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Final Assignment


The Culture of the Ancient Greeks


Representation and Interpretation


1.           On a single typewritten page describe the rôle you played in your group’s presentation and the work you did in preparing for your part.  Be sure to explain how this may have changed in the course of preparation for your presentation.


2.           On a separate page (or pages) submit copies of any written work which you had to prepare for your part in your groups representation.  You should include e-mail communications that you sent in this category.


3.           On no more than two typewritten pages carefully describe and evaluate a presentation other than that of your group. 


4.           Write a two-page explanation about how your part in your group’s presentation and the presentation itself gave you greater insight into aspects of the culture of the Ancient Greeks.



Due: Wednesday 2 April 2003 at 08:30 in Curtis Lecture Hall A.



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