Quodsi meam spem vis inproborum fefellerit atque superaverit,

commendo vobis parvum meum filium,

cui profecto satis erit praesidii non solum ad salutem,

verum etiam ad dignitatem,

si eius, qui haec omnia suo solius periculo conservarit,

illum filium esse memineritis.


But if the violence of wicked men trips and overwhelms my hope,

I commend to you my little boy,

for whom there will be enough support not just for saftey

but even for status,

if [you remember] him as son of one who preserved all this

at his own personal peril.


[24] Quapropter de summa salute vestra

populique Romani,

de vestris coniugibus ac liberis,

de aris ac focis,

de fanis atque templis

de totius urbis tectis ac sedibus,

de imperio ac libertate,

de salute Italiae,

de universa re publica decernite diligenter,

ut instituistis,

ac fortiter.

Habetis eum consulem,

qui et parere vestris decretis non dubitet

et ea, quae statueritis,

quoad vivet,

defendere et per se ipsum praestare possit.


Therefore, [you must decide with diligence] about your ultimate survival

and survival of Roman people,

about wives and children,

about altars and hearths,

about shrines and temples,

about every city roof and home,

about imperium and libertas,

about Italia's survival,

about our entire res publica,

what to put in place,

and with bravery.

You have a consul

who would not hesitate to carry out your decisions,

and [able to defend and on his own promote] whatever you decide,

so long as he lives.