Lets see if this works.

Presentation Preperation Readings

Heather McKnight, presenting on the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Aug 24-25th A.D. 79.

Original Ancient Document:

LAnnee Epigraphique, 1962, no. 288; September 7, A.D. 79; p 242

Lewis, Naphtali and Meyer Reinhold.  The Empire, Roman Civilization Vol II <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Selected <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Readings
, New York: Columbia University Press.

Second Ancient Document:

Loeb Classical Library, Selected Papyri II, Public Documents, p175-176.

P Hamb i. 4 =249 = Griechische Papyrusurkunden der Hamburger Bibliothok,

vol. i., by P.M. Meyer.  Engagement to Appear in Court A.D. 87.

Ancient Author:

Pliny, transl. Betty Radice, The Letters of the Younger Pliny

To Cornelius Tacitus, Book 6, n. 16, Penguin Books Ltd., London, 1969.

Read pg 166-168.  If you don't have this Penguin, don't worry, I'll bring in a copy of it.


There.  I hope that is what is required!

-Heather McKnight


My topic is the fall of Masada on April 15th , 73 AD

the ancient source is:

Josephus Flavius, The War of the Jewish, Book VII

which can be found at:


the excerpt is chapter 9 titeled
"How the people that were in the fortress were prevailed on by the words of
Eleazer, two women and five children only excepted and all submited to be
killed by one another."

I hope this is all the information that is required,



Event: Conversion of Paul the apostle




1.Sitzungsber. Preuss. Ak. 1911, p.796. Translation found in Select Papyri: Public Documents, Transl. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar, Document 211, “Two Edicts of Germanicus,” pp. 77-79


2. P.S.I. 901, 11. 7-16. Translation found in Select Papyri: Public Documents, Document 329, “Sworn Declaration of Fishermen,” pp.373-375.


3. CIL, vol. XIV, no. 2,112. Translation found in Roman Civilization Vol II, edited by Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold, “By-Laws of a Society,” pp. 185-88.




(Luke) Acts of the Apostles

A.)  For accounts of Paul’s conversion: Acts 9:3-19, 22:6-16, 26:12-18. (If you wish to compare these with Paul’s own words, look at Gal. 1:1-12, 15-16)

B.)   For Paul’s mission to the gentiles: Acts 15.



Rick Last

4 January, 2006


For my presentation, provided to Professor Swarney so hopefully this will get to
you in time, if not I can see what I can do if you don't have it:

Horace.  The Complete Odes and Epodes.  Trans. David West, New York: Oxford
        University Press, 2000.  (Epode 9)

Lewis, Naphtali and Meyer Reinhold.  Roman Civilization: Volume I, 3rd Ed.  New
        Columbia University Press, 1990, pp. 329

Propertius.  The Poems. Trans. Guy Lee, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
(Poems 3.11, 2.1, 2.15, 2.16, 2.34)
Vergil. The Aeneid. Trans. Frank O. Copley, New York: Macmillan Publishing
        Company, 1965. (Book 8: lines 671-731)

P. Bingen 45, [http://www.columbia.edu/itc/classics/
]. (Cleopatra document)

Also: my historian, Velleius Paterculus, I cannot find a copy of it online so I
might have to hand it out. There aren't really any copies in the library of
what I want you to read, so.. this is where I got it from:

Paterculus, Velleius. "The Varian Disaster" in Velleius Paterculus and Res
Gestae Divi Augustae, trans. Frederick W. Shipley. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1924, pp. 296-307 (History of Rome: 2.17-20).

Don't hate me because I'm informative ;)



Readings for the Death of Augustus

August 19, AD 14


Ancient Historians:

Cassius Dio. The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus. Scott-Kilvert, I. trans. Penguin

Books: Middlesex, 1987. Book 56 Chapters 29-47


Seutonius. The Twelve Caesars. Graves, R. trans. Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1984.

“Augustus” Pp. 54-112



Charlesworth, M.P. "Tiberius and the Death of Augustus." The American Journal of

Philology, Vol. 44, No. 2. pp. 145-157



Eck, W. The Age of Augustus. Schneider, D. trans. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.

Chapter 15, pp. 121-125


Old Document:

Ehrenberg, V. and Jones, A. eds. “Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum iv. I,

no. 894 (98a) in Documents Illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. London: Oxford University Press, 1976. p. 83-4 (Original Greek Text)


Sherk, R. ed. & trans. "September 17, AD 14" in The Roman Empire: Augustus to

Hadrian. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. p. 4


New Document:

Lewis, Naphtali and Meyer Reinhold.  “The Republic and the Augustan Age”, Roman

Civilization Vol I Selected Readings. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. p. 627 “Asia Mourns the God Augustus” (Translation of EJ, no. 98a)