Title: Identities and Knowledges of Care

DEADLINE: July 19, 2024

Women and Environments International Magazine (WEI) is seeking submissions for its upcoming issue on "Identities and Knowledges of Care", for publication in Fall 2024.

The objective of this issue is to:

  1. Bring into 'conversation' diverse expressions of the meaning of care (for and with the land, other humans, more-than-human beings, rivers, forests, oceans, ecosystems, etc.), gendered dimensions of care, and how care is practiced in various places, over time, and at various scales.
  2. Create a shared space for contributions concerning knowledges and experiences of care in diverse languages and modes of expression. This includes opportunities for deep translation using explanatory footnotes, oral recordings, songs, and stories with awareness of the importance of the connotations and eco-cultural knowledges that make caring possible.
  3. Recognize the essential nature of care for others and the Earth, as practiced worldwide, and showcase the diversity and richness of environmental care practices and knowledge systems from around the world, highlighting the varied experiences and profound wisdom of individuals and communities who are actively committed to the preservation and safeguarding of our planet. We focus specifically on questions of care to emphasize practices that connect us with the land. We are looking for stories related to care which also speak to resilience and resistance, sovereignty, self-determination, stewardship, and ways to govern that value the diversity of care practices and knowledges.

Contributors are invited to explore the following topics, among others:

  1. Stories of care and related politics (e.g., contestation, activism, movements for compassionate governance) involving specific actors, situations, places, times, cultures, and/or caregivers.
  2. Accounts of climate and social-ecological crises and their effects on land, communities, and care.
  3. Interrelationships and reciprocity among land, culture, language, and care across time.
  4. The challenge of multiple translations that may affect understanding. For example, when languages of people who live close to the land are translated into one or more 'lingua franca' and/or settler languages, with losses of meaning at each stage.
  5. As Women & Environments International Magazine, we invite submissions that (1) showcase the strength of women, gender-diverse people, and Indigenous communities across space and time, (2) emphasize gender diversity in our relation to caretaking, and/or (3) take an intersectional perspective to acknowledge the various contexts, challenges and opportunities that arise in caretaking.

Submissions may be in the form of articles, critical studies, essays, personal narratives, case studies, book or film reviews, poetry, photography, songs, and/or visual art. We appreciate every submission to WEI.

Submissions: Send submission(s) electronically to using "Identities and Knowledges of Care" as your subject heading. Please refer to the Editorial guidelines attached (or see our website) for word limits, formatting and style. In this issue, we open the door to diverse ways of knowing and diverse languages. We value different voices and modes of expressions and are accepting submissions based on two principles:

  1. Language diversity. Please feel free to include portions or all of your text in the language of your choice, as well as a translation in English. You are welcome to include footnotes explaining any translation challenges and 'deep meanings' of words and concepts.
  2. Diversity in ways of expression. Please feel free to include different types of media with your submission to bring it to life. This can include stories, artworks, evidence of installations, images, photography, videos, audio clips of songs or spoken words in the language of your choice, among others. It can also include literature reviews and interviews. The magazine is published online, and we are exploring various ways of including multi-media submissions as part of this issue.

If your submission does not align with the Editorial guidelines below, please contact us by email to explore how we might include your contribution in the online publication.

General Information: WEI is a magazine that has examined peoples’ relations to natural, built, and social environments from intersectional feminist and anti-racist perspectives since 1976. It has provided a forum for academic research and theory, professional practice and community experience. Like most scholarly publications, WEI does not pay for contributions but retains a wide readership so your contribution will reach a broad international audience. Upon publication, WEI assumes a non-exclusive, worldwide, and perpetual right to publish and reproduce contributions in any format in and outside the magazine's context. This does not preclude contributors from granting permission to publish their materials after publication in WEI provided WEI is acknowledged as the original publisher.

Women & Environments International Magazine, Faculty of Urban and Environmental Change, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto ON Canada M3J 1P3

