Essay 2

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Text and Context


1.  Select an inscription or papyrus from Lewis and Reinhold that is dated after the consulship of M. Cicero and C. Antonius.  Be very careful  to note the documentary title of your document not the title which has been conveniently created for it.


2.  Make a list of possible topics, observations or questions that you might make from and about this document concerning Mediterranean and Roman society in the late Republican period. 


3.  On Thursday 27 February hand in a single page on which you name your document and list some of the questions that you will discuss from it.


4.  Once you obtain professorial approval for your selection and your questions, carefully craft an essay in which you can discuss some of the issues raised from your document and the questions posed by you. Your work is not meant to be definitive but must place close attention on the topics,  personae, and events that we have covered in class.


Due:  Thursday 3 April 2003 08:30 in Vari Hall  1152


nota bene: You may not use CIL III pp. 769-799


You may wish to consider the following:



Lewis and Reinhold II

CIL VI 1527, 31670(=Dessau 8393)


OGIS 532 (=Dessau 8.781)

page 589

Zietschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik(1988)


page 590



CIL VI  32.323 (=Dessau 5.050)

pp. 612-616

CIL I 2nd ed. 593


P. Bingen 45

P. Bingen 45

CIL XII 4.333 (=Dessau 112)

pp. 622-623

OGIS 458 (lines 30-62)

pp. 624-625

CIL X 8.375

page 626


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