Tacitus, Histories 1, 1-4



I propose to begin my work with the year when Servius Galba was consul for the second time and

Titus Vinius was his colleague.

Many historians (auctores) have dealt with the 820 years of the earlier period beginning with the foundation of Rome,

and the story of the Roman Republic has been told

with equal eloquence and independence (libertas.)


After the Battle of Actium,

when the interests of peace were served

by the centralization of all authority in the hands of one man,

that literary genius fell idle.


At the same time truth was shattered under a variety of blows.


Initially it was ignorance of politics,

which were no longer a citizen's concern;


later came the taste for flattery

or, conversely, hatred of the ruling house.


So between malice on one side and servility on the other

the interests of posterity were neglected.


But historians find that flattery soon incurs the stigma of slavishness

and earns for them the contempt of their readers,

whereas people readily open their ears to slander and envy,

since malice gives the false impression of independence.


From Galba, Otho, and Vitellius,

I have experienced nothing either to my advantage or my hurt.


I cannot deny that I owe the launching of my career to Vespasian,

or that I was advanced by Titus and still further promoted by Domitian;


but those who lay claim to unbiased accuracy must speak of no man with either hatred or affection.


I have reserved for my old age,

if life is spared to me,

the reigns (principatum) of the deified Nerva

and (imperium) of [the Emperor] Trajan,

which afford a richer and a safer theme:


for it is the rare fortune of these days that you may think what you like and say what you think.



The story I now commence is

rich in vicissitudes,

grim with warfare,

torn by civil strife,

a tale of horror even during times of peace.


Four emperors (principes) slain by the sword.


Three civil wars: often entwined with these,

an even larger number of foreign wars.


Successes in the East, disaster in the West, disturbance in IlIyricum, disaffection in Gaul.


The conquest of Britain, immediately given up;


the rising of the Sarmatian and Suebic  tribes.


Dacia had the privilege

of inflicting and receiving defeat at our hands,

and a pretender claiming to be Nero

almost deluded the Parthians also into declaring war.


Now too Italy was smitten with new disasters,

or disasters it had not witnessed for a long period of years.


Towns along the rich coast of Campania

were swallowed by the earth or buried from above.


The city was devastated by fires,

her most ancient temples were destroyed,

and the Capitol itself was fired by Roman hands.


Sacred rites were grossly profaned,

and there was adultery among the great.


The sea swarmed with exiles, and cliffs were red with blood.


Worse horrors reigned in the city.

To be rich or well born,

to hold office or refuse it,

was a crime:

merit of any kind meant certain ruin.


Nor were the informers more hated for their crimes

than for their prizes:


some carried off a priesthood or the consulship as their spoil,

others won administrative office

and a place at the heart of power:


the hatred and fear they inspired worked universal havoc.


Slaves were bribed against their masters,

freedmen against their patrons, and, if a man had no enemies,

he was ruined by his friends.




However, the period was not so utterly barren

as to yield no examples of heroism.


Mothers accompanied sons in flight,

wives followed husbands into exile:


one saw here a kinsman's courage

and there a son-in-law's devotion:


slaves obstinately faithful even on the rack:


distinguished men bravely facing the utmost straits

and matching in their end the famous deaths of older times.


Besides these manifold disasters to mankind,

there were portents in the sky and on the earth,

thunderbolts and other premonitions of good and of evil,

some doubtful, some obvious.


Indeed, never has it been proved by such terrible disasters to Rome

or by such clear evidence that the gods are concerned

not with our peace of mind,

but rather with vengeance.




Before I begin my task,

it seems best to go back and consider the state of affairs in the city,

the temper of the armies,

the condition of the provinces,

and to determine the elements of strength and weakness

in the different quarters of the world.


By this means we may see not only the actual course of events,

whose outcome is largely governed by chance,

but also why and how they occurred.


The death of Nero,

after the first outburst of joy with which

it had been greeted, soon had aroused conflicting feelings

not only among the senators,

the people,

and the soldiers in the city,

but also among all the generals and their troops abroad.


It had divulged a secret of state (imperium):

an emperor )princeps) could be made elsewhere than at Rome.


Still, the Senate was overjoyed.


They had immediately taken advantage of their liberty

to act under less constraint before an absent new princeps (emperor.) new to the throne.


The delight of the leading knights (equites) fell little short of the Senate's.


Respectable citizens who were attached to the great families (houses),

clients or freedmen who had seen their patrons condemned or exiled,

now revived their hopes.


The base mob (plebs),

who had grown familiar with the pleasures of the theatre and the circus,

 the most degraded of the slaves,

and men who had squandered their property

and lived on Nero's discreditable bounty,

all were miserable and greedy for news.