Data Reference in Depth: sources of international labour data
Walter W. Giesbrecht
York University, Toronto
Link to other presentations in the "Data Reference in Depth" session
International Labour Organization (ILO)
"The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues."
ILO databases/sources
- Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM)
- Global Statistics on the Labour Market
- Labour force surveys
- Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour (IPEC-SIMPOC)
- Covers official core labour statistics and estimates for over 200 countries since 1969. Also provides methodological descriptions of main national statistical sources.
- uses mostly national definitions, except in limited cases
- considerable variability in the number of people counted (all employees, vs. salaried employees)
e.g., hours worked (hours worked, hours paid, actual hours worked, usual hours worked)
Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM)
- country-level data on 20 key indicators of the labour market
- training tool on development and use of labour market statistics
- highlights of current labour market trends
- analyses of key issues in the labour market
- available in both client and web-based versions
Global Statistics on the Labour Market
- published monthly
- uses indicators selected for their ability to reflect recent and short term changes
- based on national definitions
- not seasonally adjusted or otherwise altered by ILO
Labour force surveys
- provides links to latest LFS data and survye methodology for a wide range of countries
- only main LFS for each country
Statistical Information and Monitoring
Programme on Child Labour (IPEC-SIMPOC)
- comprehensive compendium of child labour statistics and methodological guidance material
- data can be accessed in the form of national child labour survey reports, statistical country-briefs and other resources derived from household-based SIMPOC surveys
- some microdata also available
Other sites
International Labor Comparisons (US)
- "used to assess U.S. economic and labor market performance relative to that of other countries and to evaluate the competitive position of the United States"
- data are "[adjusted] ... to a common conceptual framework"
OECD Labour Statistics Portal,3398,en_2825_495670_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
Other relevant publications
What's missing?
- Surveys that contain labour data as a component
- Canada: SLID, EICS, WES
These other surveys can provide useful context to the changes in labour patterns for individuals and families in countries that carry them out.