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Deadline Dates


Alzheimer's Association: Pilot Research for New Investigators (letter of intent due; full application due mid-October)

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Special Grants Program for Japanese Studies in Canada; Tanaka Fund Program for Japanese Language Studies (application due at ORA; application due at AUCC mid-November)

Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology (CRESTech): Core Research Program

York University (Office of Student Financial Services): Ontario Work/Study Plan

September 15

Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation: Grants-in-Aid

All Souls College (Oxford): Visiting Fellowships

Canada Council: John G. Diefenbaker Award (draft nomination due at ORA; full nomination due at Canada Council Nov. 15)

Canadian Bar Association: Law for the Future Fund

Canadian Digestive Disease Foundation: Operating Research Grants

Cancer Research Society: MRC Scholarships

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange: Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grants; Subsidies for Publication; Travel Grants

European Cultural Foundation: Grant Program

Hudson River Foundation for Science and Environmental Research: Research Grants preproposal due; full research proposal due late November)

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International (The Diabetes Research Foundation): Career Development Awards; Research Grants; Postdoctoral Fellowships (first two pages of application due; complete application due Oct. 1)

Lung Association: Canadian Thoracic Society Scholarship (full application due; letter of intent due June 15)

Medical Research Council (MRC): Various Research Funding and Personnel Programs (see ORA for details)

NATO: Research Infrastructure Support (Computer Networking)

NSERC: Space, Astronomy and Relativity Project Research Grants (advance material due; full application due Nov. 1)

Sloan (Alfred P.) Foundation: Research Fellowships

Wildlife Habitat Canada: Communication and Education Projects; Habitat Conservation Restoration and Enhancement Projects; Research Projects

York University (administered by ORA): York Ad Hoc Research Fund Conference Travel Grants


Major Facilities Access Grant

MFAs are to support researchers' access to facilities or research resources that are significant in size, value or importance and that are not routinely available in Canadian universities. The facilities are used by researchers from a number of institutions including universities, government laboratories and companies within a region or across the country. These resources cannot be entirely supported from sources such as user fees and research grants. They may include large special items of research equipment, specialized experimental facilities, or a core of highly skilled technical or professional research support staff essential to the research activities of a group.

Deadline: Aug. 16 for Notification of Intent to Apply; full application due at NSERC by Oct. 1.

Note: This program is now offered on an annual basis (previously offered only once every three years).


Special Initiative Grants

York University has received a one-time-only SSHRC Institutional Grant of $232,000. York is using these funds to stimulate increased participation in SSHRC's programs of support. York faculty members can apply for up to $10,000 to support networks and the development of applications for interdisciplinary competitions, and untenured faculty in tenure stream appointments can apply for a 1/2 course release (or up to $6,100) to develop research proposals into grant applications.

Deadline: Sept. 30.


Fall 1999 Competition Up-date

ORA has received information regarding the 'Advance Material' that must be submitted to NSERC prior to the full application form. All those submitting NSERC Research Grant applications for the November 1, 1999 competition must send to NSERC this 'advance material' by no later than August 16, 1999. NSERC has communicated with all known potential applicants (e.g., those currently on a final installment of a previous grant). However, new faculty members and those researchers who have not applied recently, should contact ORA for information.

ORA has learned that NSERC will be making some revisions to Form 100 and 101, which will be applicable to those submitting research or equipment grant proposals to the upcoming Fall/Nov.1, 1999 competition. The applications will be available, and can be completed, on the internet. However, applications may not be submitted electronically. NSERC will still require hard copies of applications.

Deadline: Aug. 16 for advance material; Nov. 1 for full application.


Research Infrastructure Support (Computer Networking)

NATO provides support to Partner countries in structuring the organization of research and creating the required basic infrastructure. This involves transfer to and support for Partner countries by NATO countries. It is intended to benefit in particular the most geographically remote Partner countries and those which are technologically least well-equipped. Specifically, funding is available to advance electronic communication within the scientific community in Partner countries in order to bring scientists into contact with the international scientific community. Grants can be made for Networking Infrastructure or Advanced Networking Workshops.

Deadline: Sept. 15.

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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