Course Design Checklist
considered the relevant characteristics and expectations of the programme in
which I am teaching and of the students with whom I am working? □ GOALS
Have I
articulated the primary goals of the course?
Are they appropriate for my context? Will my students be able to
identify these goals and use them to guide their work? □ CONTENT AND GOALS Can I
explain the relation of the topics I have chosen and my use of them to the
course goals? □ RESOURCES Have I
selected appropriate and sufficient resources for students to use in pursuit
of the learning goals? □ LEARNING ACTIVITIES Can I
point to the specific activities which will foster the students’ learning
with respect to each of my goals? □ KEY PRINCIPLES AND LINKS Does my
design facilitate the identification of the central theme and key principles
of the course? Does it facilitate
creating links among the important ideas in the course? □ EVALUATION Does the
evaluation system assess students’ progress with respect to the course goals? Will students be clear about the criteria
by which they are assessed? □ SYLLABUS CHECK Have I discussed
my design and syllabus with others who might advise as to potential problems? Course Design Institute May 2004 |