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Catullus 11


Furius and Aurelius, comrades of Catullus,

whether he will penetrate into far off Indians

where shore is pounded by long echoing

       Eoan wave,


whether into Hyrcanians or soft Arabians,

whether Sacae or quiver carrying Parthians,

whether  waters that seven mouthed

       Nile  colours,


whether he will go over high Alps

gazing on monuments of Caesar magnus,

Gallic Rhine, bristling water, and

       Britains beyond;


all this, whatever sky dwellers’ will

will bring, ready immediately to try,

announce to my little girl a few

       not nice words.


Since she lives and prospers with those whores of hers,

whom she embraces three hundred together,

loving not one, but one after another

       breaking groins;


let her no longer look back at my love, as before,

which  for her fault has fallen  like

flower in  meadow beyond touched by 

       passing plow.