There continues to be a fascination with the German atomic
bomb effort from World War II as evidenced by the May, 2022, article
elusive truth of Farm Hall. Below I discuss the play "Copenhagen" which made quite a
stir several years ago. Now there is to be a
based on the so-called
Farm Hall
These are transcripts of secretly taped conversations of the German scientists (including
Heisenberg) who were interned at Farm Hall in England after the War. It seems to be an endless
game to try to interpret from these conversations what the Germans did and did not know during
WWII about making a bomb.
The play
Copenhagen by the renowned playwright and author Michael Frayn (he
wrote "Noises Off", for example) which explores the occasion in 1941 when
Heisenberg paid a visit to Bohr in Copenhagen. The intriguing question, of

Martha Henry as Margrethe Bohr in the Toronto Production
of Copenhagen- PHOTO CREDIT: SWD Photography |
course, is "what did they discuss?" Some speculate that Heisenberg was trying
to obliquely warn Bohr about the German atomic bomb project. There has been
some new (Feb. 2002) light shed on what transpired through the release of some
letters from Neils Bohr (see also
New letters
expose war-time secrets).
There is also a "Heisenberg letter" which can be found at the
Who Was Werner
Heisenberg? site maintained by the Heisenberg family. There one can find
a number of Heisenberg's letters and writings translated into english.
There is also a resources page. The
London version of the play saw very enthusiastic
reviews while the Broadway version won several Tony awards! The play opened
in Toronto in January, 2004. There were good articles on
the show and Frayn in the
Toronto Star
and Globe & Mail.
I saw the opening-night
show on January 7 (which was great) and there were reviews in the
and Globe & Mail. A
panel discussion of the scientific and ethical
issues addressed by the play happened on February 8, 2004, and I was one of the
There were a number of symposia, both in
Europe and
the U.S.,
discussing the issues surrounding the play. For example, there
was a day-long symposium on the play
"Creating Copenhagen"
at the City University of New York
which examined the scientific and historical issues brought up in the play
as well as artistic issues associated with the writing and staging of the play.
Several of the presentations at this symposium were reprinted in the
July 2000 issue of
Physics Today including:
Historical Perspective on Copenhagen,
German Uranium Project, and
Heisenberg and Albert Einstein. There is also a nice bit of detective
work by Jeremy Bernstein in
The Drawing or Why History Is Not Mathematics from the journal
Physics in Perspective.
I also recommend the book by
Jeremy Bernstein entitled Hitler's Uranium Club.
The play was the subject for the University of Pennsylvania's
Reading Project. At this site you can find a number of fascinating essays
about the play written by both artists and scientists.
There are also articles in
May 1999
CERN Courier and
June 1998 PhysicsWeb
discussing the play.
(There is another article by Jeremy
Bernstein on
Heisenberg's trip to Poland in 1943.) Finally, there are a
recent (January 2010) set of remarks entitled
Quantum imaging:
Scattered observations on "Copenhagen" which offer yet another take on
the play.
Over a hundred years ago (November 25, 1915 to be precise)
Einstein submitted
his paper on the General Theory of Relativity. Here are a few articles that commemorated this
Nature Special Issue - General Relativity at 100 - November, 2015
On the Anniversary of Two Scientific Revolutions - November, 2015
What Is General Relativity?
- November, 2015
Space, the Frontier Right in Front of Us
- November, 2015
A Century Ago, Einstein's Theory of Relativity Changed Everything
- November, 2015
Albert Einstein and Relativity in the Pages of The (NY) Times
- November, 2015
Researcher's work offers more proof of Einstein's general theory of relativity
- November, 2015
How Politics Shaped General Relativity
- November, 2015
Einstein's Biggest Triumph: A Century of General Relativity (Op-Ed)
- November, 2015
Standing the Test of Time (and Space) - October, 2015
General Relativity: 100 Years Old And Still Full Of Surprises
- October, 2015
There has been an increasing
interest in science shown by artists and vice versa.
which has lead to some interesting artworks - like those shown in the exhibit
Signatures of
the Invisible. There is also an interest from the scientist's side to
see how artists perceive science. Towards this end, the British Institute
of Physics commissioned the Rambert Dance
Company to produce a new work to celebrate the achievements of
Albert Einstein -
Celebrating Einstein with Dance,
Constant Speed (brochure)
premiered in 2005. The originators of the project were
interviewed in New Scientist.
Time is a particularly sticky problem and has been an obsession
of philosophers and physicists since, well, since time immemorial.
A nice overview is given in Time examined and time experienced (2018).
The topic has generated lots of musings such as
The Period of the Universe's Clock (June, 2020)
[The PRL article is Physical Implications of a Fundamental Period of Time]
and The origins of space and time (August, 2013).
Einstein's Clocks
(October, 2015) is a layman's discussion of the conundrum of time by Fermilab's Don
Lincoln. Check out the
essay entries (December 2008) to
fq(x) - Foundational Questions in Physics and Cosmology on
The Nature of Time. There is also a book by
Dan Falk called
In Search of Time: Journeys along a Curious Dimension
about which the Ottawa Citizen said
"Falk's book is what Hawking's A Brief History of Time should have
been." Falk has also posted an
essay on time travel which you might find amusing. In 2013, Lee Smolin
also put out a book on time called
Time Reborn which you may want to peruse.
There has always been plenty of verbiage on that old chestnut,
"Did time begin with the Big Bang?" Have a look at another video from Don Lincoln on
The Big Bang Theory
(October, 2014).
There's also The
First Second After The Big Bang (September, 2014) from the Universe Channel.
An August, 2010 article
Death Of The Big Bang, Or The Problem Of Time's Beginning also discusses the issue.
Various physics heavyweights have
weighed in on the matter in the past little while including Stephen Hawking on
Beginning of Time. There are several sites on how one experimentally
examines such a question including
Observing the Beginning of Time and
Beyond Einstein. Finally, this is a question with a long history of
theological debate. If you are interested in this kind of thing, have a look
at "Genesis: Science and the Beginning of Time"
[PDF] or
God and the Beginning of Time for a religious perspective. (I won't bias you
with my opinion but would be happy to discuss it).
A number of years ago all of
Einstein's scientific writings were made available online at
Einstein Archives Online.
English translations of his five famous papers from
the "miracle year" 1905 are collected in the book
Miraculous Year: Five Papers That Changed the Face of Physics.
Now (December, 2014) the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein including love letters,
report cards, personal thoughts and experiences are available online
both in the original german and with english translations. There's a nice article about the
release of the papers
- Inside the mind of Einstein: 44 years of writings released online -
from the December 6, 2014 Globe & Mail.
This is actually old, not new, but back in 2002 the electron double slit experiment was voted as
Science's most beautiful experiment. There are some other great one's in the list as well as
described in
Here They Are, Science's 10 Most Beautiful Experiments.
There is a new American Institute of Physics site on my hero
There is also the Rutherford site
maintained by his biographer John Campbell.
There is
a nice book by
David Bodanis called E=mc2 (naturally)
which dissects, in a very entertaining manner,
each of the terms in Einstein's most famous equation. See also
Fermilab Today from July 5, 2013 for another discussion of
the famous equation. There are further discussions in Fermilab Today about
"Proving special relativity" -
episode 1
- Friday, March 21, 2014 and
episode 2 - April 4, 2014.
There is a special issue of Nature
on The Quantum
Atom which explores "the origin and legacy of Niels Bohr's radical view of the
nuclear atom, published one hundred years ago." We can now
"see" the Bohr orbitals as discussed in
Direct view of atomic orbitals (June, 2013),
'Quantum microscope' peers into the hydrogen atom, and
A New Look at the Hydrogen
Wave Function (May, 2013)
or watch electrons in motion as summarized in
Electron spectroscopy: Not just snapshots, real movies (July, 2013).
There is also the theoretical
question about how big atoms can be which is covered in
Theoretical physics: Sizing up atoms.
The foundations of the quantum world
are still hotly debated. For discussions of this have a look at:
The Oxford Questions on the
foundations of quantum physics (July, 2013),
Science and Philosophy: A
Love-Hate Relationship (July, 2013), and
Einstein as armchair detective:
The case of stimulated radiation (July, 2013).
See also A Quantum of Solace - Timeless Questions About the Universe.
Entanglement and the Uncertainty Principle are always hot topics. See, for example,
Measurement Uncertainty:
Reply to Critics (February, 2014),
Proof mooted for quantum uncertainty (June, 2013),
Spooky action gets collective (June, 2013),
Quantum uncertainty not all in the measurement (September, 2012),
Experimental demonstration of a universally valid error-disturbance uncertainty relation in
spin measurements (January, 2012),
Quantum theorem shakes foundations (November, 2011), and
A quantum take on certainty (June, 2011).
Or how about the lowly photon. Read
here for
the unlikely origin of its name. It is still
being studied, as evidenced by the July, 2013 articles
How Stable is the Photon? and
Detection of single photons via quantum entanglement.
You can read a reconstruction of a
lecture Einstein gave on the equivalence of mass and energy in Pittsburgh in 1934. Included in

Einstein lecturing in Pittsburgh in 1934 |
the article this picture of Einstein lecturing that was in the newspaper.
See how Albert Einstein did on his
performance review
at the patent office in Bern for the year 1905.
Ride a relativistic rocket! Physicists at
the Australian National University have created a computer program called
Real Time Relativity
that "allows the user to fly through a virtual world governed by relativistic physics." You
can download the program from here.
I also highly recommend
the book Einstein's Dreams
by Alan
Lightman who is
John E. Burchard Professor of Science and Writing and senior lecturer in
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The book is a beautifully
lyrical, thoroughly entertaining, and wonderfully short, meditation on time
through the artifice of imagining the daydreams of Einstein in 1905.
The book has spawned a
adaptation, performed by Raleigh, NC's
Burning Coal Theater
which garnered very good
There is has always been a lot
of contention about the central principle of the Special Theory
of Relativity - namely, that the speed of light in vacuum
is a constant independent of the source and receiver relative speed.
Further, maintaining causality in Special Relativity requires that
nothing can go faster than the speed of light
in a vacuum and many attempts have been made to circumvent this, thus
obtaining "superluminal" speeds. For example, see
the article
Cosmic Laws Like Speed of Light Might Be Changing",
where the possibility that the speed of light
has changed value over time is discussed. A few years ago a number of experiments
involving light propogation through dense media generated a lot of
controversy and juicy headlines like
Pulses Flout Sacrosanct Speed Limit" (2002 - note the website),
than a Speeding Light Wave" (2000), and
"Laser Smashes Light-speed Record" (2000).
Controversy also surrounded a paper in Nature
bearing the innocent sounding title of
superluminal light propagation."
The abstract contained the line,
"The observed superluminal light pulse propagation is not at odds with
causality ..." although you wouldn't know it based on some of the media
coverage about it. This is nothing more than the old
group versus phase
velocity confusion according to Bob Park in
What's New.
The fascination with superluminal speeds is that it is related
to the least understood subject in physics (and philosophy) - time.
The onset of the new millenium produced a renewed fascination with
You can take
Walk Through Time, a site on the evolution of time measurement from
The National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) in the U.S.
The article
Seeing Faster by James Gleick in the New York Times Magazine gives
a fascinating glimpse into how flash photography has changed our perception
of time. The site also includes plenty of interesting links.
There seems a particular fascination with time travel including
"Time Travel"
from NOVA as well as
site with
"explanations" of relatvity and time travel.
You no longer have to
take my word for it. You can read many of the original papers (in English
translation) which are discussed in this course.
Not only has there been
renewed interest in the speed of light but there has also been an explosion
of interest in the brain of the man who made c a
universal constant. You could see
Samples of Albert Einstein's brain on display at the Mutter Museum
in 2011. And Albert Einstein's brain continues to fascinate - in Hamilton (2015).
In 1999,
researchers at McMaster University concluded that
Einstein really was smarter than the rest of us. Specifically,
"the parietal region of his [Einstein's] brain,
the area thought to be related to
mathematical reasoning, was found to be
15 per cent wider than average."
For complete coverage of the rather interesting history of the travels
of Einstein's brain (after his death, of course), have a look at
Became of Albert Einstein's Brain? There are also a number of books on the travels
of his brain including
Driving Mr. Albert
which was the cover review for the
July 30, 2000, New York Times Review of Books (see also the
review in the Globe
& Mail) as well as
Possessing Genius: The True Account of the Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein's Brain.
The story is covered in Chapter 14 of
Postcards from the Brain Museum. There's even
a children's book called
Nibbling on Einstein's Brain.
Einstein's Brain is the source of much art including
a 1994 documentary
Einstein's Brain which chronicles the quixotic search for the brain
by a Japanese professor, a folk
album, and an art-science collaboration called
the einstein's brain
Who says that relativistic effects aren't relevant to our everyday world!
A while ago I put a link to
Santa at Nearly the Speed of Light, the article "explaining" how the
answer to that age old question, "Just how does Santa Claus get to
all of those homes in one night?", lies in the
Special Theory of Relativity. There was actually a challenge to the
physics of the article which is gently responded to in
World Revisited, an article
in the May, 2000 issue of
FermiNews, the newsletter from
Fermilab, the high energy
particle accelerator near Chicago. In the article is a link to a
where there are animations of how, for example, the Eiffel Tower would look
if you passed by at 90% the speed of light. It's worth a look.
Check out the
letter to the editor by
Cyril E. Challice, Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary, that was in
the March 2000 issue of
Physics in Canada.
It gives an interesting Canadian twist to the story of the observation of
the wave nature of the electron by Davisson and Germer.
There are various
online history "exhibits"
from the American Institute of Physics
Albert Einstein: Image
and Impact
Werner Heisenberg and the
Uncertainty Principle
The Discovery of the
A Century of
You can also check out Heisenberg's first paper or read about Niels Bohr's letters to his
family and his fiancee in the years 1910-1912 -
Love, Literature, and the Quantum Atom.
The Experimental Evidence link from
the Particle Adventure is a
very nice web-based description of the experimental origins of quantum
physics, and in particular of Rutherford's groundbreaking experiments on the
structure of matter. There is also
About Light from
Fermilab which, through a discussion of light, cover much of the course
In honour of the centenary of
the American Physical Society, the journal
Reviews of Modern Physics devoted an
entire issue to reviews of physics of the twentieth century. The following
articles seemed particularly relevant for this course:
"A Century of Relativity" by Irwin I. Shapiro
"Historic Foundations: Quantum
Theory" by Hans Bethe
"Experiment and the
Quantum Effects in One-photon and Two-photon Interference" by L. Mandel
"Experiment and the
Foundations of Quantum Physics" by Anton Zeilinger
Also, there is a new journal concentrating
on the history of physics called Physics in Perspective. The inaugral issue had an interesting article
"Why was Relativity Accepted?" [PDF]
which gives some of the social and historical context of the times. There is
also an article entitled
in the Ether: Light over the Water" which concerns a history of the
measurements of the speed of light. Finally, there is an interesting story
about the history of the quantum called
Planck, the Quantum, and the Historians.
There are a lot of good websites devoted to
Einstein. Besides the AIP History site given already, there is
Einstein Online. There is also
Revealed from the science program
The complete text of Einstein's Relativity - The Special and General
Theory can be found
Here are some new results (biased by my interests, needless to
say) from
Quanta magazine,
Update, Physics
World News, Physical
Review Focus, PhysOrg Physics
News, Science News, and other sites
on topics related to Special Relativity and the foundations of Quantum
- The physicist betting that space-time isn't quantum after all
- March, 2023
- How Our Reality May Be a Sum of All Possible Realities - February, 2023
- How Quantum Physicists 'Flipped Time' (and How They Didn1t)
- January, 2023
- The Sounds of Atoms - January, 2023
- Arthur Compton and the mysteries of light - December, 2022
- Physicists Create a Holographic Wormhole Using a Quantum Computer - November, 2022
- Creating quantum-entangled networks of atomic clocks and accelerometers - November, 2022
- How to Think About Relativity
- November, 2022
- Why This Universe? A New Calculation Suggests Our Cosmos Is Typical
- November, 2022
- Keeping
time with highly charged ions - November, 2022
- How the Stern–Gerlach experiment made physicists believe in quantum mechanics
- November, 2022
- Experiments Spell Doom for Decades-Old Explanation of Quantum Weirdness
- October, 2022
- Chinese team syncs
clocks over record distance using lasers - October, 2022
- Schrodinger’s buses spotted in Bristol - September, 2022
- Physicists Rewrite a Quantum Rule That Clashes With Our Universe
- September, 2022
- From
atomic to nuclear clocks - September, 2022
- Knitting space–time out of quantum entanglement - September, 2022
- Quantum theory and the Nobel prize - August, 2002
- Turning Back Time on
Space - May, 2022
- Physicists Pin Down How Quantum Uncertainty Sharpens Measurements
- May, 2022 [paper]
- Physicists Rewrite the Fundamental Law That Leads to Disorder - May, 2022
- Pondering the Bits That Build Space-Time and Brains - April, 2022
- A century ago, Alexander Friedmann envisioned the universe's expansion - May, 2022
- Giant leap toward quantum internet realized with Bell state analyzer
- March, 2022
- All-optical attoclock for imaging tunnelling wavepackets
- March, 2022
- Quantum technology could make charging electric cars as fast as pumping gas
- March, 2022
- 100 Years Ago, a Quantum Experiment Explained Why We Don't Fall through Our Chairs
- March, 2022
- How world's most precise clock could transform fundamental physics
- February, 2022
- 'From Data to Quanta' defends Niels Bohr's view of quantum mechanics
- February, 2022
- The conundrum at the heart of quantum physics - and how philosophers of science can help
- December, 2021
- Could a conventional chair be a quantum measuring device?
- November, 2021
- The second quantum revolution
- January, 2022
- Quantum entanglement boosts accuracy of industrial quality inspections
- January, 2022
- 'Strange history' of photons challenges our understanding of quantum interactions
- January, 2022
- Electron's wave nature constructed in the lab at last
- January, 2022
- Gravitational Waves Should Permanently Distort Space-Time
- December, 2021
- Mathematicians Transcend Geometric Theory of Motion
- December, 2021
A double-slit experiment without slits
- December, 2021
The only known pulsar duo sheds new light on general relativity and more
- December, 2021
What We Will Never Know
- November, 2021
Deuterium molecules in superposition act as slits for classic quantum experiment
- November, 2021
Special relativity keeps digital identities secure
- November, 2021
Quantum Cheshire cats could have a travelling grin
- October, 2021
An Ultra-Precise Clock Shows How to Link the Quantum World With Gravity
- October, 2021
One Lab's Quest to Build Space-Time Out of Quantum Particles
- September, 2021
An atomic clock measured how general relativity warps time across a millimeter
- October, 2021
Super-precise clock tech wins $3 million physics Breakthrough Prize
- September, 2021
Can we see quantum correlations at the macroscopic scale?
- September, 2021
Wave-particle duality quantified for the first time
- September, 2021
Approaching the Heisenberg limit - July, 2021
A Macroscopic Probe of Quantum States - July, 2021
Antimatter from laser pincers - July, 2021
Trapped-ion clock passes orbital test,
Keeping time in space - July, 2021
Detecting mid-infrared light, one photon at a time
- June, 2021
Evading the uncertainty principle in quantum physics
- May, 2021
Researchers use optical data to reveal the basic structure of spacetime in rotating frames
- May, 2021
Is the past (and future) there when nobody looks?
- May, 2021
General relativity passes crucial neutron-star test
- May, 2021
Vibrating drumheads are entangled quantum mechanically
- May, 2021
Quantum Double-Slit Experiment Offers Hope for Earth-Size Telescope
- May, 2021
Quantum Entanglement Has Now Been Directly Observed at a Larger Macroscopic Scale
- May, 2021
Three top atomic clocks are compared with record accuracy
- March, 2021
The Entangled Dance of Atom Beams - February, 2021
There's no way to measure the speed of light in a single direction
- January, 2021
The One-Way
Speed of Light and the Milne Universe - January, 2021
Rippling graphene harvests thermal energy
- October, 2020 (this is about harnessing Brownian motion)
Physicists place fresh limits on gravity’s role in wavefunction collapse
- October, 2020
Could Schrodinger's cat exist in real life?
- October, 2020
Toward a Perfect Single-Photon Source - October, 2020
Mind and space bending physics on a convenient chip
- October, 2020
A new interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that reality does not depend on
the person measuring it - October, 2020
One of quantum physics' greatest paradoxes may have lost its leading explanation
- September, 2020
Ticking Toward a Nuclear Clock - September, 2020
Quantum-tunnelling time is measured using ultracold atoms
- July, 2020
Finding a consistent constant
- July, 2020
Gamma Rays Provide New
Quantum Gravity Constraint - July, 2020
Tabletop device might snare gravitational waves using tiny diamonds - July, 2020
New design for 'optical ruler' could revolutionize clocks, telescopes, telecommunications
- June, 2020
Levitated timepiece sets new benchmark - June, 2020
Physicists create quantum-inspired optical sensor
- June, 2020
What a bike moving
at near the speed of light might look like to a human observer - June, 2020
A 'pause button' for light particles
- June, 2020
Ion Recoil from Photon Beam Observed
- June, 2020
Transportable atomic clocks achieve laboratory precision
- May, 2020
Locating Objects with Quantum Radar
- May, 2020
Schrödinger's original struggles with a complex wave function
- May, 2020
Does Time Really Flow? New Clues Come From a Century-Old Approach to Math
- April, 2020
Seven formulations of the kinematics of special relativity
- March, 2020
Double slits with single atoms - February, 2020
Classical time crystals could exist in nature, say physicists
- February, 2020
Levitated Nanoparticle Goes Quantum - January, 2020
Timing Molecular Motion with an Optical Stopwatch - December, 2019
Timing Molecular Motion with an Optical Stopwatch - December, 2019
"Tweezer Clock" Offers New Possibilities in Timekeeping - December, 2019
Quantum Physics is No More Mysterious Than Crossing the Street: A Conversation with Chris Fuchs
- November, 2019
Lighten the dark - November, 2019
New optical timekeeper is 10 times more reliable than caesium atomic clocks
- October, 2019
Interference of clocks: A quantum twin paradox
- October, 2019
Graphene origami reaches quantum precision
- September, 2019
A relative revolution - reviews of four new books on Einstein and
his theory of relativity - September, 2019
The mysteries of quantum mechanics in graphic-novel form
(Author Q & A: How to write a graphic novel about quantum mechanics)
- September, 2019
Quantum Darwinism, an Idea to Explain Objective Reality, Passes First Tests
- July, 2019
Physicists can predict the jumps of Schrodinger's cat (and finally save it)
- June, 2019
Three ways to travel at (nearly) the speed of light
- May, 2019
Researchers successfully sent a simulated elementary particle back in time - May, 2019
Stabilizing the no-boundary proposal sheds light on the universe's quantum
origins - May, 2019
First demonstration of antimatter wave interferometry - May, 2019
100 years on: the picture that changed our view of the universe - May, 2019
Turbulence in
The Starry Night - April, 2019
Time-reversal violation may explain abundance of matter over antimatter, physicist says
- April, 2019
Getting a big look at tiny particles
- April, 2019
Can the scientist play a role in the laws of physics?
- January, 2019
- The
quantum heretics - December, 2018
Quantum foundations still not cemented
- November, 2018
Study finds flaw in emergent gravity
- August, 2018
Quantum stopwatch stores time in a quantum memory
- June, 2018
Galileo's free-falling objects experiment passes space test further proving
equivalence principle - December, 2017
Experiment shows that arrow of time is a relative concept, not an absolute one
- December, 2017
Relativity Survives Scrutiny, Again
- November, 2017
Violation of the exponential decay law discovered in open quantum systems
- October, 2017
Plug-and-Play Photon Source
- August, 2017
Graphene Helps Catch Light Quanta
- August, 2017
Quantum superposition still adds up in three-slit experiment
- August, 2017
Measuring the Tidal Force on a Particle.F爾s Matter Wave
- May, 2017
Physicists breeding Schroedinger cat states
- May, 2017
Shedding light (and dark) on quantum probabilities
- April, 2017
Atomic clocks make best measurement yet of relativity of time
- March, 2017
Optical clocks hit the road,
Transportable Clocks Move with the Times
- February, 2017
Cryogenic test probes Einstein's equivalence principle, general relativity, and spacetime 'foam'
- January, 2017
Still no violation of Lorentz symmetry, despite strongest test yet
- December, 2016
Dual optical clock races towards peak precision - December, 2016
Ghost images taken using pairs of atoms
- December, 2016
Quantum membranes for ultraprecise mechanical measurements
- December, 2016
Weak-value-based metrology surpasses classical limit
- December, 2016
Exotic insulator may hold clue to key mystery of modern physics
- December, 2016
Quantum Gravity's Time Problem - December, 2016
Cosmic experiment is closing another Bell test loophole
- December, 2016
Nobody Has Proved Einstein Wrong About Relativity, But People Are Still Trying
- November, 2016
Synchronizing optical clocks to one quadrillionth of a second
- October, 2016
JILA's superradiant laser may one day boost atomic clocks
- October, 2016
Cause and Effect Doesn't Actually Exist on a Particle Level
- October, 2016
Special relativity helps keep a secret for 24 hours
- October, 2016
Optical link connects atomic clocks over 1400 km of fibre - August, 2016
Entangled Hawking radiation spotted in analogue black hole - August, 2016
Towards a nuclear clock - July, 2016
A new, exquisitely precise determination of Planck's constant - July, 2016
A Relativistic View of a Clumpy Universe - June, 2016
The freest of free falls,
Paving the Way to Space-Based
Gravitational-Wave Detectors
- June, 2016
Experimental test verifies Heisenberg's measurement uncertainty principle
- June, 2016
Relativity Gets Thorough Vetting from LIGO - May, 2016
Schrodinger's cat lives and dies in two boxes at once
- May, 2016
Position Detector Approaches the Heisenberg Limit
- May, 2016
Attracting New Ideas for Measuring to Big G - May, 2016
Deep space experiment could measure the gravitational constant with
nearly 1,000 times improvement in accuracy (Update) - May, 2016
Could optical clocks redefine the length of a second?
- May, 2016
Tiny optical frequency clock measures time accurately to 270 quintillionths
of a second - May, 2016
Next Generation Clock Networks
- May, 2016
Physicists make first observation of the pushing pressure of light
- May, 2016
Physicists discover a new form of light
- May, 2016
One-Way Quantumness
- April, 2016
A Single-Level Electron Turnstile
- April, 2016
Scientists take next step towards observing quantum physics in real life
- April, 2016
Better tests for Schrodinger cats
- April, 2016
The 'great smoky dragon' of quantum physics,
Delayed-choice gedanken experiments and their realizations
- March, 2016
1921 NY Times | Catching Einstein in an Error
- March, 2016
How to build a time machine - February, 2016
Freefall space cubes are test for gravitational wave spotter
- February, 2016
Gravity on the balance - February, 2016
Physicists investigate the structure of time, with implications for
quantum mechanics and philosophy - February, 2016
Journey from Classical to Quantum in Two Dimensions
- February, 2016
Black Holes
- February, 2016
Quantum Links in Time and Space May Form the Universe's Foundation
- February, 2016
Underground ring lasers will put general relativity to the test
- January, 2016
Testing General Relativity in a Black Hole's Shadow
- January, 2016
Closing the Door on Einstein and Bohr's Quantum Debate
- December, 2015
The quantum source of space-time
- November, 2015
Arch and scaffold: How Einstein found his field equations
- November, 2015
Testing Gravity On Solar System Scales
- November, 2015
On the Anniversary of Two Scientific Revolutions - November, 2015
A Century Ago, Einstein's Theory of Relativity Changed Everything
- November, 2015
Albert Einstein and Relativity in the Pages of The (NY) Times
- November, 2015
Researcher's work offers more proof of Einstein's general theory of relativity
- November, 2015
New law implies thermodynamic time runs backwards inside black holes
- November, 2015
Physicists make first observation of the pushing pressure of light
- November, 2015
How Politics Shaped General Relativity
- November, 2015
New derivation of pi links quantum physics and pure math
- November, 2015
Nuclear Spin Points out
Arrow of Time - November, 2015
Einstein's Biggest Triumph: A Century of General Relativity (Op-Ed)
- November, 2015
The Light-Beam Rider
- October, 2015
Standing the Test of Time (and Space) - October, 2015
Self-interfering clock - October, 2015
A Schrodinger's cat
-type effect entangles collective excitations in a semiconductor nanostructure
- October, 2015
Putting Quantum Systems to Work - October, 2015
Landmarks - Superconductor Quantizes Magnetic Field
- October, 2015
Chasing Wormholes: The Hunt for Tunnels in Space-Time
- October, 2015
Sorry, Einstein. Quantum Study Suggests 'Spooky Action' Is Real
- October, 2015
General Relativity: 100 Years Old And Still Full Of Surprises
- October, 2015
Squeezing mechanical motion - October, 2015
Perfectly accurate clocks turn out to be impossible - October, 2015
Most precise test of Lorentz symmetry for the photon finds that the speed of
light is indeed constant - September, 2015
New law implies thermodynamic time runs backwards inside black holes
- September, 2015
Could 'Schrodinger's bacterium' be placed in a quantum superposition?
- September, 2015
Testing Relativity with Planetary Motion
- September, 2015
More evidence to support quantum theory's "spooky action at a distance"
- August, 2015
What Has Quantum Mechanics Ever Done For Us?
- August, 2015
Tiny black holes could trigger collapse of universe - except that they don't
- August, 2015
Tiny particles dance around each other in near-zero gravity
- August, 2015
Plan for supersized entanglement is unveiled by physicist
- August, 2015
Gravity: Wanna be quantum - July, 2015
Time-symmetric formulation of quantum theory provides new understanding of
causality and free choice - July, 2015
"Psi" in the sky - July, 2015
Quantum Cheshire Cat effect may be explained by standard quantum mechanics
- July, 2015
Magic moments with John Bell
- July, 2015
New method of quantum entanglement vastly increases how much information can
be carried in a photon - July, 2015
Energy Boost from Black Holes - July, 2015
Six Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Physics - July, 2015
Gravitational Lensing (Fermilab video) - June, 2015
Why the Big Bang's Light May Have a Tilt
- June, 2015
Researchers find the macroscopic Brownian motion phenomena of self-powered
liquid metal motors - June, 2015
The challenge of building a better atomic clock and why it matters
- June, 2015
Does time dilation destroy quantum superposition?,
Relativity's time dilation may limit the quantum world,
How gravity kills Schrodinger's cat - June, 2015
When science gets ugly -the story of Philipp Lenard and Albert Einstein
- June, 2015
Einstein saves the quantum cat
- June, 2015
Getting the measure of matter
- June, 2015
Second thoughts: Is a tiny addition in time too much?
- June, 2015
Hyper-precise atomic clocks face off to redefine time
- June, 2015
Do atoms going through a double slit "know" if they are being observed?
- May, 2015
Cavity with Iron Nuclei
Slows Down X Rays - May, 2015
Quantum physics: What is really real? - May, 2015
Fighting for time - May, 2015
Quantum Darwinism, classical reality, and the randomness of quantum jumps
- May, 2015
Squeezed quantum cats - May, 2015
Quantum physics on tap: Nano-sized faucet offers experimental support for
longstanding quantum theory
- May, 2015
Dark Matter Is Necessary For The Origin Of Life
- April, 2015
Einstein's Dice and Schrodinger's Cat - Book Review, New York Times,
May 4, 2015
Examining Einstein - precise experiments using lasers in space
- April, 2015
Why do measurements of the gravitational constant vary so much?
- April, 2015
About time: New record for atomic clock accuracy
- April, 2015
An ultrafast camera films light at light speed - April, 2015
Matter-wave metrology meets cavity optics - April, 2015
Absence of gravitational-wave signal extends limit on knowable universe
- Fermilab Today, April 9, 2015
Our Cosmic Selves - April, 2015
Our flat universe - April, 2015
Better 'cosmic candles' to illuminate dark energy
- April, 2015
ALMA sees Einstein ring in stunning image of lensed galaxy
- April, 2015
Balls and feathers - April, 2015
Physicists propose method to measure variations in the speed of light
- April, 2015
When quantum mechanics and international relations collide
- March, 2015
New way to calculate how long it would take to fall through a hole
in the Earth - March, 2015
A stellar source of lithium - March, 2015
Team finds `tipping point' between quantum and classical worlds
- March, 2015
Quantum experiment verifies Einstein's `spooky action at a distance'
- March, 2015
Have alien civilizations built cosmic accelerators from black holes?
- March, 2015
Confirming Einstein, scientists find `spacetime foam' not slowing
down photons from faraway gamma-ray burst - March, 2015
Shining an X-Ray torch on quantum gravity
- March, 2015
Detection of mini black holes at the LHC could indicate parallel universes
in extra dimensions - March, 2015
Cold Atoms, Meet Flux Quanta
- March, 2015
Loophole in theory offers insight into the 'lithium problem'
- March, 2015
Einstein's most famous equation - March, 2015
Superconductors Could Help Physicists Find `Gravity Particles'
- March, 2015
Nanospheres cooled with light to explore the limits of quantum physics
- March, 2015
Quantum gravity: Spacetime fuzziness in focus
- March, 2015
Did We Really See Light Acting as a Particle and a Wave at Once?
- March, 2015
Gravitational lensing creates 'Einstein's cross' of distant
supernova - March, 2015
The dark side of cosmology - March, 2015
Quantum Particles Spotted in Less Time - March, 2015
Cavity gravimetry - March, 2015
Neutrino Test of Lorentz Invariance - March, 2015
Quasar spectrum shines a new light on unchanged fundamental constants
- February, 2015
A Casimir Effect Caused by Gravity - February, 2015
Quantum Mechanics Could
Improve Radar - February, 2015
Big Bang, Deflated? Universe May Have Had No Beginning - February, 2015
The Reality of Quantum Weirdness - February, 2015
General Relativity's Big Year? - February, 2015
Disorder Rules the Universe - February, 2015
Researchers describe the wavefunction of Schroedinger's cat - February, 2015
Quantum Bending of Light
- February, 2015
Schrodinger's cat gets a reality check - February, 2015
Quantum mechanical behaviour at the macroscale - February, 2015
Quantum computer as detector shows space is not squeezed - January, 2015
Scientists set quantum speed limit - January, 2015
Black holes do not exist where space and time do not exist, says new theory
- January, 2015
Nailing the half-life of iron-60 - January, 2015
Speed of light not so constant after all - January, 2015
Werner Heisenberg and Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Weizsacker: A Fifty-Year
Friendship - January, 2015
Albert Einstein's Magic Mountain: An Aarau Education
- January, 2015
"Galileo's Machine": Late Notes on Free Fall, Projectile Motion, and the
Force of Percussion (ca. 1638 - 1639) - December, 2014
Quantum physics just got less complicated - December, 2014
Motion of two electrons in helium atom can be imaged and controlled with
attosecond-timed laser flashes - December, 2014
New technique nails distance to supermassive black hole,
A geometrically determined distance to a far-off black hole - December, 2014
New revelations on dark matter and relic neutrinos - December, 2014
Science powerhouses unite to help search for gravitational waves - December, 2014
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Wi-Fi - November, 2014
How Gravity Explains Why
Time Never Runs Backward - November, 2014
Plasmons convert light into a voltage - November, 2014
Extragalactic Rydberg atoms - November, 2014
Arrow of Time Emerges in a Gravitational System - November, 2014
Dusting off the Cosmic-Gravitational-Wave signal
- November, 2014
The rise of astrostatistics - November, 2014
A quantum world arising from many ordinary ones - October, 2014
Rydberg atoms: Two to tango - October, 2014
When parallel worlds collide, quantum mechanics is born
- October, 2014
A Shield for Rydberg Atoms - October, 2014
The Strangest Theory We Know Is True - October, 2014
Superposition revisited: Proposed resolution of double-slit experiment paradox
using Feynman path integral formalism - October, 2014
Experiment makes Schrodinger's cat choose -things can be real, or certain, but not both
- September, 2014
The Franck-Hertz Experiments, 1911 - 1914 Experimentalists in Search of a
Theory - September, 2014
One Very Cold Atom - September, 2014
Researchers developing one of the world's most accurate methods for generating a specified
number of photons - September, 2014
Kilogram celebrates its 125th birthday - September, 2014
Quantum tornadoes in a nanodroplet - September, 2014
Curvy Photon Trajectories Could Be Detectable,
Photons weave their way through a triple slit - September, 2014
Diamond and Silicon
Get Entangled - September, 2014
Uncovering the forbidden side of molecules - September, 2014
Relativity is Right on Time, Again - September, 2014
'Solid' light could compute previously unsolvable problems
- September, 2014
Fluid mechanics suggests alternative to quantum orthodoxy
- September, 2014
A more fundamental International System of Units - September, 2014
The Expanding Universe: Dark Energy - September, 2014
The search for Newton's constant - September, 2014
The Dayside : Rutherford, Bohr, and the rise of Nature - September, 2014
What time is it in the universe? - August, 2014
Picturing Schrodinger's cat: Quantum physics enables revolutionary imaging method - August, 2014
Duality principle is 'safe and sound': Researchers clear up apparent violation of wave-particle duality
- August, 2014
Do we live in a 2-D hologram?,
A physics experiment might soon tell us if we're living in a 2D hologram
- August, 2014
The Smallest Possible Scale in the Universe - August, 2014
Quantum Particles Take the Road Most Traveled - August, 2014
Particle Measurement Sidesteps the Uncertainty Principle
- August, 2014
The Quantum Cheshire Cat: Can neutrons be located at a different place than their own spin?
- July, 2014
New correction to speed of light could explain SN1987 neutrino burst,
correction to the speed of light in a gravitational potential - July, 2014
Paradoxical pigeons are the latest quantum conundrum,
- Physicists discuss quantum pigeonhole principle - July, 2014
Direct Test of Cosmic Acceleration - July, 2014
Test of equivalence principle searches for effects of spin-gravity coupling
- July, 2014
Physicist suggests speed of light might be slower than thought - July, 2014
Particle, meet wave: Optical qubit technique squeezes photons to bridge discrete
and continuous quantum regime - July, 2014
Entanglement between particle and wave-like states of light resembles
Schrodinger's cat experiment (Update) - July, 2014
Entangled clocks could provide accurate world time standard
- July, 2014
Optomechanical Sensing of Spontaneous Wave-Function Collapse
- July, 2014
Still Exerting a Hold on Science - June, 2014
Space-based experiment could test gravity's effects on quantum entanglement
- May, 2014
Sending entangled beams through fast-light materials - May, 2014
A quantum accelerometer is being built for navy submarines - May, 2014
Research team claims to have accurately 'teleported' quantum information ten feet
- May, 2014
Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest - May, 2014
Free Falling Matter Waves - May, 2014
Tricking the uncertainty principle - May, 2014
suggests some types of wormholes may stay open long enough to send a photon through
- May, 2014
Time's Arrow Traced to Quantum Source - April, 2014
Liquid spacetime: A very slippery superfluid, that's what spacetime could be like
- April, 2014
Light Nearly Stopped in a Waveguide - April, 2014
First discovery of double star that brightens during eclipse - April, 2014
Reflecting on an Alternative Quantum Theory - April, 2014
Thermodynamics Confronts Quantum Mechanics
- April, 2014
Philosopher untangles Einstein senility controversy - April, 2014
Can you drive fast enough to avoid being clocked by speed cameras? - March, 2014
QBism puts the scientist back into science - March, 2014
Be here now
- March, 2014
Relativity shakes a magnet - March, 2014
Certainty about quantum uncertainty - March, 2014
Fundamental constants: The teamwork of precision - February, 2014
Einstein's lost theory uncovered - February, 2014
The standard model's greatest triumph
- February, 2014
The Dark Matter Poltergeist
- February, 2014
Accuracy of the NPL caesium fountain clock further improved
- February, 2014
An analysis of Einstein's 1931 paper featuring a dynamic model of the universe,
Einstein's conversion from a static to an expanding universe - February, 2014
Black hole bombs: Are they dark matter in disguise? - February, 2014
Optical-lattice clock sets new standard for timekeeping - February, 2014
Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes',
Grey is the new black hole: is Stephen Hawking right? - January, 2014
Einstein's curve ball - January, 2014
Coming soon: Rydberg the movie - January, 2014
Don't stop the quest to measure Big G - January, 2014
New value for the Planck constant may hasten electronic kilogram
- January, 2014
Quantum-to-classical transition may be explained by fuzziness of measurement
references - January, 2014
Why Einstein will
never be wrong - January, 2014
Towards perfect control of light waves - January, 2014
Pulsar and companions will put general relativity to the test
- January, 2014
Smooth or grainy? New paper reviews research on the grain of space-time
- December, 2013
Astronomers discover furthest gravitational lens
- December, 2013
Tales of 1001 Atoms
- December, 2013
How hypergravity impacts electric arcs - December, 2013
New work gives credence to theory of universe as a hologram - December, 2013
In a "Rainbow" Universe Time May Have No Beginning - December, 2013
Collapse of the universe is closer than ever before - December, 2013
What Can we Say about
a Photon's Past? - December, 2013
Expanding universe can emerge in remarkably simple way, scientists say
- December, 2013
Creation of entanglement simultaneously gives rise to a wormhole
- December, 2013
Teaching matter waves new tricks: Making magnets with ultra cold atoms
- November, 2013
Discrepancy in Neutron Lifetime Still Unresolved - November, 2013
No qualms about quantum theory - November, 2013
Teaching matter waves new tricks: Making magnets with ultracold atoms
- November, 2013
Physicists ask photons 'Where have you been?' - November, 2013
Physicists reveal a quantum Cheshire cat - November, 2013
Seeing a photon without absorbing it - November, 2013
Relativity revives quantum secrecy scheme - November, 2013
Uncertainty reigns over Heisenberg's measurement analogy - November, 2013
Can an oil bath solve the mysteries of the quantum world? - November, 2013
Rescuing Heisenberg - October, 2013
A Tripod of Light - October, 2013
What's Inside a Black Hole's
Horizon? - October, 2013
Testing times for
relativity - October, 2013
Hairy black hole could show gaps in Einstein's theory - October, 2013
Rescuing Heisenberg - October, 2013
Physicists prove Heisenberg's intuition correct - October, 2013
Feynman wasn't joking: Modeling quantum dynamics with ground state wavefunctions
- October, 2013
Rethinking particle dynamics - October, 2013
A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics - September, 2013
Quantum quest - September, 2013
A startling value for gravitation - September, 2013
Cross-Country Time Keeping - September, 2013
Can't Beat These New Clocks - September, 2013
Classical vs Quantum - September, 2013
An Uncertain Big G - September, 2013
Quantum steps towards the Big Bang - September, 2013
Iron in the sun: A greenhouse gas for X-ray radiation
- September, 2013
Theorists bridge space-time rips - September, 2013
Quantum inverted pendulum: Control scheme dynamically maintains unstable
quantum system - August, 2013
Star's flicker reveals its surface gravity - August, 2013
Ultracold Big Bang experiment successfully simulates evolution of early
universe - August, 2013
Physicist disentangles "Schrodinger's cat" debate - August, 2013
Theory of Einstein's Proved Right - Again - August, 2013
Another close look at "big G" - August, 2013
Physicist proves impossibility of quantum time crystals
- August, 2013
NIST ytterbium atomic clocks set record for stability - August, 2013
Big Bang Light Reveals Minimum Lifetime of Photons - August, 2013
Black Holes + Wormholes = Quantum Answers - August, 2013
Closing in on Einstein's window to the universe - August, 2013
Faster Than the Speed of Light? - July, 2013
Experimental quest to test Einstein's speed limit,
Testing Relativity Using Earth's Motion
- July, 2013
When fluid dynamics mimic quantum mechanics - July, 2013
A proper understanding of the Davisson and
Germer experiments for undergraduate modern physics course - July, 2013
What if quantum physics worked on a macroscopic level? - July, 2013
Attractive force arises from black-body radiation, say physicists
, Blackbody radiation induces attractive force stronger than gravity - July, 2013
Gravity Makes the Universe
Classical - July, 2013
Fundamental Constant Doesn't Budge in High Gravity - July, 2013
A Distant Second - June, 2013
A cloak in time - June, 2013
Niels Bohr between physics and chemistry - May, 2013
General relativity passes a new test - May, 2013
Photons test quantum paradox - April, 2013
holes, quantum information, and the foundations of physics - April, 2013
Edmund Stoner and the Bohr atom - April, 2013
Getting around the 'uncertainty principle': Physicists make first direct measurements of polarization states
of light - March, 2013.
In praise of weakness - March, 2013
1932, a watershed year in nuclear physics - March, 2013
Back to the beginning of quantum spacetime - March, 2013
Black hole found spinning near the relativistic limit - February, 2013.
Free-Falling Interferometry
- February, 2013.
Playing quantum tricks with
measurements - February, 2013.
Quantum physics mimics spooky action into the past - April, 2012.
Are you certain, Mr. Heisenberg? New measurements deepen understanding of quantum uncertainty
- January, 2012.
Neutrons revive Heisenberg's first take on uncertainty
- January, 2012
Sun puts relativity to the test
- September, 2011.
Time Travel without Regrets
- February, 2011.
Relativity starts your car and
Relativity Powers Your Car
Battery - January, 2011.
Relativity comes down to Earth,
Relativity with a human touch - September, 2010.
Einstein, Bohr, And Ultimate Reality - August, 2010.
7.3 Billion Years Later, Einstein's Theory Prevails - November, 2009.
A 21st century Rutherford experiment - November, 2009.
Quantum Mechanics: Do the Wave-particle - June, 2009.
Exerting Better Control Over Matter Waves - March, 2009.
Physicists Create Millimeter-sized 'Bohr Atom' -
March, 2009
and June, 2008
New Insights Into Quantum Mechanics: Unlocking Mysteries
Of 'Blinking' Phenomena Of Fluorescent Molecules - July, 2008.
Optical Clocks Get Better - April, 2008.
Short Light - March, 2008.
Unprecedented Spectroscopy Using the Best Ever Ruler for Light
- January, 2008.
High-Intensity Photoelectric Effect - December, 2007.
Relativistic Thermodynamics - October, 2007.
Time and
Time Again - June, 2007.
Shortest Light Pulse Ever - May, 2007.
Light Handed Off - February, 2007.
Einstein's Little Machine - September, 2006.
of Atoms Reaffirmed - June, 2006.
Direct Test of E=mc2 - January, 2006.
Superluminal Ultrasound? - October, 2005.
Why Do We
Reside in a Three-Dimensional Universe? - September, 2005.
Fibres Control
the Speed of Light - August, 2005.
May Arise From Tiny Relativity Violations - June, 2005.
The First
Direct Measurement of Recoil Momentum - May, 2005.
Evidence For Entanglement of Three Macroscopic Objects - March, 2005.
New Look for
Classic Experiment - March, 2005.
Evidence for
Quantized Displacement - February, 2005.
Looking at
Electrons Without Touching - January, 2005.
Special Relativity Wrong? - December, 2004.
News for Causality - November, 2004.
Pionium Atoms Arrive en Masse - October, 2004.
Synchronization With Entangled Photons - September, 2004.
World's Smallest Atomic Clock - September, 2004.
Created Antihydrogen Atoms - August, 2004.
Wave Outlasts Itself - May, 2004.
Enters a New World of Precision - May, 2004.
Tiny Solar System After All - April, 2004.
Move Closer to the Quantum Limit - April, 2004.
Switching light on and off - December, 2003.
Super-cool detector spots single photons October - , 2003.
Biomolecule behaves like a wave - September, 2003.
The Relativity of Time - September, 2003.
Malleability of Spacetime - September, 2003.
Light-Speed Submarine - July, 2003.
Lorentz Symmetry Stays Intact - March, 2003.
A New Limit on Photon Mass - February, 2003.
Lorentz Violations? Not Yet - February, 2003.
Topics pre-2003
Although the actual material covered in the
course ends in 1925 with the birth of quantum mechanics,
the various topics are still "living" issues in the sense that scientists
continue to ponder and probe the foundations
of relativity and quantum theory. The following is just a sampling
of "web-accessable" papers
from the arXiv
e-print archive.
[Be warned that these are NOT refereed papers so some of the
conclusions reached here could be,
and probably are, utter nonsense.]
Resolving starlight:
a quantum perspective - June, 2019
Lorentz-symmetry test at
Planck-scale suppression with nucleons in a spin-polarized 133Cs cold
atom clock - December, 2016
Sound clocks and sonic
relativity - December, 2016
Shadows over the speed of light
- June, 2016
Relativistic transformation of
temperature and Mosengeil-Ott's antinomy - June, 2016
mechanical-thermodynamical formalism -- description of inelastic collisions
- June, 2016
Unification of Relativistic and
Quantum Mechanics from Elementary Cycles Theory - June, 2016
Gravity Tunnel Drag
- June, 2016
Nancy Cartwright and the
Measurement Problem - June, 2016
The Development of
Elementary Quantum Theory from 1900 to 1927 - June, 2016
Personal recollections:
Frascati and the search for gravitational waves at the Istituto Nazionale di
Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - April, 2016
Uncertain for A Century:
Quantum Mechanics and The Dilemma of Interpretation - April, 2016
Single-Ion Atomic Clock
with 3 X 10-18 Systematic Uncertainty
- February, 2016
A tabulation of the
bound-state energies of atomic hydrogen - January, 2016
Quantum Dynamical
Relativity and the Nature of Spacetime - July, 2015
Prospects for atomic clocks based on large ion crystals - July, 2015
Can the time arrow
be influenced by the dark energy? - June, 2015
Comments On: A
Universe From Nothing - May, 2014
Communicating the
Heisenberg uncertainty relations: Niels Bohr, Complementarity and the
Einstein-Rupp experiments - May, 2015
How superluminal
motion can lead to backward time travel - May, 2015
Matter-wave laser
Interferometric Gravitation Antenna (MIGA): New perspectives for fundamental
physics and geosciences
- May, 2015
Subtleties of
the clock retardation - May, 2015
Comment on
"Measurements of Newton's gravitational constant and the length of day"
- May, 2015
Greeks were right:
critical comments on Qbism - May, 2015
Yet another time
about time - May, 2015
The causal
structure of Minkowski space time: possibilities and impossibilities
of secure positioning - May, 2015
Recent measurements
of the gravitational constant as a function of time - May, 2015
No information
or horizon paradoxes for Th. Smiths - May, 2015
Is Time's Arrow
Perspectival? - May, 2015
Absence of
Observed Unspeakably Large Black Holes Tells Us the Curvature of Space
- May, 2015
A General
Quadrature Solution for Relativistic, Non-relativistic, and
Weakly-Relativistic Rocket Equations - April, 2015
Two New
Variations on the Twin Pseudoparadox - April, 2015
Editorial for
the Special Issue 100 Years of Chronogeometrodynamics: The Status of
the Einstein's Theory of Gravitation in Its Centennial Year
- April, 2015
Tests of Gravity - April, 2015
Uniformly Rotating Disk and the Hole Argument - April, 2015
Milestones of
general relativity: Hubble's law (1929) and the expansion of the universe
- April, 2015
Angular Momentum
Operators from Quantized SO(3) - April, 2015
Paradoxes and Lack of Relativity in Closed Spaces
- April, 2015
The contribution
of Giordano Bruno to the special principle of relativity
- April, 2015
Emergent Spacetime:
Reality or Illusion? - April, 2015
Correlative methods
for dual-species quantum tests of the weak equivalence principle
- March, 2015
The Warped Science
of Interstellar - March, 2015
Lemaitre's Big Bang
- March, 2015
cosmology review of 1933: a new perspective on the Einstein-de Sitter model
of the cosmos - March, 2015
The Collaboration
of Mileva Maric and Albert Einstein - March, 2015
Jerk and Hyperjerk
in a Rotating Frame of Reference - March, 2015
Tachyon Physics with
Trapped Ions - March, 2015
A Machian Version of
Einstein's Variable Speed of Light Theory - March, 2015
Limits and Signatures
of Relativistic Spaceflight - March, 2015
A Non-isothermal Theory
for Interpreting Sodium Lines in Transmission Spectra of Exoplanets
- March, 2015
Deriving time
from the geometry of space - January, 2015
Search for Lorentz
violation in short-range gravity - December, 2014
evaluation of an atomic clock at 2e-18 total uncertainty
- December, 2014
Which is the Quantum
Decay Law of Relativistic Particles? - December, 2014
Constraining Extra Space
Dimensions using Precision Molecular Spectroscopy - March, 2015
On the Existence of
Spacetime Structure - March, 2015
Experiment and theory:
the case of the Doppler effect for photons - February, 2015
Newton's second law:
not so elementary (as it may seem) - February, 2015
Energy-Momentum Tensors
and Motion in Special Relativity - February, 2015
Bringing Bell's theorem
back to the domain of Particle Physics & Cosmology - February, 2015
Ehrenfest's adiabatic
hypothesis in Bohr's quantum theory - February, 2015
Reading QBism: A Reply
to Nauenberg - February, 2015
A structural theory of
everything - February, 2015
Direct calculation of
length contraction and clock retardation - January, 2015
The Hydrogen Atom: a Review
on the Birth of Modern Quantum Mechanics - January, 2015
Planck's constant measurement
for dummies - January, 2015
Testing General Relativity
with Present and Future Astrophysical Observations - January, 2015
A summary of the Planck
constant measurements using a watt balance with a superconducting solenoid at NIST
- January, 2015
Einstein and Besso: from
Zurich to Milano - December, 2014
Direct Terrestrial Measurement
of the Spatial Isotropy of the Speed of Light to 10-18 - December, 2014
Macroscopic superpositions
and gravimetry with quantum magnetomechanics - December, 2014
Epistemological and
Ontological Paraconsistency in Quantum Mechanics: For and Against Bohrian Philosophy
- December, 2014
On a fatal error in
tachyonic physics - December, 2014
Acceleration effects on
atomic clocks - December, 2014
Quantum Darwinism,
Classical Reality, and the Randomness of Quantum Jumps - December, 2014
Sensing Short-Range Forces
with a Nanosphere Matter-Wave Interferometer - December, 2014
Quantum Measurement and
the Paulian Idea - December, 2014
The necessity of the
second postulate in special relativity - December, 2014
Primordial Black
Holes as Heat Sources for Living Systems with Longest Possible Lifetimes
- December, 2014
Robust entanglement-based
magnetic field sensor beyond the standard quantum limit - December, 2014
Probing the Constituent
Structure of Black Holes - December, 2014
Is Bohr challenge still
relevant? - December, 2014
A Michelson-Morley Test
of Lorentz Symmetry for Electrons - December, 2014
Einstein and the Formal
Equivalence of Mass and Energy - December, 2014
The four particles paradox
in special relativity - December, 2014
Did Einstein "Nostrify"
Hilbert's Final Form of the Field Equations for General Relativity?
- December, 2014
Photons that travel in free
space slower than the speed of light - November, 2014
Voigt's transformations and the
beginning of the relativistic revolution
- November, 2014
Time as a stochastic process
- November, 2014
Quantum Nonlocality Explained
- November, 2014
Why the wave function, of
all things? - November, 2014
On MOND, extended gravity
and non-geodesic motion - November, 2014
Magnetic-dipole transitions
in highly-charged ions as a basis of ultra-precise optical clocks
- November, 2014
Visual appearance of wireframe
objects in special relativity - October, 2014
Curved spacetimes in the lab
- October, 2014
Comment on: Observation of a
quantum Cheshire Cat in a matter-wave interferometer experiment - October, 2014
On the analogy of
quantum wave-particle duality with bouncing droplets - October, 2014
Appearing Out of Nowhere:
The Emergence of Spacetime in Quantum Gravity - October, 2014
Testing the limits of
quantum mechanical superpositions - October, 2014
Royal Observatory of
Belgium Gravitational balance - September, 2014
Test of Time Dilation Using
Stored Li+ Ions as Clocks at Relativistic Speed - September, 2014
The 1919 measurement of the
deflection of light - September, 2014
A Generalization of Gravity
- September, 2014
On measurement of the
isotropy of the speed of light - September, 2014
A quantum of history
- September, 2014
Foucault's method in new
settings - September, 2014
On Historical Background
to the Ontic Breakthrough.I Polemic Defense of Quantum Reality
- September, 2014
QBism: A Critical Appraisal
- September, 2014
Decay Law of Relativistic
Particles: Quantum Theory Meets Special Relativity
- August, 2014
Measurement of the Velocity
of the Neutrino with MINOS - August, 2014
The spheronic toy universe:
how special relativity may be visualized to emerge from a wave-nature of matter
- August, 2014
Tests of Lorentz symmetry in
single beta decay - August, 2014
The Function of the Second
Postulate in Special Relativity - August, 2014
Energy-momentum conservation
and Lipkin's zilch - August, 2014
Can negative mass be considered
in General Relativity? - August, 2014
Geometric diagram for
relativistic addition of velocities - August, 2014
The Euclid space-time diagram
of the theory of relativity - August, 2014
Reconstruction of vertical
and L-shaped ancient Egyptian sundials and methods for measuring time
- August, 2014
Einstein and Planck on
mass-energy equivalence in 1905-06: a modern perspective - July, 2014
Optimization and error model
for atom interferometry technique to measure Newtonian gravitational constant
- July, 2014
Matter wave lensing to
picokelvin temperatures - July, 2014
Aspects of Complementarity
and Uncertainty - July, 2014
A new general relativistic
clock effect for counter-rotating test particles in the gravitoelectric field of
a non-rotating body - July, 2014
Gravitomagnetic draconitic
clock effect for inclined and quasi-circular orbits around a spinning body
arbitrarily oriented in space - July, 2014
Who creates the Time:
Nature or Human? - July, 2014
Improved limit on a
temporal variation of mp/me from comparisons of Yb+ and Cs atomic clocks
- July, 2014
Conceptual Preconditions
of Overcoming of Relativistic Intentions in Modern Philosophy of Science
- July, 2014
Optical Atomic Clocks
- July, 2014
The wave equation in the
birth of spacetime symmetries - July, 2014
Didactic derivation of the
special theory of relativity from the Klein-Gordon equation - June, 2014
Special Relativity
from the Dynamical Viewpoint - May, 2014
Is Time Inhomogeneous?
- April, 2014
Quantum Tests of the Einstein
Equivalence Principle with the STE-QUEST Space Mission - April, 2014
Constraining the Violation
of Equivalence Principle with IceCube Atmospheric Neutrino Data - April, 2014
On a Model of Quantum
Mechanics and the Mind - April, 2014
What Do We Know About
Lorentz Invariance? - March, 2014
Direct comparison of optical
lattice clocks with an intercontinental baseline of 9000 km - March, 2014
Present time
- March, 2014
Quantum Theory and Human
Perception of the Macro-World - March, 2014
Universal Gravitation as
Lorentz-covariant Dynamics - March, 2014
Theoretical Particle
Limiting Velocity From The Bicubic Equation: Neutrino Example - March, 2014
Clock Hypothesis of
Relativity Theory, Maximal Acceleration, and M.A授ssbauer Spectroscopy
- March, 2014
Reference frames in
classical and relativistic physics - March, 2014
Why I am not a QBist
- March, 2014
A Medieval Multiverse:
Mathematical Modelling of the 13th Century Universe of Robert Grosseteste
- March, 2014
How does light move? -
Determining the flow of light without destroying interference - March, 2014
Merging electromagnetism
with space-time metric - February, 2014
Einstein's aborted
attempt at a dynamic steady-state universe - February, 2014
Are atomic clocks
slowing down? Possible connection between the quantum and the cosmos: A
feasible experimental test of objective realism - February, 2014
Particles, waves and
trajectories: 210 years after Young's experiment - February, 2014
Can the clicks of the
detectors provide a complete description of Nature? - February, 2014
Einstein's cosmological
considerations - February, 2014
Heating the coffee by
looking at it. Or why quantum measurements are physical processes
- February, 2014
Measurement Uncertainty:
Reply to Critics - February, 2014
Quantum Gravity for Dummies
- February, 2014
Toward a principle of
quantumness - February, 2014
Relativity, the Special
Theory, explained to Children (from 7 to 107 years old) - February, 2014
Real-time single-molecule
imaging of quantum interference - February, 2014
A 4-vector formalism for
classical mechanics - February, 2014
Simple Molecules and Clocks
- February, 2014
A steady-state model of
the universe by Albert Einstein - February, 2014
Properties of gravity
near the Schwarzschild radius and the cosmological redshift
- February, 2014
A Note On Einstein,
Bergmann, and the Fifth Dimension - January, 2014
Yet another derivation
of special relativity transformations without the second postulate
- January, 2014
Relativistic particle
in the rest frame - January, 2014
The Continuum Emission
Spectrum of Hf 2-2 near the Balmer Limit and the ORL versus CEL abundance and
temperature Discrepancy - January, 2014
Treating Time Travel
Quantum Mechanically - January, 2014
Comment on "Asking
Photons Where Have They Been" - January, 2014
Reply to "Comment on 'Asking
Photons Where Have They Been'" - January, 2014
A Case for Lorentzian
Relativity - January, 2014
Why bouncing droplets are a
pretty good model of quantum mechanics - January, 2014
Accelerator experiments
contradicting general relativity - January, 2014
Einstein's first gravitational
field equation 101 years later - January, 2014
Bending of light caused by
gravitation: the same result via totally different philosophies - January, 2014
Optical atomic clocks
- January, 2014
On time and space double-slit
experiments - January, 2014
A map between Galilean
relativity and special relativity - January, 2014
Accelerating the Averaging Rate
of Atomic Ensemble Clock Stability using Atomic Phase Lock - January, 2014
Consciousness as a State of Matter
- January, 2014
Photon: New light on an old name
- December, 2014
QBism as CBism: Solving the Problem
of "the Now" - December, 2013
Searching the Internet for evidence
of time travelers - December, 2013
The universe as quantum computer
- December, 2013
Schwinger's Approach to Einstein's
Gravity, or Einstein vs. Schwinger? Not! - December, 2013
Marcel Grossmann and his contribution
to the general theory of relativity - December, 2013
Aristotle's Physics: a Physicist's
Look - December, 2013
Angular Momentum Exchange
Between Light and Material Media Deduced from the Doppler Shift - December, 2013
Radiation Pressure and Photon
Momentum in Negative-Index Media - December, 2013
Discrete Spacetime and
Relativistic Quantum Particles - December, 2013
The Cosmological Constant
Problem and Re-interpretation of Time - December, 2013
Causality in Classical Physics
- December, 2013
Einstein's cosmic
model of 1931: a translation and analysis of a forgotten model of the universe
- December, 2013
Photoelectron emission
from plasmonic nanoparticles: Comparison between surface and volume
photoelectric effects - December, 2013
Klein Paradox in the
Pilot Wave Interpretation - December, 2013
Re-Examination of Globally
Flat Space-Time - December, 2013
Eight types of physical
"arrows" distinguished by Newtonian space-time symmetry - December, 2013
Observed Gravitational
Wave Effects: Amaldi 1980 Frascati-Rome Classical Bar Detectors, 2013
Perth-London Zener-Diode Quantum Detectors, Earth Oscillation Mode Frequencies
- December, 2013
Mobile and Remote Inertial
Sensing with Atom Interferometers - November, 2013
On a recent preliminary
study for the measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect with the Galileo satellites
- November, 2013
Connecting terrestrial to
celestial reference frames - November, 2013
Einstein's equivalence
principle in cosmology - November, 2013
The reception of
relativity in the Netherlands - November, 2013
The Superposition Principle
in Quantum Mechanics - did the rock enter the foundation surreptitiously?
- November, 2013
Einstein's conversion from
his static to an expanding universe - November, 2013
Annotations regarding the
Oxford Questions - November, 2013
The position-momentum
symmetry principle - November, 2013
Quantum Trajectories and
Physical Reality of de Broglie's Waves - October, 2013
Action at a distance and causality
in quantum theory - October, 2013
Relativistic Achilles
- October, 2013
Effect of the generalized
uncertainty principle on Galilean and Lorentz transformations - October, 2013
A quantum network of clocks
- October, 2013
What is the Schwarzschild
radius of a quantum mechanical particle? - October, 2013
The GRW flash theory: a
relativistic quantum ontology of matter in space-time? - October, 2013
Comment on "Trouble with
the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and Momentum
Conservation [arXiv:1205.0096]]"
- October, 2013
Time from quantum entanglement:
an experimental illustration - October, 2013
Minimal length, maximal momentum
and thermodynamics of black body radiation - October, 2013
Searching for a highly unlikely
frame dependent speed of light using a one-way test - October, 2013
Non-Inertial Frames in Special and
General Relativity - October, 2013
Classical calculation of relativistic
frequency-shifts in an ideal Penning trap - October, 2013
What Do Experiments in
Optics tell us about Photon Momentum in Media? - October, 2013
A paradox about an atom
and a photon - October, 2013
Lorentz Transformation
of Blackbody Radiation - October, 2013
On Relativistic
Entanglement and Localization of Particles and on their Comparison with
the Non-Relativistic Theory - October, 2013
Einstein and the
conservation of energy-momentum in general relativity - October, 2013
Discrete mechanics, time
machines and hybrid systems - October, 2013
Measuring general relativity
effects in a terrestrial lab by means of laser gyroscopes - October, 2013
On the Relation between the
Psychological and Thermodynamic Arrows of Time - October, 2013
The relativity of
space-time-property - October, 2013
George Gamow and Albert
Einstein: Did Einstein say the cosmological constant was the "biggest blunder"
he ever made in his life? - October, 2013
Lorentz violation in a uniform
newtonian gravitational field
- September, 2013
Does Information Have Mass?
- September, 2013
Why the length of a quantum
string cannot be Lorentz contracted - September, 2013
Trapping light by mimicking
gravitational lensing - September, 2013
On first attempts to reconcile
quantum principles with gravity - September, 2013
A Search for non-Newtonian
force in a precision measurement of the scattering of slow neutrons in Xenon gas
- September, 2013
Using Cosmology to Establish the
Quantization of Gravity - September, 2013
Why do Earth satellites stay up?
- September, 2013
A tossed coin as
quantum mechanical object - September, 2013
Orbital effects
induced by a certain class of modified theories of gravity with nonminimal
coupling between the matter and the metric - September, 2013
The genesis of the
quantum theory of the chemical bond - September, 2013
Mass, Speed,
Direction: John Buridan's 14th century concept of momentum
- September, 2013
Relative motion in
spacetime - September, 2013
The many faces of the
Bohr atom - September, 2013
Oskar Klein and the
fifth dimension - September, 2013
Unified meta-theory of
information, consciousness, time and the classical-quantum universe
- September, 2013
Lorenz, G授del and
Penrose: New perspectives on geometry and determinism in fundamental physics
- September, 2013
New conceptions on
the light wave theory in a moving frame of reference - September, 2013
Da investiga守弱o sobre
a natureza da luz 錫 relatividade especial: notas de aula - September, 2013
foundations of relativistic cosmology - September, 2013
Laser assisted Compton
scattering of X-ray photons - September, 2013
Antiproton low-energy
collisions with Ps-atoms and true muonium atoms ($.1而シ+而シ-)
- September, 2013
The High-Energy
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics - September, 2013
Atomism and Relationalism
as guiding principles for Quantum Gravity - September, 2013
Bell's spaceship
paradox in electron interferometry - September, 2013
Tests of Lorentz
invariance: a 2013 update - September, 2013
A New Generation of
Atomic Clocks: Accuracy and Stability at the 10-18 Level
- September, 2013
Measurements according
to "Consistent Quantum Theory" - September, 2013
Quantum Weak
Measurements and Cosmology - September, 2013
A Pedestrian Approach
to the Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics - September, 2013
Relativistic features
and time delay of laser-induced tunnel-ionization - September, 2013
Modern Ives-Stilwell
Experiments At Storage Rings: Large Boosts Meet High Precision
- September, 2013
On a Special
Transformation to a Non-Inertial, Radially Rigid Reference Frame
- September, 2013
Relativistic effects
on the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability - September, 2013
Equivalence Principle, and Quantum Mechanics (in German)
- September, 2013
Atomic clocks: new
prospects in metrology and geodesy - August, 2013
Chirped Frequency
Transfer with an accuracy of $10^{-18}$ and its Application to the Remote
Synchronisation of Timescales - August, 2013
Observer and Particle
Transformations and Newton's Laws - August, 2013
Constraints on Lorentz
Invariance Violation with Fermi-LAT Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
- August, 2013
Testing Relativity with
High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos - August, 2013
New dates for the eras of the
universe from the Planck data - August, 2013
A Note on Entanglement,
Nonlocality, and Superluminal Signaling - August, 2013
Shut up and let me think! Or
why you should work on the foundations of quantum mechanics as much as you please
- August, 2013
Foundations of Quantum Gravity:
The Role of Principles Grounded in Empirical Reality - August, 2013
Is Interstellar Space Travel
Possible? - August, 2013
New subluminal and superluminal
spacetime measures - August, 2013
Optomechanical interface for
probing matter-wave coherence - August, 2013
Disproving Heisenberg's
error-disturbance relation - August, 2013
Torsion-balance probes of
fundamental physics - August, 2013
Evidence of entanglement, or:
Is Schr.A授dinger's cat really entangled? - August, 2013
Equivalence Principle and Bound
Kinetic Energy - August, 2013
A simple minded question: Do we
live in the four-dimensional spacetime? - August, 2013
The Fate of the Quantum
- August, 2013
Cyclic models of the relativistic
universe: the early history - August, 2013
The Dark Mass Problem (Solved?)
- August, 2013
A Rosetta Stone for Parameterized
Tests of Gravity - July, 2013
Ruler measurements give
space-time-transformation-independent invariant lengths - July, 2013
Dispelling the Quantum Spooks -
a Clue that Einstein Missed? - July, 2013
Compton Effect in the Medium with
Non-unity Refractive Index - July, 2013
Dynamical 3-Space: Gravitational Wave
Detection and the Shnoll Effect - July, 2013
Aberration of starlight experiment
- July, 2013
Relativistic Quantum Metrology:
Exploiting relativity to improve quantum measurement technologies - July, 2013
Testing quantum physics in space
using optically trapped nanospheres - July, 2013
Tests of the Lorentz and CPT Symmetries
at the Planck Energy Scale with X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations - July, 2013
Visualization of a particle's wave
function in the double slits experiment - July, 2013
The Perceptual Arrow of Time and
the Sensory Transduction Process - July, 2013
A quantum mechanical interpretation
for the relativity of the space-time - July, 2013
Gravity-induced phase-shift of light:
outline of an interferometric test of the Equivalence Principle - July, 2013
Testing Lorentz Symmetry with the
Double Chooz Experiment - July, 2013
Search for neutrino-antineutrino
oscillations with a reactor experiment - July, 2013
Lorentz Breaking and Gravity
- July, 2013
Probing Physics beyond the Standard
Model with He/Xe clock comparison experiments - July, 2013
Testing Lorentz Invariance with a
Double-Pass Optical Ring Cavity - July, 2013
Are Micro and Macro Arrows of Time
Connected Each Other? - July, 2013
Transformity: The Dependence
of the Laws of Physics on Higher-Dimensional Coordinate Transformations
- July, 2013
Einstein's Miraculous Year
- July, 2013
Photon in a cavity -- a
Gedankenexperiment - July, 2013
Simultaneous Dual-Species Matter-Wave
Accelerometer - July, 2013
The 1905 Relativity Paper and the
"Light Quantum" - July, 2013
Comparing theories: the dynamics
of changing vocabulary. A case-study in relativity theory - July, 2013
Generalized Lorentz
Transformations - July, 2013
A new perspective on CP and
T violation - July, 2013
On the gravitational redshift
- July, 2013
Interferometer design of the KAGRA
gravitational wave detector - June, 2013
Constraints on corrections to
Newtonian gravity from two recent measurements of the Casimir interaction between
metallic surfaces - June, 2013
Three Merry Roads to T-Violation
- June, 2013
Invariance of Spooky Action at a
Distance in Quantum Entanglement under Lorentz Transformation - June, 2013
Synchronized clocks and time on a
rotating disc - June, 2013
Einstein, the reality of space, and
the action-reaction principle - June, 2013
On the Relativity of Cosmological
Expansion and the Physical Constants - June, 2013
Einstein's physical geometry at play:
inertial motion, the boostability assumption, the Lorentz transformations, and the so-called
conventionality of the one-way speed of light - June, 2013
Rydberg atom detection of the temporal
coherence of cosmic microwave background radiation - May, 2013
Relativity violations
and beta decay - May, 2013
Energy uncertainty of the
final state of a decay process - May, 2013
Fritz Hasenohrl and E = mc2
- March, 2013
New prospects and
techniques for matter wave interferometry with ions - March, 2013
On Back-reaction in Special Relativity
- March, 2013
Limits on Violations of Lorentz Symmetry
and the Einstein Equivalence Principle using Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy of Atomic Dysprosium
- March, 2013
I-Love-Q Relations in
Neutron Stars and their Applications to Astrophysics, Gravitational Waves and
Fundamental Physics - March, 2013
From aether theory to Special Relativity
- February, 2013
The quantum vacuum as the origin of the
speed of light - February, 2013
Is a rational explanation of wave-particle
duality possible? - February, 2013
- February, 2013
Attractive Optical Forces from
Blackbody Radiation - February, 2013
Is there a "Charge - Magnet Paradox"
- December, 2012
Testing Lorentz invariance with neutrino
bursts from supernova neutronization - November, 2012
A Relational Concept of Machian Relativity
- July, 2012
Comment on "Trouble with the Lorentz Law
of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and Momentum Conservation" - July, 2012
Spreading of Ultrarelativistic Wave Packet
and Redshift - July, 2012
Time vector defined in imaginary space of
spatial coordinate - July, 2012
Gravitomagnetic forces
and quadrupole gravitational radiation from special relativity
- May, 2012
Is the aether entrained by the motion of
celestial bodies? What do the experiments tell us? - April, 2012
Relativistic quantum
mechanics and relativistic quantum statistics based upon a novel perspective
on relativistic transformation - March, 2012
On the formal statement of the special principle
of relativity - September, 2011
Hasenohrl and the Equivalence of
Mass and Energy - August, 2011
Time-asymmetry of probabilities
versus relativistic causal structure: an arrow of time - August, 2011
Hubble's law and faster than light
expansion speeds - July, 2011
Elementary Considerations on
the Interpretation of the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Albert Einstein, 1953
- July, 2011
Quantum magic: A skeptical
perspective - July, 2011
What we don't know about time
- July, 2011
Einstein's `Z周rich
Notebook' and his Journey to General Relativity
- June, 2011
On time-interval
transformations in special relativity - May, 2011
Rigid body motion in special
relativity - May, 2011
Covariant Uniform Acceleration
and Time Dilation - May, 2011
Isotropy of the Speed of Light
- March, 2011
Reply to
"Isotropy of Speed of Light" by Castano and Hawkins
Longitudinal light clock and
Lorentz distortions - March, 2011
On the experimental determination
of the one-way speed of light - February, 2011
The Apparent Velocity and
Acceleration of Relativistically Moving Objects - February, 2011
Relativity tests and their
motivation - February, 2011
A Sensitive Test of
Mass-Energy Relation - January, 2011
The Nature and Origin of
Time-asymmetric Spacetime Structures - December, 2010
Phase tuning in Michelson-Morley
experiments performed in vacuum, assuming length contraction - October, 2010
Explaining atomic clock behavior
in a gravitational field with only 1905 Relativity - September, 2010
A Theoretical Diagnosis
on Light Speed Anisotropy from GRAAL Experiment - September, 2010
Testing Lorentz Invariance by
Comparing Light Propagation in Vacuum and Matter - August, 2010
Newtonian limit
of Einsteinian gravity: from dynamics of Solar system to dynamics of
stars in spiral galaxies - June, 2010
Relativistic Length Agony Continued
- May, 2010
The Interpretation of Wave Mechanics
with the help of Waves with Singular Regions - May, 2010
Nothing but Relativity,
Redux - May, 2010
"Nonrelativistic" Kinematics:
Particles or Waves? - May, 2010
Comments on Nonlocality in
Deformed Special Relativity, in reply to arXiv:1004.0664 by Lee Smolin and
arXiv:1004.0575 by Jacob et al - May, 2010
What and How does a Michelson
Interferometer Measure? - March, 2010
Is the Speed of Light Invariant
or Covariant? - March, 2010
The Twin Paradox and the
Principle of Relativity - February, 2010
The Invariance of the
Speed of Light - February, 2010
Extending Special Relativity
to Superluminal Motion - February, 2010
Absolute Motion Determined from
Michelson-type Experiments in Optical Media - February, 2010
Unless Connected to Relativity
the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics are Incompatible - February, 2010
Lorentz Transformation
Equations in Galilean Form - February, 2010
Lessons from Failures to
Achieve What was Possible in the Twentieth Century Physics - January, 2010
Poincare and Relativity: The Logic
of the 1905 Palermo Memoir - January, 2010
The Fundamental
Importance of Discourse in Theoretical Physics - January, 2010
Spacetime and Matter
- A Duality of Partial Orders - January, 2010
Deformation of the
Bodies by the Result of Length Contraction: A new Approach to the Lorentz
Contraction - January, 2010
Starships and Spinoza
- January, 2010
Beyond the Fundamentals
of Special Relativity: Full Lorentz Gamma Factor - January, 2010
Why Gravity is Fundamental - January, 2010
Three +1 Faces of Invariance - January, 2010
Time, Topology and
the Twin Paradox - October, 2009
Suggesting a Very Simple
Experiment Designed to Detect Tachyons - October, 2009
The Twin Paradox and
Mach's Principle - October, 2009
The age of the universe, the
Hubble constant, the accelerated expansion and the Hubble effect - August, 2009
Thomas Rotation and Mocanu
Paradox -- Not at all Paradoxical - July, 2009
The Nature of Time: From
a Timeless Hamiltonian Framework to Clock Time of Metrology - July, 2009
A Constructive Approach
to the Special Theory of Relativity - July, 2009
Unsuitability of the
Moving Light Clock System for the Lorentz Factor Derivation - June, 2009
Lorentz Contraction,
Bell's Spaceships, and Rigid Body Motion in Special Relativity
- June, 2009
Visualizing Imaginary
Rotations and Applications in Physics - June, 2009
The Central Mystery of
Quantum Mechanics - June, 2009
Adding to the Paradox:
The Accelerated Twin is Older - May, 2009
Time as an Illusion
- May, 2009
The Behaviour of
Clocks and Rods in Special and General Relativity - April, 2009
Experiment for Testing
Special Relativity Theory - April, 2009
Time Generated
by Intrinsic Observers - April, 2009
Constraints on Isotropic Modifications of the Speed of Light
- April, 2009
Is the Lorentz
Contraction Inevitable in the Special Theory of Relativity?
- April, 2009
Spaceships Paradox and Physical Meaning of Length Contraction
- March, 2009
Einstein's Apple
and Relativity's Gravitational Field - March, 2009
Unpublished Opening Lecture for his Course on Relativity Theory in
Argentina, 1925 - March, 2009
Relativity from the Wave Picture of the Light and of the Matter
- March, 2009
Speculations on
Dark Matter as a Luminiferous Medium - February, 2009
Some Paradoxes
in Special Relativity - February, 2009
An Alternative
Derivation of Einstein's Doppler Shift and Aberration Formulae
- February, 2009
Understanding the Special Theory of Relativity
- January, 2009
Supernovae Red
Shifts Fitted by Special Relativity, no Dark Energy - January, 2009
A New Paradigm for
Obtaining the Laws of Physics - January, 2009
Some Subtle
Concepts in Fundamental Physics - January, 2009
An Alternative to
Relativistic Transformation of Special Relativity based on the First
Principles - December, 2008
Experimental Test
of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation for Position and Momentum
- December, 2008
Particle and Wave:
Developing the Quantum Wave Accompanying a Classical Particle
- December, 2008
Illustrating Some
Implications of the Conservation Laws in Relativistic Mechanics
- December, 2008
Time Turns the
Universal Kaleidoscope - December, 2008
On Some Consequences
of the Snyder-Sidharth Deformation of Special Relativity
- December, 2008
Time and Reality
of Worldtubes - December, 2008
A Closer Look
at the Uncertainty Relation of Position and Momentum
- November, 2008
Probing New Limits
for the Violation of the Equivalence Principle in the solar-reactor neutrino
sector as a next to leading order effect - November, 2008
Harmonic mean,
the Gamma factor and Speed of Light - November, 2008
25 Years Ago:
The Official Farewell to the Meter - October, 2008
Mechanics and a Special Role for the Coulomb Potential
- October, 2008
A Variation of
the Clock Paradox and a Distinguishing Feature of an Inertial Frame
- September, 2008
Attributes of Physical Objects and the Laws of Space-time Physics
- September, 2008
Inherent in the Decomposition of a Transformation
- September, 2008
Transformations with Arbitrary Line of Motion - September, 2008
The Theory of
Relativity and the Pythagorean Theorem - September, 2008
The Einstein
Formula: E_0=mc2 "Isn't the Lord laughing?"
- September, 2008
Reversal in Time
Order of Interactive Events: Collision of Inclined Rods
- September, 2008
Modelling Time
- September, 2008
Simulation of Double-slit Experiments with Single Photons
- September, 2008
Mass and Total
Energy of Moving Bodies in a Quantified Expansion
- August, 2008
Unravelling Lorentz
Covariance and the Spacetime Formalism - July, 2008
New Space Experiment
Proposed for General Relativity - July, 2008
The Lorentz Force
and the Radiation Pressure of Light - July, 2008
The Two Faces of the
Coin of Special Relativity - July, 2008
Primary and Reciprocal
Space-time Experiments, Relativistic Reciprocity Relations and Einstein's
Train-embankment Thought Experiment - July, 2008
Faster than Light
Communication: Is it Possible? - July, 2008
On Decompositions
of Lorentz Transformations and their Physical Interpretations
- May, 2008
Generalized Principle of Limiting 4-Dimensional Symmetry and the Solution
of the "Two-Spaceship Paradox" - May, 2008
Special Relativity
and Possible Lorentz Violations Consistently Coexist in Aristotle
Space-time - May, 2008
Unexplored Aspect of Velocity of Light - May, 2008
Bohm's Realist Interpretation of Quantum mechanics - May, 2008
Scientific Realism and Classical Physics - May, 2008
Einstein's E = mc2 Mistakes - May, 2008
Why Einstein, Podolsky
and Rosen did not Prove that Quantum Mechanics is `Incomplete'
- May, 2008
Theory of the
Elementary Particles - May, 2008
Quantum Mechanics, is it Magic? - April, 2008
The Absolute
Frequency of the 87Sr Optical Clock Transition - April, 2008
On the Nonlinear
Continuum Mechanics of the Luminiferous Medium - April, 2008
A Model of Electrons, Photons and the Ether - April, 2008
The Relativity
of Inertia and Reality of Nothing - April, 2008
On a Question
of Relativity - April, 2008
Experiment within the Quantum Mechanics Framework - April, 2008
Effects and Life Expectancy of a Primeval Photon - April, 2008
Relativity and
Aether Theory, a Crucial Distinction - March, 2008 (original October, 2006)
Spectral Emission
of Moving Atom - March, 2008 (original June, 2006)
Time Dilation and
Langevin Paradox - March, 2008
Time Desynchronization
and Ehrenfest Paradox - March, 2008
The Mystical Formula and the
Mystery of Khronos - January, 2008
Single Photon Michelson-Morley
Experiment via de Broglie-Bohm Picture: An Interpretation Based on the Hypothesis
of Frame Dragging - January, 2008
A New Approach to
Special Relativity and The Universe - January, 2008
Universality of the
de Broglie-Einstein Velocity Equation - December, 2007
General Relativity with Satellite Laser Ranging: Recent Developments
- November, 2007
NASA Tests of
Einstein's Universe Call for Non-empty Space Physics of Nonlocal
Classical Matter - November, 2007
the Gravitomagnetic Clock Effect on the Earth with Neutron
Interferometry - November, 2007
Relativity Theory - November, 2007
The Velocity
Increase of Mass and the Classical Physics - November, 2007
Faster than Light
Quantum Communication - October, 2007
Proper Mass
Variation under Gravitational and Coulomb Force Action in Relativistic
Mechanics of Point Particle - October, 2007
Equivalent Clocks Across Inertial Frames - October, 2007
How Far
Should the Principle of Relativity Go? - October, 2007
The Watch
Paradox: Solution of the Problem - October, 2007
Comment on
"Macroscopic Violation of Special Relativity" by Nimtz and Stahlhofen
- September, 2007
About Superluminal
Motions and Special Relativity: A Discussion of some Recent Experiments,
and the Solution of the Causal Paradoxes - September, 2007
Lorentz Transformation
Directly from the Invariance of the Speed of Light via the Addition Law of
Parallel Speeds - September, 2007
Space-time Uncertainty
Relation and Operational Definition of Dimension - September, 2007
On the Concept of
Relativistic Mass - September, 2007
Macroscopic Violation
of Special Relativity - September, 2007
Quantum Corrections
to Special Relativity - August, 2007
First-person Visualizations
of the Special and General Theory of Relativity - August, 2007
The VSL Discussion: What Does
Variable Speed of Light Mean and Should we be Allowed to Think About ?
- August, 2007
Light Speed Invariance is a
Remarkable Illusion - August, 2007
Derivation of Relativistic
law of Addition of Velocities from Superposition of Eigenfunctions and Discreteness
- August, 2007
Localized Waves: A
Scientific and Historical Introduction - August, 2007
Local Lorentz Transformation
and "Lorentz Violation" - August, 2007
Interpretation of Relativistic,
Transverse, and Longitudinal Mass using the Lorentz Transformation of Reference Time:
Explanation of Time Dilation via Spherical Light Clock - July, 2007
Clarifying Einstein's
First Derivation for Mass-Energy Equivalence and Consequently Making Ives's
Criticism Void - May, 2007
On Spacetime
Coordinates in Special Relativity - May, 2007
Learning More from the
Lorentz Transformations - April, 2007
The Limits of
Special Relativity - April, 2007
Albert Einstein:
His Annus Mirabilis 1905 - January, 2007
The Time at the
Subplanckian Scale - January, 2007
The Free-Will
Postulate in Quantum Mechanics - January, 2007
Astonishing Evidence that c is not Constant: The Pioneer Anomaly
- January, 2007
Articles from 1997 to 2006
The World Year of Physics 2005
spawned many websites and articles
UK and Irish
"Einstein Year" site
Special Events
Beyond Einstein World Wide Webcast (past)
Einsteinfest at the Perimeter Institute (past)
Einstein Websites
Einstein - Image and Impact
Einstein's Big Idea
Einstein's annus mirabilis 1905
Special Journal Issues
- 1921 Issue
Physics World
New Journal of Physics
The Physics Teacher 2005 Issues
Special Conferences
Einstein's Century
Beyond Einstein
A Century After Einstein
Physik seit Einstein