


Blouin, Katherine.

2005    « Le Conflit Judéo-Alexandrin de 38–41: L'identité juive à l'épreuve ». Paris: L' Harmattan.


Borgen, P.

1992a  “The Jews of Egypt”, Freedman, D.N. ed. The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday.


1992b  “Philo and the Jews of Alexandria”, Bilde, P. et al. ed. Ethnicity in Roman Egypt. Aarhus :Aarhus University Press pp. 122-137.


Goodenough, E.R.

1926    “Philo and Public Life,” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 12:½ pp.77-79.

Argues convincingly that Philo was not simply a philosopher and theologian, but rather actively participated in politics in the public sphere for the major part of his life.


1938    “The Politics of Philo Judaeus, Practice and Theory”. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Advocates the theory that The Embassy and Against Flaccus were composed with anti-Roman political purpose.       


            1963    “An Introductin to Philo Judaeus,”. New York: Barnes & Noble  


Goudriann, K.

1992    “Ethnical Strategies in Graeco-Roman Egypt”, Bilde, P. et al. ed. Ethnicity in Roman Egypt. Aarhus :Aarhus University Press pp. 75-99.


Gryzbek, E.   

1999    “La repression à Alexandrie en 41 apr. J-C et le problème des délégations juives envoyées à Rome » Revue Historique de droit français et étranger, 77 pp. 213-222.


Hazar, E.G.

1988        “Alexandria ad Aegyptum in the Julio-Claudian Age”. Aufstieg und Niedergagn der Römischen Welt, 2:10.1 pp.619-668.


Kasher, A.

1992        “The Civic Status of the Jews in Ptolemaic Egypt”. Bilde, P. et al. ed. Ethnicity in Roman Egypt. Aarhus :Aarhus University Press. 


Mélèze-Modrzejewski, J.

1997    « Les Juifs d’Égypte de Ramsès II à Hadrien ». (Paris : Presses Universitaires de France)





2000a  « L’invention de l’apostasie. Du droit Ptolémaïque au Code                               

théodosien », Zablocka, M., J. Krynowek, J. Urbanik, Z. Sluzewska ed., Au-delà des frontières, mélanges de droit romain offerts à Witold Wolodkiewiez. (Varsovie : Liber).


2000b  « Espérances et illusions du judaïsme alexandrin », Pikulskiej-Robaszkiewiez, A. ed., Profesorowi Janowi Kodreskiemu in memoriam. (Lodz : Wyduwnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego).


Radice, Roberto and David T. Runia.

1988    “Philo of Alexandria, an Annotated Bibliography, 1937-1986”. Leiden: Brill.

For research completed in Philonic studies between the years 1937-1986.

2000    “Philo of Alexandria, an Annotated Bibliography, 1987-1996: with addenda for 1937-1986”. Leiden: Brill.


Smallwood, Mary.

            1961    “Philonis Alexandrini Legatio ad Gaium”. Leiden: Brill

For a translation of the Legatio ad Gaium with the Greek beside it, and some helpful commentary.


1967    “Documents Illustrating the Principates of Gaius, Claudius and Nero, collected by E.M. Smallwood”. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967).


Wolfson, H.A.

1944    “Philo on Jewish Citizenship in Alexandria,” JBL 63 pp. 165-168.

Elaborates on the civil status of Alexandrian Jews vis-à-vis the Greeks, Egyptians. Also provides insight into the rights and privileges they enjoyed.


Zeitland, Solomon.

1941    “Review: And Introduction to Philo Judaeus by Erwin R. Goodenough” The Jewish Quarterly Review, 31: 3 pp. 314-321.

A review that points out the weak points of Goodenough’s arguments in his Politics of Philo Judaeus.