Plebs  Patricii   eques/equites   comitium   comitia


comitia centuriata            (The Assemblies of the Centuriae)

193 centuriae  distributed among five numbered classes and several unnumbered orders voting century by century, class by class.


equites   18 centuriae


I classis  80 centuriae       < 70

II classis 20 centuriae       <  23 ? etc.

III classis         20 centuriae

IV classis         20 centuriae

V classis 30 centuriae


trumpeters, engineers      4 centuriae

infra classem  1 centuria of proletarii


Majority:        97 centuries


Consuls  2

Censors 2

praetors 10    


A motion accepted by the comitia centuriata is called a lex.



comitia tributa           (The Assemblies of the Tribes)

35 Tribus (tribes) voting tribe by tribe

31  Rural        

 4   Urban

majority 18 tribes

Magistrati:     Aediles      2

Quaestors       10>20

military tribunes

A motion accepted by the comitia tributa is called a lex.


comitia curiata                    (The Assemblies of the Curiae)

30  curiae  (wards) voting ward by ward.

Majority:        16 Wards

A motion accepted by the comitia curiata is called a lex.


concilium plebis       (The Council of the plebs)

   35  tribes of plebians

Magistrati:     Plebian Aediles 2

tribunes             10

A motion accepted by a division of the plebs is called a plebiscitum ("division of the plebs".)


senatus        (Council of “Elders”)


Princeps Senatus, consuls, praetors, magistrates


Advice of Senate is called Senatus consultum (=advice of Senate)