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Fall Term 2003 

Fourth Assignment 

1.                 Team up with four or five classmates to read an approved item in one of your bibliographies. 

2.                 Decide on a strategy for reading the work assigned to your team.

3.                 With your team write a two paged report on the more important aspects of your assigned work.

4.                 Select a member of your team to read your report to the class.  

5.                 With your team be prepared to answer questions and explain further your report. 

6.                 Carefully examining and considering what has been suggested or questioned about your team’s report write your own version of the corrected report.  

7.                 Hand in:  a. your version of the report;  b. a copy of your team’s report; c. a copy of the bibliography submitted on 2 October; d. a corrected copy of your bibliography;    e.  a clear statement of your  rôle  in constructing your team’s report.       


Due:  1-3    Thursday 23 October 

            4-5              28 October – 26 November

            6-7                 At the December Examination  

(Dates for presenting  your team’s report in class –steps 4-5 above- will be assigned arbitrarily.)

Evaluation: 80% of this terms essay grade (including your grade for assignment 3)  

NOTA BENE:    The December examination will have a question on reports other than your team's report.

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