
Bibliography for Quintus Curtius Rufus



Atkinson, J.E. A Commentary on Q. Curtius Rufus’ Historiae Alexandri Magni, Books 3 and 4. J.C. Gieben. 1980


Baynham, Elizabeth. Alexander the Great: the unique history of Quintus Curtius Rufus. University of Michigan Press. 1998


Hammond, N.G.L. Three Historians of Alexander the Great; the so-called Vulgate authors, Diodorus, Justin and Curtius. Cambridge: New York: Cambridge University Press. 1983


McKendrick, Scot. The Hostory of Alexander the Great: an illuminated manuscript of Basco da Lacena’s French translation of the ancient text by Quintus Curtius Rufus.Los Angelos. J.Paul Getty Museum. 1996



Bosworth, A.B. “Tacitus and Quintus Curtius Rufus.” Classical Quarterly. Oxford: 54.2 (Dec 2004): 551-568


Bosworth, A.B. “Plus ca change…Ancient Historians and their Sources.” Classical Antiquity. Berkeley: 22.2. (Oct 2003): p.167