Humanities 3110

The Age of Augustus

Final Essay


1.                 Topic


            chaos –ars-ordo


2.                 Premise:


Among the many topics and themes that stayed with us throughout this year has been the continuing alternation between ordo and chaos in the lives and images of authors and characters in works that we have read and seen.  In one way or another many of our narrators or their characters have suggested that ars, whatever we may or they may take the word to mean, is one of the ways by which we and they can strike a balance between the inevitability of this alternation and perhaps even alleviate the effects of these broad swings.  We might possibly suggest that even Augustus in his res gestae   subtly promoted a kind of ars imperii  for himself and for those attentive to his words.


3.                 Procedure:


Select some obvious example in Propertius, Ovid, and Vergil (excluding the Aeneid where the description of Dido’s new city in Book 1 may provide a working model for this topic).  Examine and explain how each author handles and resolves the conflicting tendencies and what ars he suggests for at least temporary resolution of the conflict.  More persuasive examinations and explanations will attempt to provide some sort of reference to actual works of art or architecture that may have been seen by or at least know to each author.


4.                 Length:


No more than six (6) double spaced typewritten pages.


5.                 Due:


Two weeks after our final test.


6.                 Evaluation:


100% of your essay grade for this term.