(P. ELEPH. 1)


O. Rubensohn, Elephantine Papyri; Ägyptische Urkunden aus den königlichen Museen zu Berlin: Griechische Urkunden:

Sonderheft, Berlin 1907


P.Eleph 1, 1‑18


(Please note that this translation quite pedantically attempts to  reproduce the Greek which, however,  is not quite as strained.)      


Of Alexander son of Alexander as basileus in the seventh year,  of Ptolemaios as satrap in the four-
teenth year, month of Dios.  syngraphe of cohabitation of  Herakleides and Demetria.  Herakleides, <Koan>, takes
Demetria, Koan, as a genuine wife from her father Leptines,   Koan, and her mother Philotis, a freeborn man and
a freeborn woman, bringing with her clothing and ornamentation  worth 1.000 dr(achmas).  Herakleides, moreover,

5    shall  provide Demetria everything befitting a free born wife, that we, moreover, remain  wherever it seem best to Leptines and
Herakleides  consulting in common council. Should, however, Demetria be discovered devising any evil to the disgrace of her man Herkleides, she
shall be deprived of everything that she brought with her; Herakleides, however, shall prove whatever he might allege against Demetria before three men,
of whom both approve. Nor, on the other hand, shall it be permissible for Herakleides to take in another woman in  insult (hybris) of Demetria, {n}or
to produce children from another woman, {n}or for Herakleides   to devise evil on any pretext at all against Demetria.

10  If Herakleides is discovered doing any  such things and Demetria prove it before three men of whom they both approve,
Herakleides shall give away to Demetria the dowry which she  brought worth 1.000 dr. and shall pay in addition 1.000 dr. of  sil-
ver  of Alexander. Action for recovering payment shall  be allowed to Demtria  as if from dikē  according to nomos, and to those acting with
Demetria, both from Herakleides himself and  also from all his property both on land and  maritime.  This syngraphe
here shall be valid in every way  as if having been drawn up there wherever Herakleides might bring it against

15  Demetria or either Demetria or those acting with Demetria might bring it against Herakleides. Heraklei
des and Demetria shall both be guardians (kyrioi) of the syngraphe keeping it in their own custody and producing it against each other. Witnesses:
Kleon, Gelan; Antikrates, Temnian;  Lysis, Temnian; Dionysios, Temnian; Aristomachos, Kyrenaian; Aristodikos, Koan. 


[311 BC]




P. Eleph. 2, 1‑18 

L40 of Ptolemaios as basileus, month of Gorpiaios; Priest,  Menelaos son of Lagos. Contract (synga

phe) and agreement.  Dionysios, Temnian, arranged  the following  with Kallista, Temnian, his wi

fe. If anything happen to Dionysios, (it is agreed) that he  leave all his property to Kallista and that she be  mistress

(kyria) of all the property while she lives. If anything happen  to Kallista while Dionysios is alive,

5   that Dionysios be kyrios of the property. If, however, anything  happen to Dionysios he shall leave the property

to all his sons. Accordingly, moreover, Kallista, if  anything happen to her, shall leave the pr‑

operty to all the sons, with the exception of  portions which Bacchios, Herakleides,<and> Metrodoros may receive  for  work‑

ing from Dionysios and Kallista, while father and mother were alive. But Bacchios, Herakleides,

Metrodoros having   married and established themselves, the property of Dionysios and Kallis

10 ta  shall be common among all the sons. If, however, Dionysios or  Kallista while alive are in  any difficulty or  have outstanding debts,

all the sons shall provide support in common and contribute  together to pay off  debts, If, however, any of them

not want to provide support, or contribute towards paying off, or co‑operate in the burial, he shall pay out a thousand drachmas,

and action shall be allowed from (i.e. against) the one not co‑operating and not  acting as described. If, however,

Dionysios or Kallista leave any debt, it shall be permissible for the sons not to intervene if they do not wa

15 nt to after Dionysios and Kallista are dead. This contract here shall be valid (kyria) in every way

wherever it may be produced, as if agreed there. They have  willingly  plac

ed the contract with Herakleitos as keeper of the contract.  Witnesses: Polycrates, Arcadian; Androsthenes, Koan;

Noumenios, Cretan; Simmonides, Maronean; Lysis <and> Herakleitos, Temnians.


 [284/283 BC]