SOSC 4319
2003 - 2004

Group Project






The Shining

Image Courtesy of The Shining Synopsis

Social Issues/Concerns:

  • Deceit
  • Turning your back on someone who loves you
  • Psychologically disturbed; going crazy


  • Bright, daytime (complete opposite of traditional dark films, perhaps trying to create a new fear that horror can occur in complete daylight as well).
  • Light reflecting off the snow in the scenes, creates an awkward lighting
  • Night scene: offers an eerie feeling in its viewer as they are used to the daylight so prominently used in the film.

Camera Angles:

  • Free flowing
  • Point of View (hides facial expressions and allows audience to be put in someone else's shoes).
  • Tracking Shots (through the maze: creates a suspenseful scene as we don't know what to expect next).
  • Close-ups (for expression)


  • Introductory music identical to closing music: eerie and loud, with a 1940's feel


  • Ending: Open-ended (The ending implies that Jack was actually either a reincarnation of a man who used to work at the hotel, or a ghost…)


Kristina Gold
Communications Studies & Psychology Student









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