TIEDI York University

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TIEDI Analytical Report 28- February 2012


Computer Use among Immigrants in the Workplace: How does it vary by gender, educational level, ethnicity, occupation and tenure?

by Tony Fang, Fang Yang, Philip Kelly, Stella Park and Maryse Lemoine


- In general, immigrants use computers at their current workplace less than the Canadian-born, though the difference between Canadian-born and established immigrants is small.

- Word processors, communications applications and spreadsheets are the most popular computer applications. Immigrants and the Canadian-born have similar probability of using these applications at their current workplace.

- For male employees, a larger proportion of immigrants use a computer in comparison to the Canadian-born. For female employees, a larger proportion of Canadian-born use computers in their current workplace in comparison to immigrants.

- More highly educated individuals have a higher probability of computer use at work.

- In general, the Canadian-born use a computer at work more than immigrants across all employment tenure categories.

- Managers and professionals have higher probability of computer use than non-managers and non-professionals. For non-managers and non-professionals, the Canadian-born have higher probability of computer use than immigrants. For managers and professionals, the findings are mixed.

To read the full-report, click here, http://www.yorku.ca/tiedi/doc/AnalyticalReport28.pdf






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