Lysias 1 as Drama 1



The Merry Wives of Attica


How to Murder your Man without really Trying


Drama giocoso


Lysias son of Cephalas


First performed in Athens in the Archonship of 

Laches (?)


and newly revised and revived by

P. Swarney

Vancouver and Toronto



Dramatis Personae


Euphiletus                                 a Gentleman of Athens


Wife of Euphiletus                    an Athenian Wife


Mother of Euphiletus                an Athenian Mother


Child of Euphiletus                    an Athenian Child


Slave (s)  of the  house of Euphiletus


Brother of Wife of Euphiletus


Relatives of Mother and Wife of Euphileus


Eratosthenes of                     an Athenian Libertine


Mother of Eratosthenes


Former Beloved of Eratosthenes


An Old Woman


Neighbours of Euphiletus


Athenian Judges



A dikasterion in Athens


Scene 1

(A year or so earlier)

House of Euphiletus in Athens


Scene 2

(Several Months after the birth of the child of Euphiletus)

House of Euphiletus


Scene 3

Funeral of the Mother of Euphiletus in Athens


Scene 4
Festival of the Thesmophoria in Athens


Scene 5

Upper chamber in the House of Euphiletus


Scene 6

A Street in Athens


Scene 7

Lower Chamber in the House of Euphiletus



A dikasterion in Athens