Stuff about Bees ... just because they're cool

"Bees ... by virtue of a certain geometrical forethought ... know that the hexagon is greater than the square and the triangle and will hold more honey for the same expenditure of material."
- Pappus of Alexandria (flourished in the first half of the 4th Century AD)

"We should follow, men say, the example of the bees, who flit about and cull the flowers that are suitable for producing honey, and then arrange and assort in their cells all that they have brought in; these bees, as our Virgil says,
      pack close the flowing honey,
      And swell their cells with nectar sweet."

- Seneca in a letter to his friend Lucilius (60 AD)

The Physics of Bees

And, to be fair,

  • Bees Get All the Love. Won't Someone Think of the Moths? (June, 2023). Maybe they are also worth a second look to see how physics affects their behaviour.