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Lightness constancy in reality, in virtual reality, and on flat-panel displays
Patel KY, Wilcox LM, Maloney LT, Ehinger KA, Patel JY, Wiedenmann E, Murray RF (2024)
Behavior Research Methods   PDF   DOI   OSF

Noise prism: a novel multispectral visualization technique
Canham TD, Vazquez-Corral J, Long DL, Murray RF, Brown MS (2023)
Color and Imaging Conference 31   PDF   (Best Student Paper Award)

The effect of perceptual optimization on color space navigability
Canham TD, MacKenzie SI, Murray RF, Brown MS (2023)
Graphics Interface 2023   PDF

An intrinsic image network evaluated as a model of human lightness perception
Murray RF, Brainard DH, Flachot A, Patel JY (2023)
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2023   PDF

Luminance calibration of virtual reality displays in Unity
Murray RF, Patel KY, Wiedenmann ES (2022)
Journal of Vision, 22(13):1, 1-9   PDF   OSF

An intrinsic image network with properties of human lightness perception
Murray RF, Brainard DH, Patel JY, Weiss E, Patel KY (2022)
Color and Imaging Conference 30   PDF  

A 360° omnidirectional photometer using a Ricoh Theta Z1
MacPherson I, Murray RF, Brown MS (2022)
Color and Imaging Conference 30   PDF  

Efficiency of object recognition networks on an absolute scale
Murray RF, Kehoe DH (2022)
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 2022   PDF  

Lightness perception in complex scenes
Murray RF (2021)
Annual Review of Vision Science, 7, 416-437   PDF

Number adaptation can be dissociated from density adaptation
DeSimone, K, Kim, M, Murray RF (2020)
Psychological Science, 30(11), 1470-1474   PDF   OSF

A model of lightness perception guided by probabilistic assumptions about lighting and reflectance
Murray RF (2020)
Journal of Vision, 20(7):28, 1-22   PDF   OSF

Visual perception and natural illumination
Murray RF, Adams WJ (2019)
Current Opinion in Behavioral Science, 30:48-54   PDF

Shape from shading under inconsistent illumination
Wilder J, Adams WJ, Murray RF (2019)
Journal of Vision, 19(6):2, 1-15   PDF

What image features guide lightness perception?
Kim M, Gold JM, Murray RF (2018)
Journal of Vision, 18(13):1, 1-20   PDF

Lightness matching and perceptual similarity
Patel KY, Munasinghe AP, Murray RF (2018)
Journal of Vision, 18(5):1, 1-13   PDF

Optimal combination of illusory and luminance-defined 3-D surfaces: a role for ambiguity
Hartle B, Wilcox LM, Murray RF (2018)
Journal of Vision, 18(4):14, 1-15   PDF

Classification images in a very general decision model
Murray RF (2016)
Vision Research, 123, 26-32   PDF  

Perceived three-dimensional shape toggles perceived glow
Kim M, Wilcox LM, Murray RF (2016)
Current Biology, 26(9), R350-R351   PDF   movie    supporting information  

Posterior probability matching and human perceptual decision making
Murray RF, Patel K, Yee A (2015)
PLOS Computational Biology, 11(6): e1004342   PDF   data and code

Classification images reveal decision variables and strategies in forced choice tasks
Pritchett LM, Murray RF (2015)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(23), 7321-7326   PDF   data and code

The role of natural lighting diffuseness in human visual perception
Morgenstern Y, Geisler WS, Murray RF (2015)
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XX   PDF

Human vision is attuned to the diffuseness of natural light
Morgenstern M, Geisler WS, Murray RF (2014)
Journal of Vision, 14(9):15, 1-18   PDF   data and code

Human lightness perception is guided by simple assumptions about reflectance and lighting
Murray RF (2013)
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVIII   PDF

The statistics of shape, reflectance, and lighting in real-world scenes
Murray RF (2013)
In Dickinson and Pizlo (Eds.), Shape perception in human and computer vision   PDF

Classification images and bubbles images in the generalized linear model
Murray RF (2012)
Journal of Vision, 12(7):2, 1-8   PDF

The human visual system's assumption that light comes from above is weak
Morgenstern Y, Murray RF, Harris LR (2011)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(30), 12551-12553   PDF

Classification images: a review
Murray RF (2011)
Journal of Vision, 11(5):2, 1-25   PDF

Cue combination on the circle and the sphere
Murray RF, Morgenstern Y (2010)
Journal of Vision, 10(11):15, 1-11   PDF

The intrinsic constraint approach to cue combination: an empirical and theoretical evaluation
MacKenzie KJ, Murray RF, Wilcox LM (2008)
Journal of Vision, 8(8):5, 1-10   PDF

Visual memory decay is deterministic
Gold JM, Murray RF, Sekuler AB, Bennett PJ, Sekuler R (2005)
Psychological Science, 16(10), 769-774   PDF

Classification images predict absolute efficiency
Murray RF, Bennett PJ, Sekuler AB (2005)
Journal of Vision, 5(2), 139-149   PDF

Troubles with bubbles
Murray RF, Gold JM (2004)
Vision Research, 44(5), 461-470   PDF   Reply and re-reply   Related work

Saccadic and perceptual performance in visual search tasks. II. Letter discrimination
Murray RF, Beutter BR, Eckstein MP, Stone LS (2003)
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 20(7), 1356-1370   PDF

Practice doesn't make perfect
Geisler WS, Murray RF (2003)
Nature, 423, 696-697   PDF

A linear cue combination framework for understanding selective attention
Murray RF, Sekuler AB, Bennett PJ (2003)
Journal of Vision, 3(2), 116-145   PDF

Optimal methods for calculating classification images: Weighted sums
Murray RF, Bennett PJ, Sekuler AB (2002)
Journal of Vision, 2(1), 79-104   PDF

Time course of amodal completion revealed by a shape discrimination task
Murray RF, Sekuler AB, Bennett PJ (2001)
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 8(4), 713-720   PDF

Deriving behavioural receptive fields for visually completed contours
Gold JM, Murray RF, Bennett PJ, Sekuler AB (2000)
Current Biology, 10(11), 663-666   PDF   An interesting response