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Greek Text - Select Papyri I: Private Affairs, Loeb Classical Library.
Document 54, Resignation of Claims to an Estate, written in 67 CE.

Greek Text
Aris Kappos


LAnne Epigraphique 1962 no 288 dated AD 79
-Concerns Titus and taxes (not the amphitheater).

you can find it on page 242 of Lewis and Reinhold (1990) Roman Civilization
Volume II 3rd Ed.  (New York, New York: Columbia University Press).

genevieve durigon


'Letter Of Claudius to the Alexandrians,' P. Lond. 1919. In Select Papyri:
Public Documents, Document 212, 78-89.
Greek text

Rick Last


Ok my topic is the Death of Tiberius, and my document is, "The oath of the
Aritensians. CIL, vol. II, no. 72 (=Dessau, no. 190); A.D. 37.  Located in
Lewis, Naphtali.
Roman Civilization: Volume II. [19??] Columbia University, page 8.


Margarette Moniz


First one is P.Bingen 45, from Professor Swarney's website -

Greek Text

The second is from the course textbook:
Lewis, Naphtali and Meyer Reinhold.  Roman Civilization: Volume I, 3rd Edition.
   New York: Columbia University Press, 1990, AE, 1977, no. 778; 29 B.C., pp.

Elana Winick



My document is known by P. Oxy. 275.  Greek Text 

I apologize to everyone that my information is coming in late, but hear it is.
My topic is the burning of Rome, and the document that I found that is closest
to this event is: A.S Hunt and C.C. Edgar, 13. Apprenticeship to a Weaver.
Select Papyri I, Loeb Classic Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press and
William Heinmann LTD, 2001, 39.


*Beatrice Kimak*


Event:  The ascension of Tiberius
Date:   20th of August A.D. 14.

Document: Two edicts of Germanicus dated A.D. 19
Known as: Sitzungsber.
Preuss. Ak. 1911, p. 796.

Greek text and English translation found in:

Henderson, Jeffrey, ed. Select Papyri II: Public Affairs.  Trans. A. S. Hunt, C.
C. Edgar.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2003, p 76, #211.

Hope that's everything,

Anthony Marchetti


Hello everyone, the event I am researching is the crossing of the river Rubicon
by Julius Caesar. (Date: January 11, 49 B.C.)

Hunt A. S. and Edgar C. C. Trans.
Select Papyri II: Official Documents.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003. p.57, #209.
Greek Text
Document translated from B.G.U. 1730.

                                                      Dennis Ovsyannikov


My event is the death of Augustus, which is dated August 19th, AD 14. The
closest document that I could find is from The Calendars, "September 17, AD 14"
and happens to be fragments from the fasti anni Amiternini, the fasti anni
Antiates and the fasti anni Oppiani. This is written in latin and I haven't yet
found an English translation, so have been working on my own. These fragments
are known as

CIL. i, p. 243; CIL. i, p. 247 and Inscr. Ital. xiii. I p. 328; CIL. vi, p. 3315

These can be found in the book

Ehrenberg and Jones. Documents Illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius,
Second ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1976. p. 52.

Nicole Gavin


My topic is the crucifixion of Jesus, this is my document -

Greek Text - Select Papyri II: Public Affair. Loeb Classical Library.
Document 278: Complaint of a Robery, written in 28-29 AD.

P. Ryl 125  Greek Text

Alex Kyriakides


Sorry for the delay in sending out this email, I hope it has not been an
inconvenience. My topic is the deposit of Augustus' will ( the Res Gestae) with
the Vestals at Rome on April 3rd, AD13. For this topic, the document that is
closest in time to my event is the Resolution on the Death of Gaius Caesar. The
document know by is:
         CIL, vol. XI, no. 1424 ( = Dessau, no. 140)
It can be found in  Naphtali Lewis & Meyer Reinhold, eds., Roman
Civilization Vol I The Republic and the Augustan Age,New York: Columbia
University Press,third edition 1990.(pp.636-638)

Parthenia Magharious


My Event is the fall of Masada on the 15th of April 73 AD

The document is:
A.S Hunt and C.C. Edgar, Toll Receit" P.Oxy. 1439
Select Papyri II, Loeb Classic Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press and
William Heinmann LTD, 1956, 485


My topic is the proclamation of Julius Caesar as Dictator for Life (early 44 B.C.) for this topic I have found the following document closest in time:
The Tablet of Heraclea (The "Julian Municipal Law")
CIL, vol. I, 2d ed., no. 593, lines 83-163 (= FIRA, vol. I, no. 13)
(c. June 44 B.C.)
it can be found in
Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold, ed. Roman Civilization Selected Reading, Volume 1: The Republic and the Augustan Age. 3rd ed. Columbia University Press: New York, NY, 1990. pp.449-453.
Conrad Hartmann


Sorry this report is a bit late, my topic was vespasian's death but b/c this
event was hard to locate, i have switched to the event to, Vespasian's success
in the Jewish war in A.D. 67.

The document I have found is in Naphtali Lewis &meyer Reinhold, eds., Roman
Civilization vII The Empire, New York. Columbia University Press,Third Edition
1990 pp 13-15

-CIL, vol.VI, no.944 (=Dessau, no.264)

Lesley Giacomel


My topic is:  the Revolt of Sparticus 73-71 B.C.E.
The document is: 
Document 40,  "Lease of Cleruchic Land" P Oxy. 1628
Written in 73 B.C.
Found on Page 123,
A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar,
Select Papyri I:Privatae Affairs.  Loeb Classic Library, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
St. Edmundsbury Press Ltd., 2001.

Maria Rocca


Here is a document that Ive been able to find closest to the Battle of Teutoburg Wald in 9AD.
Narbo honours Augustus' birthday
CIL, vol. XII, no. 4333 (=Dessau, no. 112)
It is available in
Naphtali Lewis &meyer Reinhold, eds., Roman Civilization vI The Republic and Augustan Age, New York. Columbia University Press,Third Edition
1990 pp 623-624
Best Regards,
Tom Leszczyk

My Event is the fall of Masada on the 15th of April 73 AD

The document is:
A.S Hunt and C.C. Edgar, Toll Receit" P.Oxy. 1439
Select Papyri II, Loeb Classic Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press and
William Heinmann LTD, 1956, 485




A document from 67 CE, one year before the death of Nero from Select Papyri I:
Private Affairs, from the Loeb Classical Library.

Select Papyri I: Private Affairs. Translated by A. S. Hunt et al. Vol. 266,
Document 54. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.
pp. 163-165

Tacituss The Histories is an ancient literary document which contains several
mentions of Neros death, but nothing that focuses on it.

Tacitus: The Histories. Translated by W. H. Fyfe. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press) 1997. pp. 5, 61, 112

Cassius Dios Roman History, book 63, gives a detailed account of Neros death.

Dio: The Julio-Claudians. Translated by Jonathan Edmondson. (London: London
Association of Classical Teachers) 1992. pp. 111-112

Nero, by David Shotter is a book written in 1997 (second edition in 2005) which
traces Neros ancestry and his life down to the time of his death.

Shotter, David. Nero (2nd edition). (New York: Routledge) 2005.

A short article in The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 90 No. 1 (Jan. 1969),
debates the exact date of Neros death.

Reece, Benny R., The Date of Neros Death, The American Journal of Philology,
Vol. 90, No. 1. (Jan. 1969), pp. 72-74.


Aris Kappos


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