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Research > Educational Tools > Learning Objects for Grade 9 Mathematics

Lesson Plan

by Haiying Zhu for Stephen Chen and George Frempong

Lesson 1 (1 hour)

Using Learning Objects in the Classroom

1. What is a learning object?

A learning object is “any digital entity designed to meet a specific learning outcome that can be reused to support learning”. (CLOE 2003)

For more information about the definition, history and standard about the learning object, please go to

2. Search engines for learning objects

Handout: Web-based Resources for Mathematics: Tools and Activities for Teaching and Learning

3. Sample learning objects about Grade 9 Linear Relations

  1. Exploring Linear Functions: Representational Relationships
  2. Linear Lasers
  3. Fun and Sun Rent-A-Car
  4. Function Flyer

Lesson 2 (1 hour)

Discussion session:

Suggested topics for discussion on sample learning objects include:

  • Applet design
  • Teaching materials
  • Mathematical Content
  • Pedagogy
  • Benefits

Lesson 3 (1 hour)

Focus on Stephen Chen’s applet: Choosing the Right Cell Phone Plan

1. Demonstration: How to teach Grade 9 linear relations with the applet?


You are going to choose a cell phone plan that is best for you. There are three options offered by ITALK, a cell phone company:

Plan A: “Pay As You Go”—30 cents per minute
Plan B: “Average Plan”—25 dollars per month, plus 15 cents per minute
Plan C: “Heavy Use”—50 dollars per month, plus 5 cents per minute

Exploring Questions

The best way to solve the problem is by graphing the three plans on the same coordinate plane.


  1. Which is the x-axis? Which is the y-axis?
  2. What graph will each plan make? Why?
  3. What is the rate of change for each plan?
  4. Which graph passes through the origin point (0, 0)? Why?
  5. What is the initial value for each plan?

After students come to the conclusion that they are going to make lines on the graph, they should be encouraged to explore the following questions:

  1. How many points do you need to make a line?
  2. Which of the lines is the steepest? Why?
  3. What is the meaning of the slope of a line?
  4. How many points of intersection will be on the graph? Why?
  5. What is significant about the points of intersection?

Analyzing the Graph

Based on the applet, students are asked to analyze the graph and answer the questions 6-10.

Solving the Problem

Solve the problem with the aid of applet and present the solution in class, explaining under what condition you should choose each option.

2. Discussion Session

Topics may include the following:

  • Major concerns for using the applet in the classroom
  • Some features the applet possesses that will benefit the classroom teaching
  • Pedagogical model embedded in the applet
  • Task materials accompanying the applet
  • Others?