Bibliography: Paul of Tarsus
Andrews, Mary E. "The
Problem of Motive in the Ethics of Paul. " The Journal of Religion 13 (1933): 200-15.
Bowers, Paul. "Paul and
Religious Propoganda in the First Century. " Novum Testamentum 22 (1980): 316-23.
Foakes-Jackson, F.J., and Harold R. Willoughby. "The Life of St. Paul, the Man and
Glover, T. R. Paul of Tarsus. New York: Hendrickson, Incorporated, (2002) 1-256.
Holloway, Paul A. "The "Sententia"
in Roman Rhetoric and Paul Testamentum 40 (1998): 32-53.
Knapp, Margar L. "Paul the Deaf." Biblical World 47 (1916): 311-17.
Knox, Wilfred L. "St. Paul and the Church of Jerusalem." University of Chicago: Journal of Religion (1926) 70-101.
Soares, Theodore. "Paul's Missionary Methods." The Bibilical World 34 (1909): 326-36.
Wilson, Mark, ed. St. Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen. Minneapolis: