This is a Power Point set of slides. You can scroll through the selection with your mouse.






The altar, dedicated in 12 and finished in 9 BC, has been reconstructed next to the Mausoleum of Augustus (#8 and 11).  You can see the marble garlands carved along the interior walls, which may recall garlands which decorated a temporary structure in 12.    The frieze comprises “snap shots”  from the day of the dedication ceremony.




This is part of the procession on the right side of the view in #1.  With imagination one may make intelligent suggestions about names to be allocated to adults and children all of whom are from the extended family of Augustus.




This is a clearer view of the entrance to the altar flanked by Mars and Aeneas with details of the floral decorations around the lower section of the monument.




A model of the altar.




A section of the procession on the left side of the altar.  The figures certainly were all  identifiable and many have suggested names that might be applied.




The middle of the procession on the right side.  M. Agrippa who died in 12 BC is at the centre of the centre.




The right corner of the structure where Augustus near the start of the procession is about to meet Aeneas around the corner. 




The Mausoleum of Augustus.   The res gestae would have been at either side of the entrance.




Model of Mars Ultor in the Forum of Augustus.




An overview of the Forum. 




Aerial view of the Mausoleum of Augustus.  The Ara Pacis is now located in the covered structure   on the Tiber side of the Mausoleum and Alfredo’s in the colonnade on the other side.