Particle Physics Resources

Experimental Particle Physics @ York

HEP Faculty Members
       Sampa Bhadra
       Claire David
       Deborah Harris
       Scott Menary
       Wendy Taylor
       William Frisken: My Life in Physics
T2K Neutrino Experiment @JPARC
       T2K Beam Group wins 2013 Suwa Prize
ATLAS Experiment @ CERN
DUNE Neutrino Experiment @Fermilab
ALPHA Antihydrogen Trapping Experiment
       ALPHA Canada group wins 2013 Polanyi Prize

Canadian Particle Physics

Canadian Subatomic Physics Long-Range Plans
The Institute of Particle Physics
       A History of the IPP (W. Frisken)
The Canadian Association of Physicists
       Particle Physics Division
National Research Council
       York grad Nigel Lockyer was Director (2007 - 2012)
The Perimeter Institute
Canadian Light Source
       Overcomes Geographical Challenges - October, 2020
       Physics in Canada
       Canadian Journal of Physics
       Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal
Canadian Science

International Particle Physics

American Physical Society
American Institute of Physics
Union of Concerned Scientists
U.S. Dept. of Energy HEP Division
U.S. NSF Division of Physics
European Physical Society
       Europhysics News
Association of Asia Physical Societies

Physics Resources

Fundamental Physical Constants
       Physics Today | New Scientist
       Nature Physicsportal | Physics World
       American Scientist
       American Journal of Physics
       Scientific American | Discover
       Annals of Improbable Research
Interactive Modern Physics
physics central
The Nobel e-Museum (Physics)
fq(x) Community
Eric's Treasure Trove of Physics
Yahoo: Physics
About Physics
Fear of Physics
Review Articles in Physics
Physics FAQ
The Laws of Physics
Cool Science
How Things Work
Mad Science

Science Education & Outreach

Canadian Physics Education
       Ontario Association of Physics Teachers
Perimeter Institute Outreach
Particle Physics Sites
Physics Sciences Resource Center
Bad Science
Bad Astronomy

Quirks & Quarks
The Discovery Channel
Ontario Science Centre
Science North
The Why Files
Talk like a Physicist
Who's the Scientist?
Physics T-shirts [AIP] [Mathematicians]
Subatomic Particle Plushies

Physics History

AIP History of Science Web Exhibits
Letters from the Past - A PRL Retrospective
This Month in Physics History
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1901-2000
Physics in Perspective

What's New in Physics

CERN Courier
Quanta magazine
Science News
Physics Today
Physical Review Focus
PhysOrg Physics News
New Scientist
Scientific American - Physics News
New York Times Physics News
Improbable Research - What's New

Particle Physics Directory

The Particle Data Group
       PDG Live
INSPIRE (Publication Searches)
arXiv e-Print Archive
       the email list that led to arXiv
Laboratory Periodicals
       TRIUMF User Newsletter
       Fermilab News
       CERN Courier
       SLAC Today
       Fermilab | CERN | CESR
Interactions (HEP News)
Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Newsletter
Journals of High Energy Physics
       Physics - Highlights from Phys. Rev. Journals
       Phys. Rev. Letters, Phys. Rev. D
       Phys. Lett. B, NIM, Nuc. Phys. B
       Euro. Phys. C Europhys. Lett.
       New Journal of Physics
       Journal of High Energy Physics
       International Journal of Modern Physics A

Learning about Particle Physics

Learn to speak physics
Most Beautiful Science Labs
How particle detectors capture matter's hidden,
   beautiful reality
The coevolution of particle physics and computing
Particle People
       Quantum Diaries (2005 to 2016)
The Particle Adventure
A Video Tour of the Standard Model
Quantum Universe - The Revolution in
       21st-Century Particle Physics
Searching for the Building Blocks of Matter
Inquiring Minds (Fermilab)
       Particle Physics Timeline
       HEP acronyms
Particle Physics UK
The World of Beams
       The LHC@Home
       Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
       Accelerator Science in Medicine
       Lawrence and the Cyclotron
       The First Million-Volt Accelerator
Particle Detectors "Briefbook"
The Discovery of the Electron
The Fall of Parity
       October 1956: Lee and Yang Crack the Mirror of Parity
CP Violation's Early Days
Antimatter [Version Francaise]
       Sonata in LHCb: The sound of antimatter
The Discovery of Quarks
The Discovery of Charm
Revisiting the b revolution
History of Neutrinos [Version Francaise]
       The Ghost Particle (NOVA on PBS)
What is the Higgs Boson?
      The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013
      Higgs search: A half-century odyssey
      Nobel Prize - Why Particles Have Mass
      The Higgs Field, explained (August/13)

Careers in Physics

CAP Physics Careers
AIP Career Resources
physicsworld careers


The road from academia to entrepreneurship (2021)
The Importance of Investing in Physics (2021)
Hands-On Lab Skills Key for Quantum Jobs (2020)
What have particle accelerators ever done for us?
A physics MSc opens doors to myriad careers
The value of basic research (2017)
The Value of Investment by the U.S. Gov't Can't Be Overstated
Why Support Science? - Fermilab
The Use of Basic Science? - CERN
Will Innovation Flourish in the Future?
Particle Physics Benefits: Adding it up (2008)
A Fearlessly Creative Workforce (2008)