO, December 14, 1998 -- One in four families in Toronto lives below the poverty line, including more than 89,000 children; one in five seniors on fixed incomes lives in poverty; and more than 26,000 people use Toronto's hostels, thousands more live on the streets.

These statistics should give one pause, but they should also precipitate participation in the United Way campaign. That's just what has happened within the York University community which has raised more than $139,000, 20 per cent more than this year's goal, and more than $33,000 above last year's results. More than 530 people have donated to date, compared to the 395 who gave last year.

On Tues., Dec. 15, at 1 p.m. in York's Vari Hall (Rotunda), York University President Dr. Lorna Marsden will present a cheque to the United Way of Greater Toronto in front of a 30-foot thermometer/banner displaying York University's most successful yield yet to the United Way campaign.

"The outpouring of support from faculty, staff and students for our United Way Campaign has been a remarkable achievement," said Marsden, who made this year's campaign a top priority. "There are people in Toronto who are in serious need, and the York University community has responded generously to their needs, displaying one of this institution's most important values," she said.

York held a variety of events -- from a pancake breakfast to a silent auction to dress-down Fridays -- to help raise funds and awareness for the United Way.

"Not only did we surpass our goal of $115,000, but we also increased awareness about the United Way campaign and the integral role York plays in the wider community," said Gillian Sewell, Coordinator for York University's United Way Campaign. "Everybody who volunteered should be very proud of their efforts; this year's campaign has been an resounding success," she said.

12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
Faculty Club, York University

1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Cheque Hand-off Ceremony
Vari Hall (Rotunda), York University


For more information, please contact:

Gillian Sewell
United Way Campaign Coordinator
York University
(416) 736-2100, ext. 22083

Ken Turriff
Media Relations Officer
York University
(416) 736-2100, ext. 22086


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