Professional Report 2

1.  In your seminar join (or be placed in) a group of no more than 5 of your fellow students who have chosen your topic for their bibliographies. Carefully note the full names and e-mail addresses of everyone in your group.


2.  Collate your bibliographies, paying some attention to what was acceptable and not acceptable to the mean spirited (but knowledgeable) instructor in the course.


3.  Select a book or an article from your list that the group would like to read and to report to the class.   Your instructor will be very impressed if you select an item in a language other than English. You may be strongly urged in the direction of a book or article.


4.  At the next  lecture submit  a statement about #1, 2 and 3 to the instructor in the course.


5.  Once you have received the approval of the instructor, devise strategies among yourselves about how you will go about reading the assigned work and reporting your assessment of it to the class.  


6.  Carefully read the work assigned to your group.  Your object is to do a critical review not to criticize the work.  You are not expect you to sit in any kind of judgment of the work assigned to you, but rather to tell  the class as clearly as possible what are, in your collective judgment, the important points of information or interpretation in your assigned  work. 


  Length: Two double spaced typewritten pages. 


  This review will be read to the class by a designated reader in your group.



7.  On an assigned date  in October/November your group will read its report directly to the class.  The class and instructor will ask questions of all members of the group who will each  carefully note observations and suggestions from the class and instructor which they will then individually revise into a final essay. Those absent from the group=s presentation will be noted as absent. Every member of the group is responsible for his or her own essay!  Each member of the seminar must carefully and professionally take note of each report and question the reporters about matters that are not clear.  



Professional Report 3  


8.   Due:       05 December 08:00 at the Second Examination



A. Your own revised final version of the review that your group presented in Seminar.


B. A copy of the report presented by your group in Seminar.


C. A statement about your rôle in preparing your group's report.


D. A copy of the bibliography as you originally presented it.


E.  A corrected copy of your bibliography if corrections were necessary.  



 9. At the December Examination you will be required to discuss a  report presented in your seminar other than that of your own group.




The work which you have been assigned from your intitial bibliography through to your final Reports will be evaluated at 70% of your essay grade for Fall Term!