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Guide for Authors



MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted electronically to


BOOKS FOR REVIEW should be sent to Ian C. Jarvie, Managing Editor, Department of

Philosophy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3.


All submissions are refereed. This usually takes from 2 to 3 months.  Both blinded and full copies need to be uploaded.


Review Essays and Reviews are normally commissioned. Those interested in reviewing should contact the Managing Editor at





Final copy must be double-spaced throughout (including the Abstract, keywords, indented quotations, notes, and reference list), formatted for 8 1/2"x11" paper, left justified only. It needs to be in a common word processing format, such as MS Word.  pdf is not acceptable.  From March 2004 Philosophy of the Social Sciences has printed true footnotes. Authors using footnotes would be well advised to submit in MS Word.


The order of the manuscript should be abstract, keywords, text, followed by references, followed by biography (see A7 below).  Book reviews do not use this apparatus.


An indicator for the position of tables or figures should be placed in the text thus:

Table 1 (or Figure 1) about here

Camera-ready copy or electronic equivalent should accompany the hard copy.


Philosophy of the Social Sciences uses Chicago B reference style (chapter 16 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th and later editions). American spelling shall prevail. Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary will be the authority for spelling, hyphenation, etc. Dates should be fully spelled out (viz. 11 November, 1998; eighteenth century) and elision (can't, don't, I've, it's, we've and the like) eschewed. Behavior will take an s only in quotations. For purposes of historical accuracy, use original date of publication of the edition of works cited, not date of reprint. Thus not Winch 1977, but Winch 1958 with (1977) in parenthesis in the list of references.


All authors should provide, at the time of submitting final copy, updated postal address, telephone, and fax numbers at home and work, and email address.


An abstract of 100 words or less should be supplied with articles, discussions, and review essays.


Authors of articles, discussions, and review essays should provide in addition a short biographical note indicating areas of research, recent publications, etc., modelled on those that have appeared in the journal.


For indexing, authors should also supply four or five keywords.


NB: copyright. Quotations within an article or discussion note that aggregate to 300 words or more from a single work require the permission of the copyright holder, which should be sought and obtained by the author and forwarded when submitting the final revised copy. Some newspapers and periodicals do not acknowledge "fair use" - if in doubt, check with Sage. Review essays and book reviews do not normally require such permission.




Revised 16, February 2007