SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show
That 70's Show
Struggle with Authority


According to Grote, the comedy is based around situations that involve resistance to power and authority (Feuer, 551). The main character Eric, struggles with parental power to treated like a mature individual. Red, the father of Eric is overpowering, unemotional and a traditional father. Red constantly bothers Eric about being weak, immature, and “sissy”. Eric tries to impress his father by coming up with witty comments and sophisticated ideas but continually gets put down by his father. The dynamic between father and son is explored almost every episode to create comedic relief. Even though Red is often mistaken he never apologizes or admits he is wrong like Feuer suggests is typical of the genre (Feuer, 551). Red’s comedy is found in his inability to express emotion or communicate effectively to his son. “Even though father doesn’t always know best, he never apologizes for being wrong” (Grossberg). Eric continues to rebel against his father by sneaking around and doing things that his father would disapprove of. The rebellion of authority and power by Eric creates many opportunities for comedic relief. The teenage rebellion to parental authority confirms the characteristics of the comedy genre.

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That 70's Show Home

Written by Sarah Potter

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