The Journals & Notebook of
 Nathan Bangs 1805-1806, 1817


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James Lackington on Methodist Converts
Lackington 107-8

It is true that many of their hearers are not only methodistically convinced, or alarmed, but are also hocus pocusly converted; […] And even those among them who have arrived to the highest pitch of enthusiasm, and who at times talk of their foretaste of heaven, and of their full assurance of sins forgiven, and of talking to the Deity as familiarly as they will to one another; (all which, and much more, I have heard a thousand times) yet even those very pretended favourites of heaven are (if we believe themselves) miserable for the greatest part of their time, having doubts, fears, horrors of mind, &c. continually haunting them wherever they are.

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Edited by Scott McLaren
Book History Practicum
University of Toronto