SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show

The Simpsons' Audience Analysis results have been divided into two groups; Male and Female.
Male: (Five males participated in this survey)
Part A
Age: [two ] <21 [two ]21-30 [one ]31-40 [ ]41-50 [ ]51-60 [ ] >60
Occupation: [3 ]Student [ ]Working [2 ]Student/Working
Education: [ ]High-school [ ]College [ 5]University [ ]Graduate
How many hours a day do you spend watching TV? [two ] <1 [three ](1-3) [ ] >3
When do you watch TV? []Morning []Afternoon [2]Evening [3]Late at night
Why do you mainly watch TV? [2]Information [1]Fun [2]Both
Who do you usually watch TV with? [3]Alone [1]With Family [1]With Friends
Part B
Do you watch the Simpsons? [5]Yes [0]No
Do you consider yourself a fan of the Simpsons? [4]Yes [1]No
Why do you watch the Simpsons?
-Entertaining and funny.
-Just for fun.
-Because it's funny.
-It's funny, they cover a lot of topics, they can mock almost anyone.
When do you watch the Simpsons?
-Usually dinner time.
-At night.
-Sunday Evenings.
-No particular time--when I can.
-Whenever it's on TV and I am watching TV.
Who is your favorite character? Why?
-Homer because of his Hamlet like character in that he talks to himself.
-Lisa, she is the only one who is "normal" rational and smart in the simpsons' family.
-Homer because he's an idiot.
-Homer, Bart-- Interesting to see what they come up with.
-Bart, he gets away with everything.
Do you feel that the topics that are raised on the show are valid to viewers? Why?
-Yes, despite the humorous medium, it still address contemporary issues.
-Yes, I believe that what happens on the Simpsons', sometimes, also happens in our reality.
-Yes, by making fun of different people/things, they educate.

Female: (Eleven females participated in this survey)
Part A
Age: [two] <21 [nine ]21-30 [ ]31-40 [ ]41-50 [ ]51-60 [ ] >60
Occupation: [ 8 ]Student [ ]Working [ 3 ]Student/Working
Education: [ ]High-school [ ]College [ 10 ]University [1]Graduate
How many hours a day do you spend watching TV? [five] <1 [five](1-3) [one] >3
When do you watch TV? []Morning [1]Afternoon [8]Evening [2]Late at night
Why do you mainly watch TV? [ ]Information [8]Fun [3]Both
Who do you usually watch TV with? [5]Alone [3]With Family [3]With Friends
Part B
Do you watch the Simpsons? [11]Yes [0]No
Do you consider yourself a fan of the Simpsons? [9]Yes [2]No
Why do you watch the Simpsons?
-For comic relief from the harsh realities of life.
-Unpredictable storylines light viewing, sometimes funny, seems to be on all the time.
-Because it makes me laugh.
-I think it's clever and funny.
-It's funny.
-It's funny, witty.
-Funny, entertaining and applicable to everyday life.
-Story, exaggeration, and humor.
-I enjoy satirical humor.
-It's entertaining and the characters are very funny to watch and see what crazy things they get themselves into.
-It's funny and satirical. Different from other shows.
When do you watch the Simpsons?
-when it's on. (Re-runs)
-About once a week, I don't look for it. It just happens to be on when I am watching TV.
-Early evening 6 pm.
-Around dinner time.
-Whenever I get the chance, usually nite.
-Generally at a bar, at friends, home.
-Whenever I can find it- mostly Sunday night.
-I usually watch the reruns at 6 pm.
-Whenever, usually when my brother's watching.
Who is your favorite character? Why?
-Homer, cause he's funny and silly.
-Ralph, he's naïve, cute and says dumb/ funny things (Go banana!)
-Homer because he reminds me of my father.
-Homer, because I love to hate him.
-First, Homer. Second Bart. They are the most amusing.
-Lisa because we share the same name.
-Bart- he's funny, good example of kids today.
-I like Lisa because her character embodies the condition of the intellect in our commercial culture.
-Can't say I have one.
-I like both homer and Bart because they are funny and it's fun to watch them constantly get in trouble.
-Homer- he's an idiot.
Do you feel that the topics that are raised on the show are valid to viewers? Why?
-Yes, but I don't think anyone watches it for its educational or political value.
- No, I think that the show is all about stupid humor.
-Not really. Its not a show to be watching to get educated- it's just for fun.
-Yes, lots of pop culture references etc.
-Very, they are often approached in a subversive way.
-Yes. Most topics reveal humor in everyday (North) American life.
-Yes, they usually discuss topics relevant to everyday life even though it&#8217;s a cartoon.
-Because they poke fun at reality.


Nabil Fakhoury.

York University, Toronto, Canada.

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