TIEDI Analytical Report 22- July 2011 |
Economic Recession and Immigrant Labour Market Outcomes in Canada, 2006-2011: How has Canada’s recession affected the Canadian-born and immigrants’ labour market outcomes (unemployment rate, full-time employment rate, and employment in industry sector) from 2006 to 2011? Does the effect vary by gender, immigrant status and place of residence? by Philip Kelly, Stella Park, Laura Lepper
If you have any questions or comments, please comment below. We welcome your feedback on this report and any specific reflections you may have on the findings presented. Comments will be moderated.
Media response - Toronto Star, Interview with Philip Kelly (July 15, 2011) - Metro News, (July 15, 2011) - Y-File, (July 18, 2011) - OMNI TV News, Interview with Stella Park (starts at 1:30min), (July 15, 2011)
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