Vanier College Productions


The Brothers M

(a farcical comedy based on The Menaechmi)


Titus Plautus wrote The Menechmi early in the second century BC. The comedy about twin brothers separated at 7 became the source for Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors.  Vanier College Productions this year presents unique versions of both plays.  The season begins with the source play by Plautus.  Called The Brothers M, this VCP version is directed by former York student Taylor Wilson and presents the original of this familiar story: When two sets of twins end up in Epidamnus on the same day, confusion arises – as wife, mistress, friends and servants mistake them for each other.  Twisting plot lines and general mayhem are as contemporary as they are classical. 


The Brothers M opens on November 16, with performances on November 17, 18, 19, and November 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2005.  Tickets are $10 (students/seniors) and $12 (general).  All performances will take place at 8:00 p.m. in the Vanier Studio Theatre, 258 Vanier College (take east entrance, stairs or elevator to the second floor).  Call x40023 for reservations.