Joe Scali
Amanda Galati
Suzanne Martin
Roman Sculpture/Portraiture
Flower, Harriet. Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture. Oxford: Claredon Press, 1996.


Group D: Ara Pacis Augustae and the Mausoleum of Augustus 
Group Members: 
Chantelle Collymore
Kyle Tettman

A. Cosentino

Aeneas or Numa? Rethinking the Meaning of the Ara Pacis Augustae
Paul Rehak
The Art Bulletin, Vol. 83, No. 2. (Jun., 2001), pp. 190-208.


Group E: Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Timanthes

Jennifer Doalamo,
Hilda Chan,

Koortbojian, Michael.  "Mimesis or Phantasia? Two Representational Modes in
Roman Commemorative Art." Classical Antiquity  24.2 (2005): 285-289.


Sarah Morgan:
Jacquie Elms:

Vermeule, C. and D. von Bothmer.  ?Notes on a New Edition of Michaelis: Ancient
Marbles in Great Britain Part Two?.  American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 60,
No. 4.  October 1956.  pp. 321-350.


Here's the link to the article by Cornelius Vermeule:

In case you have any problems with this link, the search information for the
article locator is:
Title: Roman Sculpture
Author: Cornelius Vermeule
Journal: Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies
~Sarah and Jacquie


group members are Sarah Szulc ( and  Giovanni Di Giulio
Our topic is: the Nile Mosaic.
The Book is: Rome and Her Empire.
Barry Cunliffe,Rome and Her Empire(Constable and company 1994)



Group C: Theatre of Pompey

Bob Vinzon,
Jananie Ravendran,
L. Richardson, Jr. A Note on the Architecture of the Theatrum Pompei in Rome.
American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 91. No. 1. (Jan., 1987)

With relevant chapter of the book with which Richardson takes issue.



Dionysiac Mystery Frieze, Villa of the Mysteries,  Pompeii, c. 60-50 B.C.E.

Group Members:
Gayle Dandal
Emily Petch

Davis, Jessica M.  "The Search for the Origins of the Villa of the Mysteries
Frieze." Gazda, E.K. (ed).  The Villa of the Mysteries of Pompeii: Ancient
Rituals, Modern Muse. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology and the
University of Michigan Museum of Art, 2001.




I am doing the Nile Mosaic. Szulc


Dandal  Dionysiac Mystery Frieze," Gayle Dandal


Galati Marble Head of Livia, Amanda Galati,


Martin Statue of Patrician holding the busts of his ancestors.
Suzanne Martin.


Petch  Centaurs in the palace of pirithous.
Emily Petch.


Elms   Bust of Sextus Pompeius, Jacquie Elms,


?  My new topic is the Pompeian painting titled
"Punished love", from 25 B.C. My email address is  Name?


Ravendran    I've changed my mind and decided to do
Europa and the bull - Jananie Ravendran,

Theatre of Pompeius - Jananie Ravendran,


Vinzon  The Theatre of Pompey. Bob Vinzon,


Amanda Rekenye
The piece of artwork I am doing is Cleopatra and Caesarion at the temple of Dendra

Ara Pacis Augustae - Kyle Tettman -


Chris Satoor
Art Piece: The head of Cicero
student# 207053499


The Theatre of Pompey. Bob Vinzon.


Timanthes, Sacrifice of Iphigenia. Jennifer Doalamo,


Augustus wearing civic crown. Giuseppe Scali -


??  I am doing the Black Basalt Statue of Cleopatra VII. The preliminary sources
that I have found are:


Chantelle Collymore. Originally I had chosen to do the
Pantheon as my topic, however you to advised me to choose something different
due to recent controversies. My new topic is the Pompeian painting titled
"Punished love", from 25 B.C. My email address is


Coin from 41 BC.  Sarah


Roman aureus circa 41 B.C.E.   Richard Llanera


Thimantes, Sacrifice of Iphigenia.    Hilda Chan


Augustus of Prima Porta. Salma Amer.


Due to a lack of sources, I too changed art pieces to "Orestes and Electra"
circa 50-25 B.C.E.
- Richard Llanera


I attempted to find my topic in the library, but could not, so I was forced to
change it to the Portrait of Octavian from 30 BCE.

Sorry for the late notice,

Jacquie Elms


Sorry I did not send this earlier, but my computer has been out of comission for
a week now.  I am changing my piece of art from the portrait of the centaurs in
the temple of Pirious to:
the iniation (from a fresco in the villa of mysteries)
sorry for the late notice.

emily petch


Black Basalt Statue of Cleopatra VII.  Sophia Jaikaran.


I changed my art subject from Augustus of Primaports to Black Basalt Statue of
Cleopatra VII. Salma Amer


I am changing my topic from the Pompeian painting "unpunished love" to the
Mausoleum. The reason I am sendingmy sources now is for the reason that I hard
a very challenging time fnding any information on my previous topic, which why
I decided to change it.
Chantelle Collymore. Mausoleum.


Elsner, Jas. Art and Text in Roman Culture. Cambridge University: Great Britain
University Press, 1996.

Zanker Paul. The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus. Michigan: Michigan 
Unviersity Press, 1996.

Reinhold, Meyer. The Golden Age of Augustus. United States: Samuel-Stevens

Shuckburgh, E.S. Augustus: The Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman
Empire. London: T. Fisher Unwin.