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York University

Programme in Classical Studies

Humanities 2110,09


Fall Term 2003


Egypt in the Greek and Roman Mediterranean


Robyn Gillam

039 McLaughlin College


Paul Swarney

Vanier College




Fall Term 2003


Term Assignment


Part 1


Due:   Wednesday 8 October



1.    Select a topic from the list below.

2.    Locate a book on this topic in the York Library published after 1993

3.    Locate a book on this topic in the York Library written in a language other than  English.

4.    Locate a book on this topic in the York Library which does not mention the topic in the title.


5.     Locate an article on this topic in a journal  in the York Library published  after1993

6.     Locate an article  on this topic in a journal  in the York Library written in a language other than  English.

7.     Locate an article on this topic in a journal  in the York Library which does not mention the topic in the title.


You must include the Library's call number for the books and journals mentioned by you.


You must not remove any of the items from the York Library.


Caesar  Snakes       Cleopatra     Egyptian Kings       Antonius      Thebes     Gods and Ritual

Funerals            Herodotus in Egypt       Israel in Egypt    Armies  Calendar     Lions

A topic of your choice sent to  and approved by your professors .

You may use the following  methods of reference in this assignment.

  Author’s Name

Title of Book

Name of Publisher


Call number


Author’s Name

“Title of Article”

Name of Journal



Call Number


Evaluation:    10% of this term’s essay mark.

Please keep a copy of all your work!


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