The experiences these women had with computer based technologies would be categorized into three levels, referring to the range of experience the user may have had, across five different types of computer applications:
1- Beginning Level Experience with computer applications that involved learning with computers and keyboarding skills for word-processing
2- Intermediate Level Experience with computer applications that ranged across three of the five categories:
i) Experience with computer applications for drill and practice, educational games, etc.
ii) Experience with computer applications that involved learning with computers and keyboarding skills for word-processing and database programs
iii) Experience with computer applications that involved learning with computers and application skills for desktop publishing and graphics programs
iv) Experience with computer applications that involved learning about computers for computer programming languages
v) Experiences with computer applications that involved using computers, communication software, and modems to access the Data Information Highway (Telecommunications such as: Internet, network links and the World Wide Web)
3- Advanced Level Experience with computer applications that ranged across four or more of the five categories