SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show



By looking at Marge she doesn't come across as being a very complex individual. At the same time her huge blue hair makes he stand out. She has a very simple long green dress red shoes and red pearls. Just by looking at her there is no depth to her character.


Just as Marge appears in many pictures as well as the show itself, she is a very simple individual. At the same time though, her hair is the one thing that will always grab your attention. You will often find yourself asking yourself "what is with that hair?" She appears to be having the same 50's look of the common housewife. In an article by Lawrence Grossberg he also has opinion of Marge Simpson's hair. He states: "Marge's rather spectacular blue hair certainly stands out. Is it dyed? Presumably, at least one hopes. It resembles a grossly exaggerated beehive hairdo, popular in the 1950's. Certainly, this hairstyle tells the viewer something, not only about Marge, but about the class and tastes of the family. (Grossberg 1998:171)" * They give her the persona of those stay at home mothers that just support their husbands. At the same time she does have her moments that break out of that mold. One of her key characteristics for this show is her constant nagging. She always thinks things are going to turn out badly (which for the most part they do), but she insists on saying something about everything. For the most part though, Marge is one of the few characters out of the Simpson's family that does not mask too much behind her appearance.

Bart - Lisa - Homer - Intro

By: Jeffrey Lyons

*Grossberg, L,E. Wartella & D. Whitney. The interpretation of meaning in MediaMaking: Mass media in a popular culture. CA; Sage Publications. 1998. pp. 147-176.

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